
This is a somewhat prequel to "we know, do you know?" while it doesn't show most of what i wanted to show it shows maybe half of it. the new prompt doesn't have much for what i could do for my story.

In sixth grade That's when they met her. They all had been friends since Fifth grade, but this when they had met HER. There had been arrow along with Aria, Iris and Roxy. They never met Zizi until around eighth grade. They had all been roaming the halls of the school, for the next few weeks they sort of had free days. "you hear about the new students?" arrow asked.

Aria a girl with long black hair rolled her eyes almost seeming annoyed as she flipped her hair a bit. There always seemed to be new students coming to the school left and right all of a sudden. "oh great..."

Arrow had light red eyes and when the main doors to the school opened his eyes almost seemed to light up. They all turned around to see one of the teachers walking over to them. Aria was the first to notice that someone or something was behind them. "who's that?" Iris asked.

The girl walked out from behind the teacher. her brown hair was a bit messy and put into a ponytail as she wore a dark purple and white crop top. Aria also noticed that the girl had a blue and green eye. "ugh...new student..."

"hi there, my name is arrow!" he smiled as he walked over to the girl and put out his hand to shake. he didn't really consider himself the 'leader' of the group but he was always the first to introduce himself. If they actually did have a leader he thought it would probably be Roxy or Aria.

The girl didn't take his hand or shake it she stared at it before waving with a small smile. "Names hope." she finally said and waved to the others. They all seemed interesting to her but she felt like something was off.

She got introduced to Iris and Aria, who forced a smile as she pats hope's back. Iris actually seemed to like Hope, just like arrow. just wait until she's gone...we won't ever see her again. Aria thought.

Hope walked over to Roxy who was in the corner kind of watching this happen. "hi" hope said with a smile and another wave. Roxy didn't say anything and just stared at her.

Hope stared back at Roxy with a confused look, she didn't know what was going on. "uh...its nice...to meet you..." hope was getting a bit nervous.

Arrow noticed this while he was talking with iris and then quickly walked over to the two of them. He always had to explain this to someone new if they saw her. "oh uh hope? sorry to say, but Roxy is mute. She doesn't use sign language instead she either texts to writes down what to say."

when they had first met Roxy she never liked sign language and they had first tried to talk to her through that. Roxy's parents had tried to teach her sign language when she was younger but she never liked it. So when they had met her and became friends, she would take out a piece of paper and write down what she wanted to say.

Aria rolled her eyes again as she watched this happen, though she'd probably never see hope again. It was just a one time thing, she barely ever even saw the other new students that came. There was already enough in the group.

"Do you want us to show you around?" Roxy had asked through writing on a piece of paper and giving it to hope. For several years she had carried over 100 pieces of paper in her backpack. She didn't want to run out.

What?? come on! That's a teachers job! just leave this girl alone. Aria thought getting more annoyed.

Arrow followed by Roxy and Iris began to lead Hope through the school, giving her a tour. Aria decided to tag along, she wasn't going to be left alone.

The school was a decent size. it held fifth-eighth graders so sometimes several grades were in a single classroom for something. The school had thought of making it bigger but hadn't done it.

"so what do you think?" Roxy gave Hope the paper. She had become a fast writer since this is how she would talk. Even a fast Typer. She was one of the first ones to always finish on a test.

"its...really good, better than my old school.." hope said a few minutes later. she hadn't expected to meet anyone so fast, she's seen all those movies. were those not true?

"hey! i have an idea, why not after school we all hang out at my place?? we could go watch a horror movie? my brother loves them so he has a lot recorded..." Iris spoke.

"did you just...say a horror movie?!" Hope said, almost in a shout. They were afraid that they had gotten her mad about something. "whats-" arrow stopped himself when he realized that she wasn't angry, she was just really excited.

fine. just one more thing with this girl. Then we won't ever have to see her again. Aria thought. Oh how she was so wrong.

After they had all watched some movies at iris's home, Aria thought that had been it. That it was a one time thing and none of them would see her again. But from then on they started hanging out more with hope every chance they got. Aria always went along, though every time she found it annoying or boring.

She only thought it would also be just for sixth grade and then they'd move on. Nope. She stayed with them for seventh grade as well. Aria continued to tag along for it, she was getting more angry and annoyed. she noticed something going on with Roxy and Iris though in eighth grade when they also met zizi.

The two of them seemed to not tag along with any of them that much. They would either be busy doing something or hanging out with another group. "whats going on?" Arrow asked the two of them as Zizi and Hope stood behind him. they had been on their way to get those two and Aria for something.

"i'm sorry about this but....we just don't feel like it anymore." Iris said, "we want to be with others...and it just feels to crowded now..." Roxy nodded, agreeing with iris.

They had all been sad about it, Zizi barely knew them but she was still sad. Hope felt like she had something to cause this but never said anything. Arrow tried to not be sad, these things happen in life. Aria was the saddest, she had been the first to meet them.

she caused this! why did she ever stay? their both gone.. Aria thought. She needed to do something. fast.

In the summer before ninth grade, she got an idea with the help from someone. she smirked as she opened a drawer and put something in her pocket. she made her way to Hope's house, luckily she knew where it was since they always went there to watch horror movies.

"oh, uh...hi Aria..." Hope said a bit surprised when opening the door. She and Aria weren't the best of friends. She walked outside as Aria explained she wanted to go and have some fun with her.

The two of them walked away from the house and headed to an old house. Hope almost had stars in her eyes, aria smirked as she knew hope would like it. it looked like a old haunted house, and she knew that hope liked horror.

"so...uh what do you wanna do?" hope asked as they entered the house. she wanted to explore and maybe see if there were ghosts.

"oh...you'll see..." Aria said with her smirk growing, her voice was almost echoey when hopes wasn't. she took out the knife and walked up to hope. she counted down when to strike. 1....2...3

i tried my best with this one. This isn't all of the past or backstory for it but i did the best i could because all of that probably wouldnt fit with this prompt.

August 21, 2020 15:59

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16:05 Aug 21, 2020

This was awesome! It was extremely short but that’s all it needed to be-I love your surprise ending! Great job!


B. W.
16:08 Aug 21, 2020

thanks :) i know i know its always really short and not to long ive been trying to make it a bit longer lately. i finished this in like 30 minutes or almost a hour. so did you maybe have a favorite part of it?


I like being surprised, so honestly I loved the ending best.


B. W.
18:32 Aug 21, 2020

thanks im glad you liked this, were there maybe any other parts you liked besides the ending part?


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Wow, I never suspected the ending. That was crazy! AND I JUST FINISHED READING THE PROMPTS, AND YOU FINISHED A STORY :O Great work! I loved it!


B. W.
17:57 Aug 21, 2020

thanks im glad you liked it i finished this one in like 30 minutes somehow and i guess its still good. theres probably gonna be a few more parts, do you maybe have a favorite part with the thing besides the ending? and i also just finished another one its called "first love" you should check it out as well


Alrighty! I liked all their names, to be honest. Arrow, Hope, Aria, Roxy. They all are great names. I also love the name Iris and Zizi, they are so creative. I just like how you wrote all of their personalities in this story which made things clear, and I wasn't really confused about tracking the characters :)


B. W.
18:48 Aug 21, 2020

Arrow and Hope are the names of two characters ive made and had for a few years, i thought of Aria and Zizi kind of randomly Roxy is short for a different character :) so i guess arrow and hope are kind of like my oc's a bit cuz i do sorta like to Role-play from time to time on something.




B. W.
18:55 Aug 21, 2020



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Itay Frenkel
18:22 Aug 22, 2020

Great job! I loved the surprise ending, and it was nice to get a little background as to why Aria killed Hope.


B. W.
18:31 Aug 22, 2020

thank you i'm glad you liked and yeah just a little background though, as there's more for it but i couldn't put it in here. there's more later on for it. i also may have finished another story thats another prequel for it called "what did you do?"


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Avery G.
16:31 Aug 21, 2020

This was amazing! My favorite part was the surprise ending! Wow, I can't believe you finished this in like 30 minutes! Great job!


B. W.
16:36 Aug 21, 2020

thank you im glad you liked it :) yeah i'm kinda surprised to, i thought it would take a couple of hours to do it. Theres probably gonna be a few more parts for it.


Avery G.
16:42 Aug 21, 2020

You're welcome! Yeah.


B. W.
17:58 Aug 21, 2020

i just finished another one- its called "first love" if you wanna read it.


Avery G.
17:59 Aug 21, 2020

Oh okay! Wow, that was fast!


B. W.
18:07 Aug 21, 2020

yep i guess im fast with writing stories besides reading them cant wait to see what ya have to say about it


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04:18 Aug 22, 2020

Very unexpected ending. I found this to be very enjoyable. When I was younger I had aria's attitude, minus the murder lol. I used to get jealous when a new friend was added to my friend group too. Great job with this one.


B. W.
04:25 Aug 22, 2020

thanks im glad you liked it. well i hope you didn't try to do anything to the new friends or else especially murder. Though aria isn't that much jealous maybe just a small bit but she's more annoyed and angry at hope. This story still didn't explain the full thing but whenever i can make the next part most of it will be explained. But without any spoilers for it or anything one of the other reasons i can tell you without being a big spoiler and since its said in the story. Aria believes that Hope got rid of Roxy and Iris from the group so sh...


04:49 Aug 22, 2020

sounds good! oh, and of course not! just like you said, just annoyed really.


B. W.
05:03 Aug 22, 2020

okay and i plan to try and make another story in the morning. its either with "two people meet in some unusual and become friends fast" or 'two people are introduced but they already know each other" or something like that and i was wondering and if you got any ideas for it.


05:25 Aug 22, 2020

I usually write in every other contest to give my brain a break. but ill see. good luck though!


B. W.
18:39 Aug 22, 2020

if you want to, i just made another story a bit ago you could read it and tell me what you think "what did you do?"


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