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Happy Inspirational Sad

It was the first day of school at yet another high school, third one this year. Will we ever stay in one place finally, he thought to himself. Tyrel Anderson is the name, he said to the secretary in the office. I'm here to get my class schedule, and I really don't want to be late for class the first day. Awe, here you are Tyrel, better hurry the bell is about to ring. As I was walking really fast to class I came around the corner and boom, there she was. The most beautiful girl I had ever seen, with her flowing long dark brown hair and hazel eye's that just pop. Hello, hello, are you okay, she said. It took me a minute, but than I realized she was talking to me. Um hello, I'm Tyrel, what's your name? My name is Shannan, nice to meet you.

You're gonna be late for class, you might want to hurry, Mr. Ortho's is kind of a tough teacher. Ok, thank you, maybe sometime after school we could hang out? Yeah, I would like that, Shannan replied. The next few weeks flew by as the two became really good friends. Prom was coming up in a week, and I still have not asked her. I'm so nervous, what if she says no, what if I fumble my words? Tyrel, buddy, you'll do fine. You two have been friends for how long now, I'm sure everything will go smooth and she will say yes. As I finally pulled my nerves together, here she came walking around the corner of the hall. Shannan! Shannan! Can I talk to you for a minute? Yeah sure, what's up? I, um, was wanting to know if you would, uh, go to prom with me? Oh, I wasn't planning on going, she said.

Since you asked, I guess I will go with you to prom. Yes! She said yes! Justin was right. Relieved that she said yes all his worries were gone. The next two days went by so fast that it was prom night now. That night he showed up with a box with candy hearts instead of a corsage. He told her that he could not afford the corsage, but brought candy hearts instead (they were her favorite). Shannan smiled gratefully. He promised to give her a candy heart everyday from that point on. Those two could not be separated from that day forward. They had their first kiss that night of the prom, it was unforgettable. Oh, those memories were wonderful and still fresh in his old mind. He was 17 years old and she was 16 years old back then, now days they are in their 70's. Hey dear, what's on your mind, said Shannan to Tyrel. Oh, just thinking about the prom and our first kiss.

Shannan smiled. I remember as clear as yesterday dear. Do you remember how I made that promise to you about the candy hearts love? Yes I do, and you still give me one each day honey, and haven't missed one day yet. They sat and watched the sunset, talking about their high school years together. As night fell, It was time for them to get some rest. The next day Tyrel couldn't help but notice Shannan slept in a little longer than usual. Are you feeling okay love? I feel a little bit under the weather today dear, Shannan replied. I will go make us some breakfast, maybe that will make you feel a little bit better. Do you want sausage or bacon? I will have bacon and make it one egg today. When he came back to the bedroom Shannan was sound asleep, not wanting to wake her he put her breakfast in the warmer. Hello, Doctor Herald, do you think you might be able to stop by here on your way home and have a look at my love, Shannan. She's feeling a bit ill. Of course Tyrel, not a problem. Should be there in a few moments.

When the doctor arrived, Shannan was still sleeping, in fact she slept the whole day away. Tyrel, I'm sorry but I have some bad news, I think she has fallen into a coma. We need to get her to the hospital so we can run some tests. Well, the next few days were hell. The doctor's ran all kinds of tests and just couldn't figure out what caused her to go into a coma. Her health was failing fast and they had no answers for why. Tyrel stayed at the hospital with her through out the days with candy hearts in his hand. That next night he stayed all night with her. Love, I hope you can hear me, I have brought you some candy hearts, your favorite. He held the candy hearts in his hand holding onto her hand the whole night long as he fell asleep. That next morning Shannan had passed away from a heart attack. She had heart failure they found out later from the autopsy.

It was a sad day for Tyrel, she was the only family he had left. Now, he has to plan a funeral and come up with the burial costs. He managed to get some help from the community that he lived in for the funeral and the burial costs. It was a beautiful funeral at Rose Lee's Funeral Home. There were daisies lined down the walk way and on her coffin. Everyday dear, I told you I would bring you candy heart a day. Here at the grave site of his late wife he lay some candy hearts for her, and he continued to do so everyday. I seen that man at the same time everyday dropping off some candy hearts for her, up until they day it was time for him to be right there laid next to her in the ground. Now on Valentines Day, when I see those candy hearts I think about the old man and his wife and the stories he told me about their younger day's.

The End.

February 18, 2021 20:00

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1 comment

Lyn Carstone
01:31 Feb 26, 2021

Hi Shannan, Reedsy's Criqtique Circle recommended your story to me. First off, I thought it was really sweet. Shannan and Tyrell were a really cute couple. What I would recommend working on is putting dialogue in quotation marks. When Tyrell was getting up the courage to ask Shannan to the prom, I didn't realize till the next paragraph that it was Tyrell's friend Justin that was encouraging him. Again, I enjoyed your story. The candy hearts were adorable.


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