
This story happend a couple of years ago but still sit in my mind because "this story" give me my little sister. 

So let's begin. About a decade before my mom my brother and I lived in a little town in North Sweden near by the Norwegian border. I was 19 years old just finished the school. This life changing day was a stormy day whit a lot of snow and ice. The radio actually said "it's going to be blizzard on the evening better to stay home stay safe" but me decided to go before twelve to the only supermarket we had in the town. I asked my mom and my brother if they needed something then I headed to the market. Even my mom told me not to go I wasn't listening like I always do. Over these years many people told to my mom that her daughter not behave like a girl more like a rebel. But even that my mom loved me. 

Well i can clearly remember, when I walked in the snow that was really really cold. I opened the door and entered inside the Market. There was a few people but they left short after i came. I started to search after those things we neded, when I finished and wanted to pay I noticed that the guy who worked in this Supermarket was missing. I called him a hundred times but not a single soul responded. So I started to freak out I usually don't do that but I got scared. There was no-one I was completely alone. Then I heard the sound 

: The blizzard was here. So I decided to leave. I really don't now why maybe it was my 6th sense who told me to do that but I started to put back place to place everything I picked before so like a good girl fixed meanwhile the storm arrived! Silly girl I thought. Why you even came here today? Your mom gonna be extremely angry if you even survive this of course. Said those things to myself, then suddenly I heard a noise. It sounded like a little cat who stuck somewhere and crying for help. Then again and again but more and more strongly, from the same place. So I was listening carefully. This couldn't be a cat, more like a baby I thought so i walked slowly to find out what is

 that exactly. Then I saw it. I took my first shigt down to the floor and there was a little tiny baby girl without clothes or anything. She was desperately crying. For a few second I didn't know what to do. How could someone just leave behind this poor little baby in a supermarket during a blizzard !? What a heartless person... I thought and I was extremely shocked.

Then I picked up the baby and ran to the clothes section. Unfortunately there was not to much baby clothes and especially not for so tiny babies she was. So i grabbed some warm jumpers, diapers, 2 towel and wrapped in her. She was still crying and that made me sad until I realised she was just hungry. Don't judge me but I was 19 and I had never ever took care of a baby. So it's wasn't easy to me at all. Outside was already blizzard and the electricity just passed out. I held the baby and used my phone light to find the way. I wanted to get some food for the baby. I didn't know how old she was maybe just a few days cause she was so tiny. I found some milk for newborns so I gave it to her in a nursing bottle. After a half hour she was calm and sleepy. In the darkness just my telephone gave us a little light... But my charge was running out... And I couldn't even made a call because the snow blocked everything. I hoped my mom would get me and the baby out so I get us near to the door. I looked out everything was white. That moment I realised we were stuck. Without professional help we never could have the chance to escape.

I don't know how long we've been in the Supermarket but if I need to answer I would say a week cause it felt so.

Finally I saw some fireman trying to get inside. After 3 hours they could get inside and find me and the baby asleep on the floor. People around was amazed, expecially my family. Anyway there was my mom first who called the police and firemans to find me. Of course she was knowing that I stuck she knows her daughter well. It wasn't the first time. But was special this time because of the baby. When the police asked me about the baby I told them how I found her. Then they took her from me. I felt disappointed, even she wasn't mine I get mad... Babies always made people love them from the first moment. They are so clever and good at that. But even that we needed to handle over her to them, maybe they can find the parents. Honestly I would never ever let them to get her back, they just left her they don't deserve her, if they couldn't took care of her they could gave her to other parents, not just leaving her in a supermarket without nothing. Heartless. Eventually one day about a week after, my mom got a call from the police and an adoption officer. They asked her if she would take care of her until they can find a family for her. My mother not even hesitated, and said, yes of course.

So there we go after 2 months she became our family member she became my little sister. Whenever we tell this story to her she comes to me and tell me "I'm her hero forever" she says that I saved her life.

So this is how I got my little sister Ebba. 

July 27, 2020 15:54

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Trish Beauchemin
22:04 Aug 05, 2020

What a sweet story!


Sossie CryShinee
22:10 Aug 05, 2020

Thank you 🙂


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