worth the wait - A relationship where one person is always runninglate and the other is constantly kept waiting. 

Submitted into Contest #49 in response to: Write a story about a relationship where one person is always running late and the other is constantly kept waiting.... view prompt



Aavi and Yani started their relationship through an online connection. Both were from two different cities. Speaking over the phone and chatting online for long hours, discussing anything senseless was the only dating going for almost a year. Both were truly in love with each other, without meeting each other both were doing very well in their relationship.

Long-distance relationships are a bit difficult to continue and the fact is that couples never get a chance to understand the habitual thing about each other . when in love person feels over the moon and never bothered about anything practical.

After a long wait of year, Aavi decided to meet Yani visiting her City as he had his cousin living there who also invited Aavi for his Birthday bash so now he got some reason to tell people at home.

The excitement was overflowing both were eager to meet each other. Aavi’s flight booking was done, date, time, venue everything was decided. Yami was supposed to meet him at the airport and then spend some time at the café. Aavi took around two weeks off as his cousin also insisted on him.

Time waits for no one so it was for both of them, it was time for their first meeting. Aavi’s flight was on time and he landed too on time. Aavi’s mind and heart pop up with different thoughts, that Yani must be waiting outside, welcoming with flowers, and so on…

Aavi brought some fresh flower from the airport, he came out at the arrival and started looking for Yani, looking for her a while Aavi thought of calling her and for his surprised Yani was bit busy at her office completing some urgent work which was assigned to her and was sorry for not reaching there on time. Poor fellow, all his daydream gone with the wind. Aavi carries on towards the café and found some good corner to settle down there. Sitting at the café Aavi tried all the types of coffee they offered and some snacks within 4 hours. He was a bit upset about not able to see her.

Finally, Yani reached at the café with her beautiful smile, looking at her Aavi’s gloomy face disappeared. She huge him and he was so much delight to feel her Aavi handed over her flowers. She was sorry being late but Aavi became jocular. After spending the rest of the day together, Aavi left for his cousin’s place and Yani to her home. Promising to meet next day at the beach which was nearby Yani’s office in the evening at 6 O’ clock.

The next day Aavi’s cousin came along with him to drop him, Aavi insisted his cousin to wait and meet Yani. Both Aavi and cousin reached well on time while waiting for Yani they enjoyed sweet corns, coconut water. Aavi thought of calling Yani as it was almost 40 minutes they were waiting and here Yani appeared with her beautiful smile. Aavi introduces his cousin to Yani and they started chatting for a while. Yani asked come let's have coconut water sweet corn its very famous here, both smiled and said we had it and here we kept for you. Three of them laughed, Yani said I am very bad at timing really sorry. Aavi’s cousin left leaving them together. Both Aavi and Yani had a great time at the beach and had dinner together. Aavi wanted to meet her every day so he told her tomorrow I’ll come here same time if you don’t mind. Yani smiled and said yes sure.

This Aavi came alone as became aware of the route and direction but still, he was on time, yani reached 30 minutes late, and the same thing I really very sorry. But Aavi was waiting to have coconut water and sweet corns with her and her beautiful smile always gave him relief. Aavi had planned something for the weekend so he told her I have a plan for movie and dinner this weekend as it will be off for you. Yami smiled and said yes I also had the same plan. Both laughed. Aavi told her tomorrow is my cousin’s birthday party and he invited you too. Aavi said please come, Yani said “ okay I will try”.

This time Yani did not want to embarrass herself so she tried to reach on time to attend a birthday party. She left her house well on time and informed Aavi about it. Poor girl got stuck in the traffic for an hour and reached the party where everyone was waiting for Yani to come for cutting of the cake. All youngsters in the party lot of fun and enjoyment. Both Yani and Aavi danced together. Spend their special time, made it meaningful and memorable.

Aavi’s next meet was at the theater, he was already there holding tickets in his hand waiting for Yani. Finally, Yani came 15minutes late for the movie but Aavi was happy that he got to see his love.

Like this Aavi used to come every day to meet Yani for entire his trip but somehow she used to get late. But Aavi never complains about it, as he enjoyed her company and in love that is the most wanted thing.

Aavi went back to his city and carry on with his work with full dedication but Yani was always in his mind. This time Aavi told Yani to make some plan to visit his city. Here Aavi got the good news as Yani had to travel to Aavi place for her office work. Aavi was very happy to see her soon. Yani arrived at Aavi's place but she had to visit her office to complete her work. Aavi made sure to meet her after office hours and he was already there to surprise her. Aavi told her about his weekend plan that he will take her to visit Taj Mahal. Yani was very curious to see the monument which is so famous. waited eagerly for the weekend and both by car visit to the beautiful wonder.

 Years went some time Yani used to come to Aavi’s city to meet him and vice versa things were going on.

Aavi also waited long for 8 years to get married to Yani, As she had to convince everyone in the family as she belongs to a traditional Indian family. But finally, the day came after 8years long wait. Both were married and happy for being one. Aavi’s wait was worth as he patiently dealt with everything for 8 years and ready to do it for the rest of his life.

July 10, 2020 17:34

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