Our Last, Tonight

Submitted into Contest #27 in response to: Write a short story that ends with a twist.... view prompt



It was the middle of the night. Maggie couldn't help but toss and turn as she forced herself to sleep. She was too emotional. She had just broken up with her boyfriend of three years and was taking it pretty hard. The tears continued to fall on her pillow as if rain to the ground. She felt broken. She couldn't put into words the pain she had felt and wanted them to end. Finally her eyes had closed. A deep sleep is what she was in. She was dreaming about her current state of mind. Dreaming about the fact that her heart was smashed into a thousand pieces. This wasn't a dream. This was her nightmare.

Then, she saw him. He was tall. 6'2.. maybe. Caramel skin with hazel eyes, brown hair with a slender build. He was something out of a magazine. It was Antonio, Maggie's ex. Now it seemed to be a cruel nightmare to put the face to the pain. But in this version of reality, Antonio wasn't the ex. He was the lover. They made eye contact and walked towards each other.

"You okay?" Antonio asked.

"Not really sure what's going on." she replied.

"I made a mistake!" he said with confidence. "Breaking up with you was the worst decision I could have ever made."

With so much relief in her system, Maggie had never felt happier. She had such a big smile across her face that it hurt to look at. She was happy. They were happy.

They then took the time to do all the things they liked doing when they were around each other: Skating, riding bikes, smoking weed while listening to music, dancing, making jokes and laughing, singing, racing and lastly playing basketball. Rounds and rounds of basketball. It was a night filled with adventure for the two of them.

What seemed to be hours later, the pair had finally sat down and took a minute to rekindle things with a conversation. Maggie still did not fully understand the reason behind the break up and she wanted answers.

"Tonight was a great night." She paused and then spoke again.

"So.. maybe I shouldn't ask this but... why'd you do it? Why after three years did you want to end things? she asked.

He sighed and then stated "I don't know! It was all fun and games in high school but then things just seemed to take a serious turn. All of a sudden we had to figure out what we wanted to be and do for the rest of our lives and decide what kind of life we wanted to live. I got scared and wanted one thing in my life to just slow down and realized I could only control one thing in my life from slowing down. My love life."

She understood but was still in shock.

"It was a mistake Magz. One I don't want to ever make again."

She smiled and then they kissed. The moment was magical and something she never wanted to end but she stopped the kiss abruptly.

"What's wrong?

"This..this doesn't feel or seem real to me. I want it to be but it isn't."

She was coming to her senses. She needed to be able to let go of this man in her dreams and her reality.

"I know the future can be scary but you left me alone to figure mine out. I was willing to go through this with you no matter how crazy, confusing and scary it got. Why couldn't you do that for me? Be there for me. We needed each other and you walked out. That's not at all fair to me and to be honest, it's a bitch move!"

He sulked his head in shame. He knew she was right and that he did something coward. But in that moment, in that time frame, he wanted to make it right with her again.

"What can I do to fix this?"

Maggie wanted to hear those words from Antonio's mouth for days. But she knew this wasn't the way to do it. To live in her dreams with him and hope for the best.

“There's nothing we can do about it, Toni. Tonight was nice and I'll appreciate you for it always. But it wasn't real. I want something real.”

She kissed his forehead and walked away.

His last words to her were: "Enjoy your life."

She woke up. She felt a sense of relief. Hurt. But still relieved. Maybe that's what she needed the whole time. The truth and a chance to end it the way that felt right and get herself some closure. She walked out of he room and into the kitchen to smell delightful breakfast being made.

"You're in a better mood." her mom said

"A good sleep was what I needed." she responded.

"After breakfast, we're going to meet up with your sister and father. They already got a jump on the day!


Maggie picked out her clothes, brushed her teeth and got herself in the shower and dressed for the day. Then the doorbell rang. She saw the uniform and welcomed them inside.

"What's going on Maggie?" Her mom asked.

"Ma'am, we just have a couple of questions for your daughter."

"Have a seat." Maggie said.

"What do you know about the murder of Antonio Douglass?"

Maggie's face dropped. In complete disbelief. Her heart racing a mile a minute and trying to keep up with the times of reality.

"W-what do you mean murder?" she asked in a shaky tone.

"Officer, what makes you think my daughter knows anything about this?"

"He was found on a basketball court this morning and only had his keys and phone on him. we looked through his most recent messages and came across this..

He passed the phone to Maggie's mother to read and then to Maggie.

The message read: "Tonight was a great night.. so.. maybe I shouldn't ask this but... why'd you do it? Why after 3 years did you want to end things?

Her face was still as a tear shed.

February 05, 2020 19:26

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Kari Hyp
19:10 Feb 14, 2020

Who could have killed Antonio? Hmm.... this was a very interesting and cool story! Great 👍🏻 job!


Tiaja Gundy
19:02 Feb 25, 2020

Thank you so much!!


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