Fantasy Fiction Kids

Hi mom, how was your day at work today? At school our teacher tried to have us write a story and put it online and see if people like it. I thought maybe me and Marie could work on it together. Do you think it would be ok if she stayed for dinner? "Sure sweetie, but we were going to go out to dinner". Is that okay with Marie? I don't know, I will go call her. She is wondering where we are going to go? We are going to Rally's. Mom, Marie says she is on her way over. We have to start the story.

As I left the kitchen to open the front door my brothers start running down the stairs. I said "Can you guys go back upstairs? Marie is coming over for dinner and to help me with my project. They yell and say "Yay! We love Marie can she come draw with--Ding! Marie is here go back upstairs. I sprint to open the door and find her panting on the other side. We walk upstairs and into my room. We open up our notebooks and get to work....Tracy! Time to go to Rally's. Marie and I scurry down the stairs we were starving. Me, Marie, and my older sister Cali cram into the backseat ,my three twin brothers, Nickey, Rickey and Mickey shove each other into the middle seats my mom ( Kimberly) in the passenger seat and my dad driving. We stayed that way for twenty minutes and at last we arrived. The tired sun, was like a fire sinking over the horizon the sky a blaze of pinks ,oranges ,and purples. The waitress sat us down at the table in the corner she said her name was Lexi and she would be our server today. Then she asked if she could get us anything to drink? We all ordered root beer and quickly drank it. She refilled it about a dozen times and we all ordered the three course meal the first course for all of us was soup. We all chugged it as fast as we could and the land around us faded away and we are sitting in the middle of a field we see a cabin in the distance and a man carrying wheat and when he sees us drops it and sprints over to his cabin I look around and it turns out it was just me and my siblings that were in this dull land we walk over to the cabin to see if they could tell us where we were a girl opens the door and says her name's Kimberly Lentil and we back away slowly. I tell my siblings that that was moms maiden name and we then realized we had traveled back in time. Our mom invited us in and asked what are names were we told her what our names were and she invited us into her cabin. She asked us where we were from and where are parents were. We said that we where from Michigan and that our mom was closer than she knew. After talking for a while she started telling us about her family. She said she had two brothers and four sisters. The sisters names were Tenley, Courtney, Michelle, and Cindy her brothers names were Andy and Paul. Then we told her that we are all siblings. We talked for what seemed like hours then walked in the man we saw in the field that must be her dad and her mom a short plump women. They asked if we wanted to stay for dinner and spend the night we said sure. The mother started to make the meal as the dad apologized for running off earlier. We said it was okay and that we probably scared him a bit. The dinner was venison with mashed potatoes, gravy, and homemade bread rolls. At last I asked where we were. They looked surprised but answered anyway. They said we were in Houston Texas, December 9, 1990. After that no one spoke just ate we were rapping up dinner when the mother (our grandmother) came in with a small cake and she was singing. Then I remembered that December 9 is moms birthday though in our time she is 41 she is now turning 11. At the end of dessert we started to discuss our parents and how they were looking for some land and if it would be okay if we stayed with them for a little while. After figuring everything out we went upstairs and arranged our sleeping places I was going to sleep with my brothers and sister and Kimberly (our mom) was going to sleep with her brothers. We woke up the next morning bright and early when Kim said we have to help milk the cows and feed the animals. It took a while for us to get the hang of it but eventually we got pretty good at it. when we finished feeding the animals we set of to get the chicken eggs. We collected 2 dozen eggs and then headed inside. We had breakfast then we went back outside to shower. We had to take turns and it took a while but eventually we were ready for church. We got in the wagon and the dad (our grandpa) hooked up the mules and we set off. In the distance we could see a beautiful small peaked building. The service was beautiful and the inside of the church was gold with flowers. After the service was over we went back to the cabin, did more work in the field, and then had dinner. We did this everyday for seven days. On the seventh day we said bye and walked off as we were walking. The old land on where my mom lived started fading away and while it was fading we told our mom that to the world she was a mom but to us she is the world.

December 10, 2023 20:59

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Carolyn O'B
19:59 Dec 16, 2023

Good job.


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22:23 Dec 11, 2023

I wrote this for my mother and was trying to see if people would like it.


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