

I emerge from you: the wide, vast ocean. I was searching for treasure as I always do first thing when I wake up. Like all the other times, I found nothing except the growth of my love for you. I walk back to the little cottage by the seaside. I live alone, but of course, with my single most awesome buddy, Zonya.

 “Zondra! Did you go searching for treasure again? You know how I feel about you doing that!” she yelled. 

“Yes, I did! What’s so bad about the ocean? It’s not even as terrible as you make it sound!” I yelled back. She shivered at my words. I sighed. She never really understood you. This little cottage by the seaside is the perfect home for me since I can walk beside you whenever I wish. In Zonya’s case, it’s great because there is no light pollution. Of course, there is only one thing Zonya cares about: me. Well, that other thing too... *gag* I will not speak of it. We care for each other on this “seacottage,” as I like to call it. 

You home millions of beautiful creatures. Some are huge, like the slippery dolphins that play with me each day, others smaller, like the minuscule tardigrades. When I go for a swim, I always feel you: your clear, blue ocean water takes me in for the ride of a lifetime. 


Zondra and I both have a growing passion, although they are not alike in any way possible. When we discovered this house, which I call the “zottage” as its two residents’ names both start with a “Z” (Zondra doesn’t seem to like the name very much) there was, strangely enough, a telescope and scuba diving gear resting on our beds waiting for us. 

I first tried scuba diving, and Zondra tried studying the planets and stars through the telescope, but instantly, we knew that the relics weren’t for us. We decided to switch; she took the gear,  and I, the telescope. Then, and only then, did I fall in love with you: my luminous stars. 


Instead of listening as your fierce waves crash onto the sand, oh beautiful ocean, I hear a bunch of stupid kids making a ruckus outside on my beach! I leave to go and scream at the top of my lungs at those three, immature little kids. Actually, they look to be about my age. Then I realize, in mid-scream, that if I continued yelling, I’d be making a ruckus too. I groan and, instead, whisper with a furious tone: “Get off of my beach!”

One of them, a redhead with freckles, says, “First of all, why are you whispering? Second of all, this is a public beach!” The one with blond hair and silver highlights notices that I am angry, and winces as she pulls me aside from her friends. 

“Hi. My name is Alaska,” she told me. “The girl you were whisper yelling at is Beatrice.” She raised her eyebrows at me. I just acted like I didn’t hear that last comment and motioned for her to continue. “Well, sorry about her. She’s always been like that. Doesn’t really enjoy being showed up, am I right? Oh yeah, and that girl over there? The blondie with pink tips?  She’s Aida.” I grudgingly realized that this girl, Alaska, was surprisingly nice.

 “Oh. I-I’m sorry. I-I didn’t notice that you were so nice,” I stammer. She smiles kindly, and I continue. “Again, I’m sorry. I just don’t necessarily like people on this beach. I truly enjoy it only when it’s quiet.” I stare at my feet, embarrassed. 

She looks at me and says, “Do you like the ocean? You smell like it.” I look up, startled. 

“Yeah, I love the ocean! What about you?” I ask. 

“Oh, I love it too! None of my friends do, though. They like looking at stars instead. Weird, right?” 

“Wait, really?” I ask, unable to contain my excitement. “‘Cause I have a best friend in that house,” I point toward our seacottage. “who also loves astronomy. I agree. It is super weird how people actually like it.” Alaska nodded, checked her watch, and sighed.  

“Well, I have to go now. Sorry. Here’s my phone number if you want to hang out sometime, need anything, or both!” She takes out a pen from her bag, quickly writes something down on a slip of paper, and hands it to me. Then she waves Aida and Beatrice over and they stroll away to the beach’s exit. 


Zondra comes running toward our zottage and tells me about these girls named Alaska, Beatrice, and Aida. I feel confused. I asked her how people found out about this place. No one has ever found their way to this specific beach. It’s always only been Zondra and me for as long as I can remember. The next day, early in the morning, I hear voices yelling extraordinarily loudly. I think, Wow, how did so many people suddenly find our beach? First those three girls, and now even more people! Wait, it might be those same girls. Oh I’m gonna get em’! I decided to go out to check what’s going on. What I see surprises me. 


Zonya comes running to me, yelling, “ZONDRA! ZONDRA! COME OUT HERE NOW!” I wonder what has gotten into her as I meet her outside. I scream. I run over towards the disgusting spectacle awaiting me. A girl was gripping a small seahorse (I don’t know how she got it) and throwing it in the air as she continued to barely manage to catch it.

The girl had long, black hair. She was wearing a leather jacket (on a beach in this weather, I don't even know) and combat boots. Sticking to her jacket was a little, purple planet. I gagged. Planets. Disgusting. There were two other girls and they were screaming. I glance at Zonya. She was almost crying, the tears welling up in her eyes. I wonder why she loved seahorses so much, but I couldn’t stand to see her in this state. I decide to let it go. I walk up to those kids, ready to give them a well-deserved little “talk.” 

Then I think about Alaska. I expected someone incredibly rude but instead found out that she was really nice. These people might be nice, too. One girl was holding the seahorse, and two others were yelling and screaming at the top of their lungs, for her to stop. Zonya joins them and pleads too. I walk up to “Seahorse Girl” and punch her right in the face, unable to control my rage. She gasps and turns to me, red in the face, and says in a mock sweet kind of way, “Oh, hey little girl. That punch sure hurt.” I roll my eyes, and she glares at me. “Move it! This is our turf,” she spits. 

Smirking, I approach her calmly and command, “Actually, it’s my turf,” and point at the seacottage. “Now leave that poor seahorse alone. Now.” 

“Or what, Miss Goody Two Shoes?” she coos. Now there’s just no controlling me. The punch in the face was clearly not enough for her. I walk closer to that little abominable face and sock her in the stomach. I also decided to punch her in the face again. And then, just for good measure, I kick her legs out from under her. She drops the seahorse, of which the other girls and Zonya run after, and I find “Seahorse Girl” sprawled across the sand, crying. 

I mock, “That’s what. And it’s why you don’t mess with Miss Goody Two Shoes.” Then I walk over to those other girls and decide to spark up a conversation. They seem nice enough. I say, “Hey. I’m Zondra. Who was that, and how did this happen?” I point at the seahorse in one of their hands. 

One of them says, “Oh, her name is Thalia. She’s our bestie. Well, kind of. She kind of ‘controls’ us, you might say. Basically our boss. Also, you smell just like the ocean! Do you like it? We love it.”

“Oh yeah, for sure. I go into the ocean every morning, but my friend here loves astronomy.” I indicate Zonya, who looks a little shy. “I hate it though,” I continue, so they wouldn’t get the wrong idea.

“Oh, same! We prefer the coolness of the ocean. Not whatever goes on up there. But Thalia loves astronomy too! Also, thanks for standing up for that poor little seahorse. The little guy was defenseless, and Thalia wouldn’t listen to us! Oh, and by the way, I’m Athena, and this is Artemis.” She pulls a girl with bright, silver hair over. Artemis waves with a grim face. Her face suddenly turns red and she punches me in the face. Hard. 

“That’s for hurting Thalia,” she says. Then they both walk away, snickering at me. 


I sprint to Zondra’s side. One of the girls just punched her! How mean of her. I just can’t believe it. Zondra basically does something that they were too afraid to do, and that’s how they repay her? Anyways, on a separate topic, I really miss you, my wonderful stars. It’s been so long since I last looked at you, basking in your infinite glory. I just miss you so much! I don’t know how Zondra could ever hate you, because you are beautiful. 

Other than being a little winded from that hit, Zondra seemed to be okay, so I helped her walk back to the zottage. The next day, Zondra says that she called Alaska and her friends to come over to the zottage. I was excited to meet them. Zondra said that Alaska’s friends, Beatrice and Aida, love astronomy and the wonders of the galaxy like me! Finally, someone who understands. I’m so excited to meet them!


Alaska comes over with her friends, and after a while, the doorbell rings. Who could that be? I thought. I open the door. I see Thalia. I slam the door in her face. 

“Zondra! I’m sorry, okay?” she cries out. “I didn’t realize that the seahorse would be so hurt. I really am sorry. From what Athena was saying, you seem really cool! Can we start over? It would be awesome if we could be friends.” I open the door gently, thinking it’s a trick. She doesn’t smack me or anything as payback for the way I treated her. For a moment, I gape at her. Then I sigh and look her in the eyes. 

“No, I’m the one to be sorry,” I say softly, unable to believe I was actually apologizing to this animal abuser. “And yes, fine, we can be friends. But don’t EVER do that again. Also, did you know that Zonya, Beatrice, and Aida here love astronomy too?” Thalia basically runs into the house without invitation, in search of the stargazers. I can’t help but smile. Artemis and Athena walk up, too. 

Artemis says, “Hey. Sorry about hitting you.” Then she smiles. “Hey, wanna know our nickname?” I nod my head, my curiosity getting the better of me. “It’s the Greek Trio. ‘Cause all our names come from Greek mythology!” I laugh, agreeing that it’s a pretty cool name. “Also, wanna go surfin’?'' she asks. My eyes widen. 

“Sure!” I squeal. “That’d be great! I just got to also get Alaska first.” I pull Alaska towards us and we all ride the waves. It was the most fun I’d ever had. Riding the waves alone was one thing, but riding with a new group of friends was something else entirely. It was simply amazing. Before we left, though, I checked on Zonya to make sure she was having fun with Thalia, Beatrice, and Aida as they continued their discussion on all things astronomy. Obviously, she looked ecstatic, and I decided to leave her with her new pals. 


I run outside with my new friends to where the others are surfing. I felt like giving them a challenge. I didn’t want to touch the disgusting water, so I just yelled for them to come out onto the warm, dry sand. They obeyed. I told them, “I have a challenge for you guys. Anybody up for it?” All of them start talking at once. I think they said something along the lines of “yes.” 

I explain to them that Beatrice, Aida, Thalia, and I would be called Team Astronomy, and Zondra, Alaska, Athena, and Artemis would be on Team Ocean. Team Astronomy can’t go anywhere close to a telescope and can’t stare towards the sky for over three seconds. Team Astronomy also has to try to go into the ocean. Team Ocean can’t go in the ocean at all and they have to try stargazing. Some groaned, and others cheered. But in the end, everyone agreed. Everyone wanted to beat the opposing team.



I stare across the vast ocean. Over in the distance, I see a sparkling horizon as the colors in the sky dim into a dark, pitch-black sky. I quickly look away, and into the surface of the ocean. It seems to be shining, as droplets of water fall onto the golden grains of sand. I glance around and notice a small group of baby turtles. They seem to be wobbling toward the ocean. I gasp as a seagull makes its way toward the animals, mouth wide open. I rush to the turtles’ aid and hold my hands over them, stopping the sharp beak of the seagull from hurting them. The frightened seagull soars away. I make sure that the turtles make their way back into the ocean before leaving them. You, the ocean, remind me of my new friends, especially Thalia. For the first time, I realize your wonder. How it may seem that you are the home of many of the most terrifying creatures on this planet. But, then again, you are also home to incredible ones. I sure miss you my dazzling stars, but once in a while, you just gotta let go. 


I look over to you, the clear ocean, and a feeling of desire washes over me. I shake it off. You are a beautiful ocean, but you just have to try something else sometimes. I now share my love and passion with you, who is still my love, and with the gaping galaxy. Looking up in the sparkling night sky, seeing the stars shine brightly in the vacuum of space, and the crescent moon shining rays of light everywhere, I think about how beautiful the galaxy is. I think of how there could be life on other planets. It really is incredible. This bet? It really seems to have changed my life. I suddenly see things from Zonya’s perspective and immediately realize what she sees in space. Exactly why she loves it so much. There’s just something about it. Maybe it’s the mysterious feeling that the stars give as they twinkle in the night sky. Or maybe even the peace and tranquility I feel when I stare up at it. Then I hear the waves of you, the ocean, and close my eyes with a smile as I take it all in. There really is something incredible about space that’s just different from you. And then it clicks. That thing about space: it’s completely silent.

March 05, 2021 18:24

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Sharon Marcus
17:07 Mar 11, 2021

An enchanting story. I enjoyed the different views and then how they came to appreciate the others. There was some telling from each perspective that could be eliminated. The dialogue and action were good enough. Happy writing!


Emily Ku
17:20 Mar 12, 2021

Thank you! Happy writing to you too!


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Unknown User
04:23 Mar 11, 2021

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Emily Ku
16:50 Mar 11, 2021

Thank you! Glad you liked it!


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