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Adventure Mystery Romance

Tinas pov

Names Tina

Born unknown

Raised on the streets so on and so forth

Education none but im good at stealing untill i decided to answer that cell phone

You probably thinking what the heck is she talking about right?

Well let me explain

Im a tom boy and yet im highly romantic unfortunately for the circumstances im in life has been a struggle from the get go i am 21 soon and im still living this sad life so i decided i want a change

1 of January remember this day as to normal people this is a new start to a new year but to me it was when my life altered in a drastic n romantic way

So here i am in some rich mansion ( not mine of course)

Minding other peoples properties and man handling their food when all of a sudden i hear a phone ring

Scared to answer it i decided to go have a bath and change into some hot clothes

Looking in the mirror i realized i actually was quite hot when a ringtone blasted from the table side beside the bed

Yes thats right curiosity got the best of me and i decided to answer not knowing what to say i stayed quiet until the person on the otherside spoke

Saying if i was still on for dinner tonight and a car will be sent in half an hour to pick me up

" oh man what am i going to do now "

As i said this to myself an idea popped into my head thinking hay why not right its not like id see him again and that's what i decided to do get propped and dolled up i had a date to got to.

Romano pov

Im so nervous i cant believe my mother could do this to me

"For god sakes im a multi million dollar air to the biggest motel and hotel chains around the world yet all my mother is worried about is me still being single

I have 3 other brothers and a younger sister

But why me im a successful business man

So why couldn't she just leave me be

Im not nervous because of the dinner date im nervous because i don't trust woman ever since i broke up with cassandra 3 years ago i lost trust in all woman but in saying that im only going because i know my mother will not let up on this subject so to get her off my back i decided to call her

"Why isnt she picking up my damn phone shes the one who agreed to this not me"

"Hello "( silent)

"Look im just ringing to ask if we are still on for dinner tonight im sending my driver over to pick you up in half an hour to pick you up"

After saying that i hung up

Man i hope shes not another weirdo like the last one my mum tried to set me up with anyway i decided to go home early and get dressed might aswell go out with a bang ha?

Tinas pov

Oh my it's nearly time to head out

Oh check list

Hair? Check

Nails? On point

Fashion sleek and down pat boobs?

Galore lol yes my own little joke as i do have huge girls who is more then a handfull literally

Ding dong

Omg the drivers here

"Ok girl deep breath you got this" i tell myself while looking in the mirror and with that one last glance i turn and walked to an unknown destination since unknown is all i know how to do

Romano pov

Well at least im early.

"Hello mr Romano usual table?" the waiter asked i just nod my head and walk to my usual private section in my restaurant yes thats right you don't know about my restaurant chain now you do

As i sit there sipping my wine i check my watch and my leg is shaking from nervousness in my head i keep thinking what if she's a gold digger what if she's got a ugly laugh what if everything about her reeks of fakeness i seriously can't stand fakeness especially knowing that this girl has had 4 relationships in the past so ill be on gaurd and on high alert tonight i just want to end it as soon as possible but nothing i mean nothing could prepare me for what happened next.

She was a beauty to behold im seriously not over exaggerating i mean long black hair beautiful african curves olive dark skin i wonder if she was a model i never new what that saying just one look and you can fall in love ment but man i would do anything right now to have my way with that beauty i lifted my right hand and touched it to my heart because my heart felt like it was about to jump right out of my chest to go and hug her.

Silently sending a prayer to the man upstairs hoping that she was here for me.

Tinas pov

Man im so nervous i know what im doing is so wrong but it's to late to turn back now im here

Looking around i was amazed at how fancy this restaurant was and i was hoping that this man is able to pay the bill at the end because dammit i know i can't

"Miss quintana?"

"Excuse me miss quitana right?"

I turned to see a waiter who looked young enough to be at high school

Oh crap that must be the lady im pretending to be's name

"Ye yes?"

" right this way please Mr Romano is waiting for you?"

I followed him to a back room, feeling a bit sceptic i decided to be on gaurd as i don't trust these rich people i mean rich people can steal to right?

As the we made our way into the room the waiter announced my arrival to whom ever it was then he turned to me and nodded then left.


Oh my gosh i hope i said that in my head but to confirm my suspicions the boy actually scratch that this roman god statue living and breathing started laughing

Damn i really want to crawl into a ball and roll away right now how embarrassing

"Please come and have a seat" he said as he stood up and pulled the chair out for me to settle in it " don't be shy make yourself comfortable and also our little secret" he laughed once more " I'll take that as a compliment".

Im so screwed and so stupid i know we olive skin people don't really blush but i think im more then 50 shades of burgundy.

Romano's pov

Wow she is really a true rare gem

You know the ones you hold up to the light and the sparkle or the gleam they give off is so fascinating that you don't want to blink just incase you miss something? Well that's what i felt like with thia beauty her eyes i have never seen much olive skin people with different eye colour other then dark brown but her eye colour was in between sky blue and aqua i just couldn't help but stare like a creep, as i snap back to reality i realized she was assessing me the same way until she opened that beautiful mouth of hers and said wow

Ok i know i shouldnt have but that was the first time anyone had ever complimented me that way it was refreshing but i couldnt hep but laugh, as i came to my senses i stood up and yo pull her chair out for her i really liked this woman already i didnt want her feeling uncomfortable and think im mocking her so i asked her to come join me at the table and also to try and ease her embarrassment i told her ill take what she said as a compliment as she settled herself on her seat i walked back to my own chair smiling to myself and knowing that this night will be a night to remember for a lifetime

To be continued...........

August 26, 2020 14:34

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1 comment

10:26 Nov 19, 2020

Amazing! 🤯🤯🤯🤯 I loved it very much. Can't wait to read more.


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