
I could have killed him. We talked about it but we never agreed. But here I am, just got home from work and I’m greeted by this stupid little dog at the top of the stairs. I’m in total disbelief. I cannot believe he went behind my back and brought home a puppy. 

“What the hell are you doing here?” I say as I stare into the brown beady eyes of this stupid dog. I scream for my husband “Charlie!’ Of course he doesn’t answer me. “Charlie! So help me god you better answer me!” I exclaim, the ears of the stupid little fuzzy ball perk up. “oh no you don’t, you‘re not cute! So don’t act it” my fury growing. What the hell was he thinking? 

The pup tilts her head as she looks at me with her tiny little dopey eyes. They look too close together, great not only did he get a puppy but he got the reject puppy. She’s clearly been dolled up to make her more appealing, wearing a little purple handkerchief and a tiny bow thrown in the mop top curls. Charlie probably thought this would soften the blow. Her one ear more floppy than the other, what kind of mutt is this? Her fur was white with tan patches, all of her curls were frizzy. Most likely from the fresh bath. She looks like she licked an electrical socket. Obviously a mix. What a stupid, ugly dog, I thought to myself. 

Finally my husband pops his head around the corner. Picking up the pup as he walks to the entryway. He leans in for a kiss, trying to be cute but I’m in no mood. “Say hello to your new mommy” he says as he sheepishly hides behind the puppy. The puppy clearly excited reaches out licking at my face. “Ewww stop you know I hate that! Get that stupid dog out of my face, and what is it doing here?“  

Charlie, stood there with the puppy in his hands, showing her off as if he’s won a prize. 

“Come on babe, she needed a home. Look how cute she is!” 

He knew I’d never say yes, especially to this dog. 

“She needs a name, I was thinking of Belle. I’ve been trying it on her all afternoon, she seems to listen to it” he said while scratching her behind that awkwardly floppy ear. 

I raise my eyebrow, “she’s anything but! You picked the ugliest dog there and you want to name her Belle?” I said in a scoff. “Ugh, I guess I’m stuck with you.” Giving it a chance I rub the scruff of her neck and take off her stupid handkerchief. 

Its been a week and despite my best efforts I’m still not won over on this whole dog thing. Trailing behind my husband every minute of the day. Those two are completely inseparable. Unless she’s eating my shoes or drinking from the toilet that is. 

Not only is she stupid and ugly, she disgusting too. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t completely hate her. She has her moments but I’m mostly still annoyed with her. Watching movies on the couch she serves purpose and warms my feet. 

I’ve refused to call her by her given name though, instead I’ve started calling her “dumbbell” she answers just as well despite my husband’s obvious disapproval. 

Nearly six months now and Dumbbell is still an annoyance on my life. I thought they were supposed to get better, not worse. 

She’s worse than a child, she’s completely destroyed the house. Scratching and chewing at doors, who would have thought a dog gets separation anxiety? But not just any type of separation. Strictly separation of Charlie. 

The minute my husband leaves for work all she does is cry and whine. Sitting by the door barking all day long until he walks though. Showing clear disappointed when I come home before he does. 

It’s oddly upsetting. I tried to get close with her but there’s no budging. She only wants Charlie.

The second he’s home she starts hopping like a bunny, overwhelmed with excitement. She eats, sleeps and plays with him and only him. God forbid I get in their little circle. Most women get jealous, but this that’s the cake. Never did I think I’d be pushed away by a stupid dog. 

We’ve come to a understanding. It took a lot of time and a lot of the “it’s me or the dog” fights. Charlie has realized I’m just not a dog person. I’ve never successfully bonded with Dumbbell.

The way I see it she’s is His dog and only his dog. 

Dumbbell is approaching her third “birthday” now. She stopped eating my shoes, and peeing on my clothes. And in return I let her curl up next to Charlie every night in bed, as long as he stays on his side only. 

I get her spoiled little fuzzy butt treats and she leaves me have alone time. When I come home she greets me and I give her a bone so she can wonder off until bedtime. It took trial and error but here we are, comfortable with each other.

Watching Charlie and Belle playing in the yard gives me a feeling of content. Standing by the kitchen doors I watch as he tosses a tennis ball for her. 

I see how happy she make Charlie. I see how much she loves him and how dependent they are on each other. It’s a love unlike what we share as husband and wife. The love they share is truly unmatched. They can do no wrong to each other. 

Coming home tonight Dumbbell jumped on me, she’s never done that before. She knows better. 

“Get lost!” I say in disgust tossing her bone in hopes of her leaving me alone. “He’ll be home soon, get out of here” I lead her to the back door and push her rear to go outside. As I shut the door she starts jumping and barking. Why is she acting like this? 

Shrugging it off I open the fridge in search of what to make for dinner. Debating between grilling some chicken or just throwing some pasta in, I glance at the clock. Deciding to take it easy and just do the pasta.

I scoop a heap of food into her bowl and slide the door open for belle to come back. This is normally Charlie’s thing. “Sorry dumbbell, your stuck with e for your dinner date. He’s running late tonight” why am I talking to this stupid dog? I think to myself, she doesn’t understand anything I’m saying. I strain the pasta and place the pot back on the stove. I grab my phone from the counter and check my messages. Nothing, no missed calls, no texts. Where is he?

I called his phone, no answer. 

“Did you get lost coming home?” I send in a text. Waiting for the read receipt  I stare at my phone for awhile. “Ok, I’m eating without you. Love you” I send before making myself comfortable at the dining room table. Shuffling my food around my plate, something doesn’t seem right. I cant eat, something is just unsettling. In the eight years we’ve been married he’s never left me guessing. 

Over an hour passed since I sent him the text. I’m jolted by the sound of my phone ringing. I feel my heart sinking as I look at an unfamiliar number on my screen. I slide to answer “Mrs. Roberts? This is Maria I’m a nurse at Saint Joseph’s emergency room, your husband was brought in 40 minutes ago via ambulance. I’m sorry to tell you, he was in an accident. We need you to come to the hospital” 

I feel myself go hollow. My knees begin to buckle from the weight of my body. Belle circling the kitchen, frantically pacing and panting. Stupid dog, go lay down I’m thinking. I grab my purse and blindly head out the door.

Hours seem to have passed in a matter of minutes. I must have had 30 people talking to me. God, why won’t they just leave me alone? 

“I... um, I need to get home. I need to feed the dog. Am I ok to leave now?” I ask the doctor as I sign what seems like the billionth paper. 

“Yes ma’am, please try to get some rest. Again, I’m so sorry”

I can hear the barking as soon as I get out of the car. I walk through the door, Belle circling my feet. I slide myself down the wall and sit on the hard tile, the cold sends a chill down my entire body. 

Belle’s hovering, panting frantically. I grab hold of her. For the first time since Charlie brought her home, I pulled her close. I can feel her breathing heavily on my shoulder, wincing every now and then. 

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry belle. He’s not coming home. Daddy’s not coming back” I start to sob as the words finally escape my mouth. I couldn’t believe it. How could this have happened? 

Belle buries herself into my arms, climbing up and nestling herself into me. She must know, I can’t help to think she knows exactly what I’m saying.

It’s been a week now and despite my best efforts Belle, has not left my side. Every step I take, she shadows me. She’s by my side every second of the day.

He’s gone and were lost without him. But we’re slowly getting back to a new normal. Now when I come home, Belle greets me with a wagging tail. She takes her bone and follows me to the kitchen. We lay on the couch together. I sit on the deck and toss the tennis ball for her. At bedtime she still lays in Charlie’s spot but she lays her body next to mine the same way he did. I hold her tightly, my way of still being close to Charlie. I look into those beady little brown eyes and rub behind that floppy ear. I don’t know what I’d do without this stupid dog. 

May 16, 2020 01:54

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