Submitted into Contest #62 in response to: Write about a character putting something into a time capsule.... view prompt


Fiction Drama Contemporary

 Insertion in time capsule: 2020

Target year of unveiling time capsule: 2520 (Time capsule could either be buried or launched into space and retrieved after 500 years.)

Subject of message sent into time capsule: Beliefs and happenings of 21st century.in India.

Narrative of one case:


His real name doesn’t matter. He was always called Robin even at Amazon where he worked. At about 20, he was tall, fair and handsome with a trimmed beard in keeping with modern times. His long hair had been hedge cut and a single ear stud sparkled in one ear. He had been endowed naturally with a solid body and had developed large biceps by exercises at home. He wasn’t interested in studies, and after high school had joined Amazon as a delivery hand. He had no parents and his weakness was that he didn’t have much forethought as this account will reveal!

He had no real girlfriends. His colleague Ruby was the only one who would talk to him in a friendly way but she wasn’t good looking. It was through a friend that he had met Lily who had passable looks. She was slim and tall and he was impressed with her. They had talked a while when she said “My mother works for LAD, a landlord, at his home and we live in his outhouse.”

He asked her about her dad and she said “He owned a private taxi.” She was a bit hesitant to continue, but then she said “He was driving home one night when a drunken playboy -------“ She sighed and paused.

He said “I understand. There must’ve been a collision.”

“Of course we were compensated but memories of my father linger.”

“I’m sorry to have made you recall something sad.” He changed the topic and learnt that after school she had started working for a large garment factory. Lily and her mother were impressed with Robin. Robin and Lily would often talk on the phone and he revealed that Ruby was also his friend. 

One day Lily called Robin and said “The end of the world is coming soon.”

He was startled and asked “Who said it?”

“LAD’s family priest it seems said that 9 planets were going to be in line soon and that will bring calamity. Special prayers and rituals are being conducted to try and avoid malefic effects of such a planetary alignment.”

“What does he say will happen?”

“I didn’t speak to the priest but I can tell you what my mother has been told. There could be earthquakes. The sea could rise over the land flooding it. It could rain continuously for several days causing floods. And so on.”

Robin said “I don’t believe it.”

“I was also a non-believer like you. But seeing more and more people becoming highly religious, I’ve started feeling there could be some truth in the forecasts. I’m convinced that some major calamity could occur leading to the end of the world.”

“When is that Doomsday?”

“I don’t remember the exact date. It is in weeks. Even newspapers have reported it.”

“I don’t read newspapers. You’re scaring me.”

“Everyone is taking it seriously.”

“I’ve a call. I’ll speak to you again.”

It was a call was from his office. A package was due for urgent delivery and he went about his duty. That evening, as Robin was going home on his bike, he saw Ruby waiting for transport and offered her a lift. She got on his bike and on the way she said “I’ve a headache. Take me to the coffee shop.”

He parked outside and they went in. She ordered coffee for both of them though Robin said he wasn’t used to having too much of the beverage. Sipping her coffee Ruby said “Robin, what’re you thinking about?”

He hesitated a bit and then said “I’m worried about the fact that the end of the world is coming.”

“It’s all nonsense. Don’t believe it.”

He said “I think you haven’t been told about what all could happen.”

She was silent a few moments and then said “I’ve seen the dire forecasts in the media. Should it impact our lives?”

“Certainly. Another friend has told me how special prayers are being offered to deflect malefic effects but nobody knows how effective they would be.”

 “Who told you?”

“A woman named Lily. She works in a garment factory. It seems in the place where she lives and its neighbourhood, many types of prayers are being chanted regularly by pundits to save our planet. I’m convinced that we’re going to face serious trouble if not extinction.”

 They had finished coffee and he asked “How is the headache?”

She said “I feel better.”

He asked “Shall we go?”

As they walked out she asked “Have you known Lily a long time?”

“Since a six months.” Seeing a new large ad for imported dates being fixed on a wall, he remembered about the Middle East and said “Your mother told me she would be leaving for Bahrain soon.”

“She’s leaving tomorrow. She wants to be back soon since I would be left alone though our home is in a safe place.” Ruby’s father worked in Bahrain. She added “My father hasn’t been doing well. Mother will stay with him till he feels better.”

They had reached her home and he left after dropping her.

Now Ruby felt she had competition for Robin. She would’ve to take the initiative to get him to marry her!

A few days later Ruby called Robin and said “I’ve arranged dinner for a close friend who is going abroad for higher studies. It would be tomorrow at 6.30. Why don’t you join?”

He agreed though he didn’t fit in with highly educated people, and was at her place at 6 in the evening. Ruby’s friend hadn’t arrived even at 7 and Robin was eager to leave. At this point Ruby received a call saying the friend had a mild fever and so wouldn’t be able to attend. Ruby said “Robin, food will be delivered in a few minutes. You could have dinner and then leave.” He agreed as he was partial to good food.

She said “Meantime I’ve tomato soup ready. I’ll heat it” She went into the kitchen. In moments she screamed and he went to see what had happened. Ruby’s long top garment had caught fire in the rear. Robin doused it and Ruby, after casting aside the burnt garment changed into a housecoat. Dinner was now delivered which they shared. He said “The food was very tasty.”

 She said “It is from my usual caterer.” She moaned a little and said “Robin, it stings in the area above the left knee in the back. Skin must have got scalded. Could you give it a coat of cold cream which I have?”

He hesitated but she said “Couldn’t you do it for an injured colleague?”

He started to treat her which progressed with the hospitable ups and downs of her anatomy welcoming and showering the attention they had so far never received, and the inevitable happened. She wouldn’t let him leave till it was 11 in the night. He was a bit scared about what had happened. However he was happy that he had the experience with a woman before the world ended. Of course he wished that evening would have encores!

As explained earlier, Robin was naive. Next day he blurted out to Lily’s mother about having gone to Ruby’s place the previous evening. Lily’s mother in turn invited Robin home for dinner that evening. She invited him in but was called away to LAD’s house for some work leaving him alone with Lily. Lily kept talking to him and in the course of talk said “My mother feels terribly worried about the world ending. She keeps praying all the time. There’s a special prayer meet tomorrow evening and she will go with LAD’s wife. I’m also scared of the effects of the prophecy. Would I die before I can get married? And so on.”

He said “I’m also worried.” In his characteristic plebeian way he said “What will happen to me if the world ends?”

The mother now returned and said “Robin, you should come tomorrow with Lily when a senior seer will address devotees about the coming end of the world and give words of advice. It would be a long session.” Robin agreed. He had his fill of dinner and went back home.

Next evening, Robin went to Lily’s place. Her mother had already left for the senior seer’s event. Lily was home. She said “I hurt my knee at the work spot and am unable to walk due to pain. So I’m stuck at home. Let’s have snacks mother has made.”

  They ate the snacks when Robin said “Very tasty and also abundant. I can skip dinner.”

She said “I wish we could’ve also gone to hear the senior seer.” She tapped a knee and said “Robin, the pain in the leg has increased.”

 She rolled up her skirt to show him the injury. He inspected it and after running his fingers over the area said “No pain or swelling. Should heal in a day or two.”

She said “It pains a lot a little above where you put your fingers.” One thing led to another and with his recent experience with Ruby, he had the well-endowed Lily climbing walls! They took some rest after which he sensed by her actions that Lily needed a repeat of what had happened earlier. She received what she wanted with his benevolence! He regretted that after doomsday, there would be no chances for it. Lying in his bed at home he asked himself who was better? He concluded it was certainly Lily.

Lily’s mother came home long after Robin had left. She asked “Lily, how did it go?”

 “Exactly as we had planned it!”

She said “Good. It might have been difficult to get him as Ruby has a better background.”  

 From then on Lily’s mother would be away from home very often and when informed, Robin wouldn’t miss the chance to take advantage of the moment much to Lily’s delectation. He had all but forgotten that jousts in bed would have consequences!

So it wasn’t surprising when Lily confided in her mother the fact of the matter. She only said “I’m happy.”

A week later Lily’s mother said “Lily, my brother is coming tomorrow to stay with us for a while.”

Lily remembered the big made man with a huge moustache and a bald head. She said “But mother you had once told me he was in prison.”

“That’s true. It was due to his having taken vengeance on someone who had betrayed him. He has come out of jail now.”

When Lily told Robin her condition, he was perplexed. Lily’s uncle gave Robin a stern warning while incidentally honing a machete “Do the right thing under the circumstances.“ Robin recognized the threat and wedded Lily. He even stopped talking to Ruby who guessed that Lily was the reason behind it. Ruby confronted Robin in the coffee shop when he admitted that Lily was in the family way through him.

 She shouted “You cheated on me! Doomsday was 4 days ago but there is no sign of the world ending. You’ll wish it had ended when I tell you what I propose doing: I’ll be seeking legal advice. I may charge you with rape or perhaps set paid killers on you.”

Naive Robin said “I wish I could take two wives like my forefathers could.”

“You rascal! You think you could enjoy yourself with two wives! I want revenge.” She paused and said ominously “You and Lily will regret what you’ve done!” Robin wished the world had ended!



October 05, 2020 06:45

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