Oliver was completely alone inside his treehouse, imagining the world just going by and thinking of his friends, James and Mia. The two of them were out at the park, without him, and as a thirteen-year-old boy, Oliver would have loved going to see his friends, although he couldn't. After he accidentally broke his parent's precious china vase, he was grounded for two weeks. He watched the clouds pass over above him through the treehouse window in the roof.
Suddenly, Oliver had seen something, something he had imagined inside his marvellous brain hundreds of thousands of times. Was it a UFO? Or was his brain trying to mess with him and cause his imagination to go wider than it normally could? He was sure. It was definitely a UFO. He was so shocked, his eyes didn't move for a second. He couldn't really believe what was happening to him here.
"Mum! Dad" Oliver yelled louder than he ever had, "I saw a UFO!!". His parents were utterly confused and they would never believe him unless they saw it with their own eyes. His Mum dropped her Latte on the floor in huge surprise and alarm.
"Oliver! You're just imagining things again!" His Mum told him,
"Honestly Ollie, Your eyes need testing," said his Dad, rolling his eyes with tedium.
Oliver was determined to prove his Mum and Dad wrong. He went back outside and climbed back up the ladder to his treehouse, where he saw the UFO again, and a mini-sized green dot began to approach him. It began to grow bigger, and bigger, and bigger. Oliver suddenly saw two small black dots grow onto the green dot, like a pea that had been given eyes with a black marker pen. The green dot eventually landed on the back garden lawn with a crunch. After a minute of groaning on the floor with pain, the green dot scrambled to its feet and reshaped itself into a weird human-like shape. IT WAS AN ALIEN.
"What do you want?!" Oliver yelled, with a polystyrene dart gun in his hand "If you've come for a war, you're going to lose!"
"Your universe requires destruction!" The alien shouted at Oliver.
"What do you mean?" Oliver asked.
The alien ignored Oliver and looked up at the sky, where it had fallen and with an extremely ear-bleeding sound, it yelled,
"Let us finish this universe, and it shall become ours"
All of a sudden, thousands more descended from the clouds and made contact with earth's soil and yelled the same words as they marched across town with laser blasters and bandoliers of red crystals. Men, women and children everywhere had screeched in fear as they began to flee for their lives.
Oliver's Mum and Dad walked into the garden and begged Oliver inside. His Dad stayed behind to barricade all of the doors and windows in the house, plus the chimney. Oliver sped up to his bedroom and grabbed his backpack. He threw in a water bottle, some jam sandwiches wrapped in clingfilm, his polystyrene dart gun, thousands of darts, a sleeping bag, and a family photo album.
Oliver had to get out and run. He scribbled a note on some paper and left it on his bed. Oliver's bedroom window was the only window that his Dad had not yet barricaded, so he climbed out and took a massive leap onto the trampoline, and over the brick wall.
James and Mia were outside, with the same things packed in their bags, and polystyrene bullet guns in their hands and bullet bandoliers wrapped around their chests, from shoulder to waist.
"We saw it too, Oliver. We saw a UFO!" James said, with slight fear.
"I'm not scared, I'm ready to crush them!" Mia breathed boldly.
The three of them were lucky that they found a shining sports car about ten feet away from them, with the keys laying by its side. James ran in and yanked the keys from the rock that it was under, and the three of them jumped into the car.
"How do we drive this?!" Mia questioned, worried that they would be eaten alive by the demonic aliens, and their massive fangs.
"Simple!" Oliver replied, "My dad works at a car factory!"
Oliver shoved his foot onto the pedal and the three whizzed off like fighter jets in the air.
After an hour, they were too far from the attack scene, but it had spread all over the world. They were stuck in the middle of the countryside, with very little petrol and lots of supplies, but not much space to survive in until the attack would end.
James was beginning to get hungry. Mia's back was in pain. Oliver was fast asleep. They were all in the car, becoming weak and falling into pain. The next morning, the three of them woke up in motel beds and clean clothes. And there were three unfamiliar faces. Two girls, one boy, all dressed in black leather jackets and ripped jeans. They all looked about the same age as the others.
"Who are you?" Oliver asked. The others couldn't hear him that well because he had a sore throat from the screaming and shouting yesterday. His eyes were beginning to blur and his arms were almost motionless from all of the driving in the car yesterday
"Masie, Emma and me, Felix" The boy had told them
"Yeah, didn't you see the jackets?" The girls asked
"Sorry, we didn't look at the jackets, and why are we here anyway?" Oliver quietly shouted.
"We brought you here because you needed some protection. The aliens have killed millions and it's not our fault, we didn't ask them to invade!" Emma stated
And so, the six of them stood there. They each looked into each other's eyes and wondered "You lot might actually be good friends for complete strangers, we could get on well forever. But we've got ghastly aliens to slaughter first. Come on!
To Be Continued...
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I enjoyed reading your submission. Liked the pace. You have great talent, please continue writing. All the best.
Dylan - Thank you for sharing your story. I smiled several times such as when they find the abandoned sports car and flee in it. My favorite line is: "Oliver suddenly saw two small black dots grow onto the green dot, like a pea that had been given eyes with a black marker pen. " My feedback would be to work in more references to his emotional state. For example, how does he feel about abandoning his parents to the aliens? Does he think they will be ok, or does he not care of they are destroyed? I imagine this would be a big decision fo...