The last fire village pt.2

Written in response to: Write a story that contains a flashback of a nightmare.... view prompt


Adventure Teens & Young Adult

“Clover dear, did you remember to write an entry in your journal?” Mother asked. When her assigned daughter did not respond, Mother became more annoyed “Cloooover, journal!” but when there was still no response “Colver!” Mother suddenly became stern and slapped her daughter across the face. There was no sound in the motion, but Clover's cheek was still left bleeding where Mother had hit her, for this wasn’t the first time she had done this and every time Mothers long painted fingernails touched Clover's face the old wound would resurface. “Do not stare into space when I am talking to you child! Proper children do not do that” Clover was still recovering from the blow but she had enough strength left inside to say “Yes Mother, also it's probably time you realize your child has a life so maybe except that she can think and speak like the rest of us” before stalking out and regretting every word when she realized she had forgotten to write once again and…her hexon was…in the house…on the kitchen table…where her enraged mother was currently sitting. She was going to Fail to Live and then they would-she shuddered, she didn’t want to remember how they executed failure’s, she hated fire for that reason alone. If she was not careful she would most certainly be burned alive for failing to live. Of course at first the official trial would assess what failures you have committed and then assess how harsh your punishment must be. One other failure was not getting to the TOIOPCEFPC (The Official Institute Of Correct Education For Proper Children) Commonly referred to as simply the PCI (Proper Child Institute). So in order for Clover to not get a second daily failure AND fix the first one she would have to run. Most proper children walked their way to PCI but Clover did not have that luxury today, she would have to override the proper way of walking today. She could feel mothers deadly glare as Clover sped up the path, but she didn’t have time to deal with that at the moment, she had to get to Capsule G4739, but a bandage on her bleeding cheek, cover up the bruises that Father had given to her the night before as a punishment for not attending the Skyrocket conference, the one where he was performing, and even though he claimed he wanted her to attend with mother because it would teach her more about programming which was apparently her future even though her assignment list hadn't even been given out yet. She hated programming more than anything but…that's what her parents wanted her to be and if she wasn’t, they would mark her a disappointment, which is the worst title anybody can bestow on themselves. Although failures were terrible, disappointments are worse, they do not work, do not try anything, they never succeed and they never learn anything. Worst of all if you are still a “useful” disappointment, even though that hardly ever happens. They do not burn you at the stake, but they make you work useful but simple jobs. They also are marked with a white dot, which means that they are a disappointment and that they should not be approached. Clover didn’t spend a great amount of time thinking about what would happen if she was marked a disappointment AND a failure. That was the worst thing someone could do to themselves. So as Clover ran she made a list of things to say to her Parents when she returned home. But first she would have to get to PCI as quickly and as gracefully as possible, while running at top speed that is. So once she got to the PCI naturally she was sweating and very tired. But even when her legs felt like collapsing she forced them to keep moving forward until she reached Capsule G4739. She was spared the pain of rummaging through shelves because the Capsule had already been set up and so she only would have to write a 500 word entry, get a bandage for her cheek, and get a clean pack to not look like a mess. So once she had that completed she sat at her seat and realized…she was just sitting there all alone, and one one cared. Well apparently according to the highest power we were meant to serve our purpose and then be discarded. Clover always thought that they were not being treated correctly but of course she was not allowed to speak of the high laws in that manner. Some days she felt trapped, alone and like her existence never served a purpose. But if she said anything she would automatically fail to live and then she wouldn't be able to make any difference in the system. So Clover sat there and waited, she didn’t know what she was waiting for and how this was going to play out because there was truly no way of knowing if anybody was currently infiltrating her mind trying to figure out if her intense emotion peak meant anything that would harm the high law, and even though she had been plotting something she also hadn’t meant any offense to the high laws. So once she was certain that she was completely alone she decided not to mention to herself that she may have just been exposed to the high law. But she didn’t stop thinking about things that could potentially Expose the high law. She decided that she was going to make it through the school day,  but not do the things that she was told and take some things very literally. So as the Day began her  educator scolded her as usual for “ being a disappointment in coming”  but she didn't mind it because her plan was brilliant, it was perfect it was going to work and she was certain of it. Although it took her the entire educational period to perfect her master plan, when she got back to her dwelling she was ready to put it into action.As soon as  thinking time was over in her school she sped home and began creating Her speech for at the end of each education year every student was told to create a speech that would think their Educators and the high laws and their Caregivers for giving them such a normal and beautiful and perfect life, Clovers speech however would be quite different from the rest of her peers. As soon as she had finished she had heard a knock at her bedroom door and she knew it was her mother coming to school with her about the previous events of the morning so she had one thing left to do with her speech which she knew her mother wouldn't let her present, so she hid it. Hiding  things from your caregivers was one of the most despicable crimes and would surely Mark you a failure, but nobody would find out because Clover had uncovered the high law's secret. The high law was an AI created by somebody who was trying to make the perfect universe but ended up making a perfect world in which the AI took over and made its own adjustments to his perfect world for example some people were in power While others were powerless some didn't even have a say in what happened to them, and the AI for its own protection and the protection of its system created a system of fear for all of the people dwelling in the system. How did she know this you may ask? While she was sitting in seldom silence waiting for the day to begin it occurred to her that she was not an extraordinary person just a normal human like the rest of the world and she knew that none of the rulers of their world were special in any way, so how did they know what she was thinking? and how did they know where she was because she did not carry any tracking devices with her. Then she realized how much they had learned about computers and AI and artificial intelligence and how there was no way to outrun it or not obey it and that artificial intelligence was Supreme to everything  and it doesn't take much brain cells to put two and two together and figure out that they learned a lot about Ai and that none of them were extraordinary and that they were all planted a chip within their bloodstream when they were all little and as far as she knew only artificial intelligence could track artificial intelligence. the whole system everything had been created by a robot who was created by somebody who wanted to make a perfect world but ended up creating their own Doom she knew she shouldn't have been doing this but she dug around in her ear to see if she could find anything of course that was stupid and of course she didn't find anything there  but she wouldn't stop until that trip was out because if she had the artificial intelligence what would find out what she had been planning and what she had done and that she knew what it was up to, so she had to get it out. lucky for her her mother was a professional doctor but this would take some courage on clothes part because she would have to get into her mother's Supply kit which was off limits to anyone even to her and father. But she would have to do it if she wanted to have a private life. The Next Step was a little more agonizing than she thought it would be, for she had to commit another crime to do this successfully without anybody finding out what she had done and what she was going to do, and of course what she knew. she went into her mother's room and screamed at her of course her mother beat her and while she was shaking Lee proceeding to leave her mother's dwelling she ended up swiping the med kit from the Shelf which it lay on, taunting her daring her to come and pick it up, well she did and she didn't regret it. Because once the chip was out she had a flashback, or at least she thought it was one because there was no way that one second she was standing in her stuffy oh so innocent looking room into a dreadful and eerie plain with dead grass and stones that had names engraved on them. Clover had never seen such a strange area but it seemed familiar to her, as if she’d seen it somewhere else, perhaps if she focused more...suddenly everything burst into flames and that's when it hit her, this was the reason she woke up restless every morning: She had been having this nightmare again and again burning to death in the flames, but this time she could see the silhouette of a girl, and as the flames calmed down Clover gasped, she was looking at the splitting image, of herself…but there was no mirror so how was this possible? The girl was covered in snow that strangely didn’t melt, and brought an unsettling presence to the atmosphere and in her hands, a glowing jewel the color of the flames that had been on the verge of consuming her, suddenly Clover realized she was no longer Clover, she was Hail Donterk, and she had to get the Flame jewel back to the center of the Sacira Mountains before she, and every living flame left in the cold world of the ice controllers perished, but something told her, she already had died once.

July 13, 2023 20:44

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Marie Perederii
20:49 Sep 05, 2023

Thank you so much Martin!


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Martin Ross
16:48 Sep 03, 2023

So gutsy but dead-on making this one run-on para — like a single tracking camera shot in a drama or action film. Highly imaginative and highly visual and intelligently and compellingly told. So well done!


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