
Life isn’t perfect. We aren’t perfect. But for Lianne and his fiancé Lance, their love for each other was perfect. Actually, they been in an 8 years relationship and 2 years in fiancé stage.

Lianne knew she’s not perfect, but she always tries to be the one for Lance. For 10 years they’d been together, she was the kind of fiancé that every man dreamed of. She knew how to cook, do the house chores, everything a wife does for her husband. Lianne is so lucky to have Lance by her side, always. In her dark days, he’s always there and never left me.

And today, July 15, 2022 is their special day. She glanced at the invitation in her hand—their wedding invitation.

Please join us

for the wedding of




July 15, 2022 at 4pm



Reception to follow.

I’ve been waiting for this day to come, and today she’s very excited to be called Mrs Perez, wife of Lance Perez. So, she glanced at the wall clock inside her room. It’s already 3 am in the morning. Lianne woke up very early than her usual maybe because today is her wedding and the excitement she felt.

A smile lopped in her lips when her phone rang. She checked who the caller is. Her smile wider when the name of her soon to be husband, appeared. She clicked the accept button and answer the call.

“Hey.” Lance greet her.

“Hey..” She greet back. “So, why did you call me this early?”

I heard him took a deep breath make her frowned. “Nothing. I want to check you up.”

“Is there a problem, Lance?” she asked.

“It’s nothing.” I can hear the sound he make behind the phone.

She hummed. “I know you, Lance. Something is bother you. Tell me what it is.”

“You gonna show up at our wedding right?” Lance whispered.

She cannot stop herself to smile. “Hmm.. of course. Why? Are you afraid that I’m going to run away?”

“Ahm.. yup.”

“Silly. I love you, why would I run away in my wedding, our wedding. I’ve been waiting for these day, Lance.”

“I know. I know. But I can’t stop myself to think about that.”

“You know how much I love-“ She didn’t finished her words when something caught her attention. A sound from woman or it’s right to say that voice of a women. I heard it loudly and clearly, how the woman called Lance ‘Babe’.

“Ahm.. I need to go.”

“Wait… Who is that? Where are you? W-why are you with another woman?” She says in a low tone. Her heart was pounding loudly. She wanted to cry but she stopped herself.

The person on the other line was silent for a moment.


Lance cough. “It’s Cathy my Aunt Cory’s daughter. You know her right?”

She breathed a sigh of relief at what it said. I knew Cathy. She has been with her once and she can say that Lance and Cathy are really close to each other. She thought Lance was cheating at her. I don’t know what to do if my soon to be husband do that to me.

It will really break me into pieces. And when that happens, she will definitely not be able to recover from the pain she will feel. I really really love him.

“Oh.. Then can you say hi to Cathy for me?” She says.

“Yes. Of course.” Lance said. “Liane, I need to go.”

She nodded even though she knew that he would see it. “Okay. Bye. I love-“

He ended the call without letting me finish what I’m saying. He did not even say the three words she wanted to hear. She ignored that, I trust Lance and her trust in him will remain.

She put the cell phone down on the table and then went to the kitchen where she was staying. It’s already 5 o’clock in the morning, and her maid of honour/ best friend is on its way. Rita will join me while waiting for Elena my wedding organizer to arrive.

Lianne opened her refrigerator and get the ingredients she need. She will be cooking a two layer of pancake and also her favourite waffle. In the middle of mixing the flour and the other ingredients her doorbell rang.

She stopped and walked towards the door that earlier sounded as if the woman was bored in spite of it. She shook her head while smiling. Her best friend is really impatient, nothing new.

“Why did you take so long to open the door? I’ve been there for so long.” Rita complained to her as soon as she opened the door.

She smiled. “Oh.. come on Rita. You’ve been there for 2 minutes and that’s not long.”

Rita rolled his eyes because of what I said. “It’s long for me.”

Rita lowered her bag before heading to the kitchen. She followed her friend who was now busy looking at what she was going to cook.

“You’re really just impatient. And it’s not you Rita if you are not impatient.” She says make her best friend frowned.

“Just cook for me. Elena and her team is on its way here. It would be embarrassing if they caught up with us eating.” Rita says.

“Okay. Okay.” I replied. She acted quickly and cooked their breakfast with her friends little help. After 20 minutes, Rita and I are done cooking. Rita readied the utensils while her putting the plates full of pancakes in the island table and they started to eat. Exactly after they ate, Elena and her team arrived.

Elena laid her beautiful wedding gown on the bed, her shoes, her veil, and her bouquet of flower. For a moment she glanced at her wedding gown, it’s so gorgeous. From the design, silhouette, the neckline, the bodice, the sleeve and the train are fabulous.

“Lianne!” She looked at the side and she see Elena gesturing me to come.

Her room transformed into a semi salon. Everyone is busy with their task even Rita. Her hair stylist, Elena assistant who’s also busy checking the details for her wedding and of course Elena who’s busy instructing Rita. Her best friend bid goodbye and said that she’ll come back after she’s done preparing for herself.

Elena face me. “Everything is ready. So you don’t have to worry anything. Everything is under control. All you have to do is stay here and get ready and let my team to make you the prettiest bride.”

She smiled. “Thank you very much Elena.”

Elena smiled back. “You’re very much welcome.” Elena called someone. “This is Morry, she will bath you.”

Her brows rose up. “What?”

“Come with her. I need to go, I’ll be back after you done bathing.” Elena said and left me with Morry.

“Good day, Ma’am. I’m Morry.” Morry formal introduced.

I smile. “I’m Lianne.”

Morry nodded and guide me to the bathroom. “I already ready the bath tub.”

“Okay. Thanks.”

Morry left me when I enter the bathroom. After an hour she’s done, she put the robe on. When I came out Morry was there, waiting for me.

“Ma’am come with me.” Morry guide her in a chair and in front of her there was a table and a large mirror where she could see the woman behind her fixing her hair. They didn’t need to pedicure and manicure my nails because I already take care of that yesterday.

She glanced at the clock, it’s already 1 in the afternoon. Why the time flies so fast? Her heart was pounding loudly, I’m nervous. My wedding will start at 4 pm and that’s three hours from now.

Shocked was written on my face when a loud voice echoed in my room.

“I’m back!!”

She glared at her friend Rita who gave her a big smile.

“What the hell is your problem?! You surprised me!” she yelled back.

But her friend just laugh at her reaction.

Rita sat near at my chair. She is watching at me or it’s correct if I say glancing at me. I faced her and arched my brow but she smiled. I tsked because of my best friend reaction. I glanced at the mirror in front of me to check my hair.

“Wow.” She said in amazement as she looked at her hair. “Thank you, Morry. It’s so beautiful.”

“You’re welcome, Ma’am.” Morry replied.

For the last time she glanced at her reflection. I’m so beautiful even though I don’t have any make up on my face. Because I am busy looking at myself I didn’t notice my wedding organizer behind me, with my wedding gown in her hands.

“I’ll put these here. After I’m done with your make up you can wear your wedding gown.”

She nodded. I let Elena does my make-up. Elena was so very fast, hour later she’s already done. When I opened my eyes, I did not recognize the woman in front of the large mirror. Is this really me?

“Omygod! You’re so beautiful! Elena you should be my make-up artist! You have a talented hand in your body!” Rita said, exaggerating.

“Oh! Shut up, Rita! You can’t afford to pay me when I become you’re make-up artist.” Elena answered make me laugh so hard. I forgot to tell that Rita and Elena are cousin’s that’s why they answering each other in an sarcastic way. That’s how they express their love and support for each other and I found it cute in other way around.

Rita stood and stomp her feet. “You! How dare you to say that!”

I stood up too. To make Rita stop on being childish. “Rita help me on my wedding gown.”

I heard her tsked but she help me. Rita hugged me behind while looking at the full mirror. I already wearing my wedding gown.

“You look stunning.” Rita says. I totally agree with her, I look stunning in my wedding gown. “I’m happy for you. You deserve all the happiness in the world. We’ve been best friends for so long and I know that Lance will make you happy.”

She smiled. “Don’t make me cry. Thank you, Rita. Thank you for always being there for me. I love you my best friend.”

“Love you too.”

Both of them look at the door when Elena enter. “The wedding will start any moment. Let’s go.”

Morry and Elena was helping me on my bridal train. While Rita is holding my hands to guide me in the car. I’m smiling from ear to ear. My hands are getting cold and wet because of nervous.

She glanced at Elena. “Where is my Mother? She didn’t visit me in my room.”

Rita and Elena glanced at me, confuse. “What? I though she’s here. Don’t worry maybe she’s in the church already.” Rita says.

She nodded. Elena and Rita will ride the second car, while me in the bridal car. The driver manoeuvred the car to the Saint John Catholic Church—where my wedding held. While waiting to the car stopped, I’m just busy playing my hands.

I didn’t notice that the car already stopped. Rita opened the car door. She looked into rushed and bothered at the same time.

“What it is?” She asked, confused.

Rita took a deep breath. “How can I say that.” Rita whispered but I heard it.


She looked at me, sadly. Something is wrong. “Lance is not there in the church.”

Her heart pound. “What… what do you mean? He run away?” She said.

“No. No. He’s already here but and he sudden disapper.”

She step out in the car. “What?! We need to find him, Rita. What if something bad happen to him.”

“Elena and her team are already searching for Lance.”

Without hesitation she run. I need to find Lance. She run to the back of the church. She looked around for a chance to see Lance but she failed to find the man. She was about to leave when she noticed something at the back door of the bathroom of the church.

She walked slowly as she approached there. As soon as she approached, the noise coming from there was getting louder. I could hear the moans of the man from behind the door.

“Babe.. Oh..” Someone says.

Her heart was pounding at those times. She was nervous about what she might see when she opened the door.

“Lance… Babe..” Coming from the woman behind the door.

Lianne hunch when she heard her soon to be husband name. She couldn't stand it anymore and without hesitation she opened the door with her trembling hand.

It was as if Lianne had been poured cold water on what she had witnessed. She could not move where she was standing at those times.

Seeing her soon to be husband kissing another women, her mother at the day of her wedding is like stabbing her. They did not see her immediately. She just stood her watching Lance and her Mom kiss each other non-stop.

It was as if his heart was torn and shattered. Is these the reason why her mother didn’t show up in her room earlier? Her mother was shocked when she noticed her presence.

“L-lianne…” My mother says. They also stopped kissing and both looked at me in shock. Why? Don't they expect her to witness their betrayal behind her back?

She did not even get to cry even though her heart was already hurt and broken. But in her heart she was furiously mad. She feels very frustrated for Mother and her fiancé.

“Lianne…” Lance mentioned her name. The man quickly moved away from her mother and he still had plans to approach her but she quickly stopped him.

“Don’t come n-near m-me!” Her voice was trembling. “If you love each other, why would you marry me, why not just my mother? Why do you have to hurt me like this?”

Lance shook his head. “No! I love you, Lianne. Please.. listen to me.”

She laugh. “You love me? I didn’t know that you’re a good joker too.” She glanced at her mother who silently crying. “You don’t have any right to cry Mom. You should be happy because the marriage could not happen.” Its cries grew louder.

Lance knelt in front of her. “Please.. Lianne, don’t do this to me…”

She glanced at Lance. “I hope you thought that before committing infidelity. I love you, Lance but you make me such a fool. You hurt me and broke me into pieces. How could I continue loving you after that?” And she looked at her Mother again. “Remember, starting today I will not see you as my mother but a cheater.” After she says that she turned and left them.

Her chest was getting heavier. I never thought her own Mother could do it. She could no longer cope with the pain so she quickly ran away from them. All she wanted to happen was to alleviate the pain she was feeling. She heard Lance chasing her. She quickly got into the car and locked the door. I saw Lance approach her friend and at the same time approach her.

 “Lianne open the door.” Rita says. “Please let me come with you.”

She shook her head and smile as her tears kept flowing down her face. “I am sorry.” she said and then started the car. Twenty minutes before she about to get married, I find my mother and my fiancé kissing passionately.

“I’m sorry…” She whispered for the last time.

August 01, 2020 03:09

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Deborah Angevin
10:10 Aug 06, 2020

I have just got engaged myself so... your opening intrigued me to keep on reading. Well-written one, Wency! Would you mind reading my recent story out, "(Pink)y Promise"? Thank you :D


03:09 Aug 07, 2020

Thank you!!


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