Please come back to me.

Submitted into Contest #73 in response to: Write about someone who gets proposed to five times on Christmas Eve.... view prompt



Today was like no other. Christmas Eve! She could feel a tingling in her fingertips, giving her a chill as her smile grew wider. She gave no thought to the quiet snowfall dappling her clothing as the lights around the city sparkled and glowed, casting reds and blues and white all over the snow covered cobblestone, the evergreens seeming to dance and sway in the silent breeze. The sight was truly magical, but it was missing something. Something that would complete the joy she felt in her heart. Or, maybe someone. She fidgeted with the black box in her palm, tossing it back and forth as she waited for him to appear. The moon had already risen, the last of the late night dawdlers pacing the streets with their loved ones and eating heart shaped chocolate from a box they had clearly bought themselves. The contentment on the street satisfied her, there was nothing better than a happy Christmas Eve.

"Excuse me Miss?" Her ears pricked as a timid voice reached her. She carefully turned around with a warm smile on her face, knowing how to please this next suitor.

"Hello there." Her voice was soft and gentle as velvet, sweeping the man off his feet and wrapping itself around him with care and comfort, twisting and turning to fit perfectly around his slim body. She had this effect on people. With just two words she could enchant anyone she wished, holding them with the grip of a tigress and squeezing out anything she wanted.

"A-ah well, I just saw you standing here a-and I thought it would be nice to uh give you this gift." He laughed anxiously, holding the box in silver wrapping out with one trembling hand. One glance at his face and you could tell how flushed it was. He had his scarf tightly wrapped around his neck, covering his mouth and nose, as if he had been trying to hide his face from embarrassment. Rightfully so, as the woman standing in front of him was a beauty like no other, her skin and lips looked light and full, her rosy cheeks making her reddish brown eyes all that more encapsulating.

"Ah, thank you." She giggled, he could see the slightest hint of disappointment in her eyes, as if she wished he were someone else. In turn, she could see the regret in his eyes, as if he knew she already had someone.

The moment she had grasped the present in her delicate hands, he had run off at full speed his scarf waving behind him. He rounded the corner and that was the last she would ever see of him.

She sighed and pocketed the gift, knowing whatever was in it would not fill the hole in her heart. She hadn't seen him all year. She had no idea it would hurt, she thought it would go by fast and she'd see him again when he came back, but the time had gone by so slowly, and nothing seem to satisfy her anymore.

A sharp crack rang out from under her foot. She calmly looked down, not one thing could bring her focus from him. A pesky twig. That snap had sounded how her heart felt when he went away. Sighing quietly, a look of defeat on her face, she sat on the bench next to her, the snow wetting the bottom of her coat. She paid no mind, to lost in the loneliness of a Christmas without him.

With the coat having draped over her sides and uncovered her legs, the brisk dusk entrapping them sending shivers throughout her body. Clearly tights were not a good plan for the weather.

"Ah you look cold. Here, have this blanket." She turned her head to see a kind man with a big bundle of blankets handing her one. It was a cream color, little fuzzies decorating it and adding character. It was quite thick, and she could tell it was very warm.

"Thank you sir." She smiled up at him, thankful for the honest gesture. It was clear he was handing out lots of blankets and winter gear for those still out in the cold, including herself. He walked away with a smile on his face and pep in his step, leaving mushy footprints in the snow.

As she draped the blankets over her legs, the warmth seeping into her bones, a little bit of the hole in her heart filled with the kindness she had been shown. A small smile played on her lips and she opened her mouth, letting snow fall onto her tongue. However, her peace was cut short when a woman with a fabulous black dress on approached her. Her long braids swished behind her as she effortlessly walked lightly in her heels, her dominant presence earning small looks and glances from bystanders.

"Hello, dear. I was walking by and I happened to notice you. Perhaps you would like some company?" Her voice was deep and husky, and her intentions were clear.

"No thank you, but I appreciate the offer." Even though she hated to admit it, this woman was right. She was lonely, and her patience was growing thinner by the day. When she was a little bit younger, a little bit more daring, she would have accepted her offer. But it did not matter to her. Her loyalty to him was greater than any other desire she possessed. She'd sleep with no man, no woman, not while he plagued her thoughts in every passing moment. She could smell him in the air, feel his touch in the mornings, hear his voice in joyful cheers of those around him.

The offer of company only let her heart sink even further than it had before. Yes, he was two hours late. They were supposed to meet her at 9:00 PM, in front of the giant Christmas tree that lit up the square a block from their shared apartment. Her glaze softened slightly, as she looked down feeling defeated.

"I won't take up to much of your time then. Here's my card, you should check out my agency some time. We'd love to have you." The woman gently pulled out a business card from her coat's pocket, holding it in front of her, offering it out. Our protagonist reached out a hand and grabbed the tip of the card, holding it in front of her and inspecting it. "Goodbye sweets." The woman gave her a quick wink and walked away, snow covering up her footsteps.

A closer inspection at the card showed that this was for a modeling agency. She had always wished for this, photography and art her ultimate passions. Her cheeks flushed slightly, feeling honored by the fact that she finally had a shot at her dreams. A giddy feeling rose in her chest, but quickly died at the thought of not being able to share this moment with him.

She had been waiting for over 2 hours. Checking her watch, it was a quarter til midnight, and then, she'd go home. She closed her eyes, taking in the cold snow around her, scattered in her hair and on her shoulders. Even with the blanket, it was rather cold.

A gust of wind blew a long piece of fabric her way. A scarf.

"I'm so sorry, it slipped out of my hands. Please forgive me miss!" A young boy around the age of 12 came scrambling up to her, wearing a messy cap and a bedraggled jacket, his pants ripped at the edges and shoes caked in years of mud. She had no idea where he came from, but he looked like he was born in a sewer.

As he reached the grab the scarf from her outstretched hand, he paused and his facial expression became unreadable.

"You know what? You look pretty cold, you're not dressed for the weather tonight. Just keep it." Before she could protest, he scurried away like a rabbit, leaving nothing for her to do but stare at his back while the wind rushed past him. He was gone within a second, disappearing into the darkness.

A heavy sigh escaped her lips, the bags under her eyes feeling like bricks, her body sagging against the bench. She clutched the scarf in her hands, gripping it tightly and holding it to her chest as she thanked whatever god was out there for these generous people she had encountered that night.

The time ticked by. Minutes passed with the clouds, she stared at her watch with dismay and watch the long hand go around and around, the soft ticking drowning out any other noise. Her heart sank as it hit 11:56, her throat closing and eyes becoming heavy with tears, they dripped down her cheeks, staining them with slickness that was only slightly visible. Her heart clenched and a small whimper escaped her lips, letting her hair cover her face in shame.

He hadn't call or texted her all year, his parting words telling her to meet him at their tree at 9 o'clock on Christmas Eve. And with that, he left. No goodbye, no I love you, no I'll miss you, nothing. The only hope she had that maybe he wouldn't leave her behind after 2 years was this day. And yet he hadn't even bother to show up. What a waste. She unravelled herself from the blanket and stood up, wiping her cheeks with her forearms. 11:59. All she wanted was for him to come back to her. But holding onto false hope was pointless. It was time to go home.

"Sarah!" A desperate shout came from behind her. She turned her neck sharply, recognizing the voice she had so desperately missed. She was greeted with a tackle hug, her tear stained face buried into his chest and her hands gripped his shoulders for supported. When she looked up at his face, fresh tears ran down her face and she smiled up at him relief flowing over her entire being.

She nuzzled into his chest, breathing in his smell, everything about him, to remind herself that he was really here. He suddenly grabbed her chin and tipped her head up to look her in the eye. A messy and passionate kiss arose, their need for each other overflowing in that moment, and only broke apart when they felt they needed air again.

I missed you so much Aidan." Sarah giggled with joy, feeling overjoyed, never wanting to leave his side again.

"I love you." He whispered in her ear, pressing kisses all over her face until he reached her lips again another passionate kiss ensuing. He picked her up by the waist and twirled themselves around, swaying under the Christmas lights. Both of them had never felt more loved and overjoyed in their life. Christmas Eve was truly like no other.

December 26, 2020 00:42

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I love this story so much Noir! :)


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Tessa Takzikab
23:53 Mar 31, 2021

Your descriptions are beautiful. You've described everything so clearly I could almost see it. I want to know why he left in the first place, and what powers she has to be so enchanting. Let me know if you write a backstory for her or anything. Leaving out names gives it a very otherworldly feel. Nice work!


Noir P.
13:11 Apr 01, 2021

:,) You're the best! Thank you so much!


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