

One island, one man, one companion.


Day 1

Here I am stranded to this miserable island. All sand, some trees, and a big damn ocean that serves as a pathway and a death wish. The motor in the boat I was in died out as I stepped foot to this place. The thing's fried, busted, I knew there was something about getting a warranty in that piece of crap. What's worse is that I don't have any idea on survival or what not. Well this is hell.

I only have one problem now, which is live or die. Former leads to death anyway, just some more pain during that trek. Latter well, pretty much speeds up the process. Sure you have a chance of having a life afterwards, but that's luck based, and considering certain experiences (such as this one), luck isn't my strong suit. Well I guess one last try. Besides, a man's best friend is with me, Benji, he deserves a life.

I stood there, looking over in the distant. How's my family? Nah don't need to think about that. They're going to be fine, they're the best, strongest people in the world. I'll come back to them, buy them a sh*t ton amount of presents, and give them all a big long hug. I'll just take a rest, and wait for the rescue to come by tomorrow.

Day 2

Another day, another problem. Really cold as hell this morning.

Life surrounds the area, with the crabs, fishes, centipedes, etc. Well, I guess they're better off named as residents. I don't think the wood could be of much help either (no idea how to cut them down), nor does it produce coconuts. Well, they're going to be useful with little skills I have. It's life after all.

I've got a few things to keep me by for a bit. Some snacks, 2 liters of water, a laptop, phone, notepad, ball pen, and a few documents. Useless. I was on my way back to a port just yesterday, but yeah the motor overheated or something. I told the staff that they could stay with the tourists, and have a nice long rest there at the resort. Nothing was left in the ship. Now, I'm all alone with my buddy.

The sun scorches this afternoon. It's terrible, only thing that's saving me is this leather shoes I have. The animals wouldn't even dare step out from their shade, including Benji himself. The island is small, but long enough to have a nice relaxing jog. The trees almost serve like a nice good hut, and the plants for the smaller ones (hopefully none).

Night approaches, accompanied by darkness. I swear I could see eyes from any corner of this place. Creepy. The ship is like a haven from this prison. I don't even like the thought of being surrounded by water, so big yet undrinkable and almost unpassable, damn ironies. Well, I'll just ignore everything and go to bed. Just have to endure all this a little bit longer.

Day 6

Water scarce, no food, and I'm terribly tired. I've been catching crabs the past few days, Benji helping me. He's just as worn out as I am. My hands are wounded from the stupid claws, it feels too numb to be used. I just sit here in the shade, eating crab meat.

I take long walks along with Benji, though fewer as my water is just good for two more days. He's almost like a son to me, so we share in everything. Looking at this ball pen, the ink's almost out, I'll keep things short.

Today's not as hot as the other days. Looking at the horizon, clouds fill the sky. Ah great a storm is coming. Could finally take a bath. Hopefully the tide's not too high, I don't want my body floating around the sea. But that doesn't matter, the rescue will arrive soon, just got to wait a bit more.

Day 9

DAMN IT. The ship's swept away by this awful storm. I have nothing, no food, no water, just one friend. My feet is aching, my hands still so numb, I'd rather die. I only watched as the waves roared. Dark sky, strong lightning, ice like water falling from the sky, almost like a horror movie. I can't do anything, no entertainment to keep me busy as the battery had just died two days ago.

Anything else to do? None. I don't think I can walk anymore, so Benji takes the trips for me, bringing food every few hours. My head hurts, and my thinking is becoming more rabid. Stay focused. The rescue will come here soon. Just wait a few more days. Just focus.

Day 12

Benji's not back yet. Well, he is awfully tired, and I think I'm about to die anyway, him joining along with me. I just zone out. I don't think I can think straight anymore. I hallucinate a few times a day, barfing what's left in my body, and take around just 100 steps a day to keep my body functioning. I think I don't need to live anymore, but there's still hope, I just need to make use of what's around me.

I forgot the damn flare gun at the ship, the med kit too. My wounds are not healing up anymore. Tools, tools, anything.. or anyone? No. I have more pride than that. Just have to stay focused. The help will come soon.

Day 16

I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. I'll never be able to forgive myself for this. But I have to. He's my last hope. He won't mind. He'll understand. I watched as he pants over the corner. My stomach growled.

Forgive me.

Day 20

I can barely focus as I write this. Everything's already so dark. To those who may find this journal, you should be grateful. You are damn lucky to have such a good life, while here I am rotting in the sand.

Do I have any regrets in life?

I should have picked the latter.

May 23, 2021 11:25

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