Drama Science Fiction Thriller

A spare part is a duplicate made to replace a lost or damaged part of a machine. Their forever purpose is to sustain the engine to the same capacity as the originals; even if the duplicate isn't designed for the particular mechanism. Its job is to adapt to the circumstances of the new model and keep up its flawless performance. If the machine malfunctions, the spare part will be evaluated. The spare part will be disposed of and replaced immediately if it is detected as defective. It is important always to keep the machine up and running, and the weekly check-ups are by all means mandatory. All workers and higher staff members will be expected to have complete obedience and no concern rather than working for the machine. Any sign of treason is bound to be detected, and so is the person in question. Any staff member who is confirmed to be a traitor will be eliminated. Any staff member who quits or leaves without approval from the higher staff will be persecuted. Their life is here and only expected to be here. Any staff member that doesn't do their part and work for the machine will be taken away. Working for the better of the device is our number one priority, it is the way society has found to survive after catastrophe struck our planet. Every part is designed and expected to have optimal performance at all times. Those who don't match the description will be labeled defectives and sent back for scraps. Our planet has suffered significant loss due to the destruction caused by mankind, and sustaining life in our motherland is our only chance at survival.

"Log 3271209: The machine is stable and its performance is optimal. After all these years, we still manage to maintain our beloved creation through hard work and perseverance. As long as we are all united and proven allies of this great cause, we will survive, and everyone that follows us will be notably rewarded. The machine has been operating for almost two centuries, and hopes for the future are positive. We will not fail once again. All who work for the engine will see the coming times in their splendor, for all who follow will be granted the fortune of being alive."

In our world, we are taught to forget about others. Our focus is to work for the machine. Our one focus is the machine. Ever since 3201, our planet hasn't been able to sustain life, so we had to work out a way for it to resist in time. Our ancestors built an engine at the core of the planet; we call it "The Heart” because it is what keeps the planet alive; us alive by that matter. The engine is connected to the overworld and entirely controlled by our headquarters. It's this massive, alien, eerie even place where we all work. We have all been taught by those who came before us that the only thing that matters is "to always keep the engine running" because without it we are lost. All of us have grown up without whatsoever experience about what is before these walls since going outside is strictly prohibited. We never got to see the sunrise, nor the sunset, we never managed to feel the drops of water pouring down from the sky, and we haven't ever seen what snow looks like. These are mere stories passed down from generation to generation from the first people who entered the machine. We believed them because they are the only fragments of fantasy left in this place. We also believe in “The Heart” because that is our last hope for a better future life, or so they told us. They told us the machine will bring back the glorious past. Since we were never around to see it, we thought of the engine as our homeland's salvation. Perhaps we could finally go outside and explore the planet we have been stuck on, with no way out. We would finally be able to see life through the lens of our great ancestors and see the stories they passed down to us with our own eyes.

They told us it didn’t always be like this; we didn’t have to keep the planet alive by bettering a machine holding it that way. Our world used to have plains full of grains children would run through, and cities of wonder with buildings reaching the sky. But there is nothing there anymore. Pollution and war killed our planet, and by sub-context, we were the murderer as well. The plains soon all dried out, leaving us with no food. The cities started falling apart due to poor infrastructure, leaving us homeless. Our leaders started then building the headquarters, and we were all working for them even if we didn’t know what they had in mind yet. They said they were aiming to “rebuild” the planet; I didn’t understand what they meant by then. They said they were trying to build a place that would keep the planet alive and its citizens safe, and that is something everyone understood. So, we worked. They did manage in fact to ace their plan. They built a place where everyone is safe, everyone is welcomed, and everyone is exceptional and expected to be that way. It was truly a happy space, and we are all indebted to our first ancestors. So then, why would people want to leave such a happy place? Where would they want to go, what would they want to do? Why would they want to escape the beauty of the system?

Welcome to tonight’s PSA, dear citizens and proud workers of the machine. In tonight's program, we ask you a question: What makes a model part? A model part is a worker who obeys. A worker who follows. A worker who does their part and never complains. A trustworthy worker and a great ally to the engine. Your mother, your father, and your family are all great allies to the engine, and soon, dear children, so will you. For our world is hardly automatic now. You and your families are the gears that keep the machine turning and turning. You, kids, are the future of this machine, and you will be trusted with it when you are of age. Until then, you have enough time to figure out your passions, your abilities, and most importantly the skillset that is bound to help you understand your part in the course of the engine and make finding your way in life easier. Remember, you are all exceptional, truly exceptional, and you are forever expected to be so. Let us hope this perfect cycle never comes to an end. Until next time, dear citizens and proud, exceptional workers of the machine. Good night.

So indeed, why would anyone want to leave such a place? A place that protects you and values you as a core point to the survival of humanity? We are all special here, we are all equal, and we are all exceptional.

Classified log 1009: Imagination is a complete mystery to humans even in our time. Creativity is such a sought, raw component in the human personality because it grows ideas most people wouldn't be able to shape in their minds. Creativity is such a beauty of quality and by so such a dangerous one. It has been deducted from research that 70% of the spares deviate from their designed path and show signs of independence throughout testing, which would destroy all software we have struggled so far to create. These parts are prone to be labeled as anomalous and are to be destroyed by all means. This piece of information is strictly prohibited; the only people it will be entrusted to are the higher staff. Under no circumstances must any worker know about the existence of this rule. ---Message deleting…---

A spare part is a duplicate made to replace a lost or damaged part of a machine. Their forever purpose is to sustain the engine to the same capacity as the originals; even if the duplicate isn't designed for the particular mechanism. Its job is to adapt to the circumstances of the new model and keep up its flawless performance. If the machine malfunctions, the spare part must be evaluated. The spare part will be disposed of and replaced immediately if it is detected as defective. Most importantly, every exceptional spare should show total obedience to high staff and the engine. Every spare part is designed and expected to always have optimal performance. Every spare part is designed and expected to be perfect at all times. Those who don't match the description will be labeled defectives and sent back for scraps, and those who show higher intellectual and moral capacities will be taken away.

Journal log 166: By the time anyone finds this, I will certainly be dead. Everything set on these pages represents full documentation about the governmental project “The Heart”. They are after me now, the staff. “The Heart” is not what we’ve been told; I repeat, "The Heart" is not what we've been told; not even close. It is dangerous. We are going to---

It is the year 3407. Humanity's future is uncertain; we are all spare parts.

Welcome to Earth.

January 27, 2023 12:31

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