The Last Day for Ulysses

Submitted into Contest #60 in response to: Write a post-apocalyptic thriller.... view prompt



"How long it's been?" asked Ulysses, his voice echoed inside of the large cave he's been staying for God knows how long. It was an ordeal to stay away from the daylight for such a long time that a human can't measure. However, the time wasn't that important, because it was the last day for Ulysses.

"Hours?" replied a fed-up voice, "Stop asking!" Yelled the owner of the same voice and kept grumbling in a low voice: "As if I am an expert, I have no idea about time". 

"Can't be hours, not shorter than two days" Ulysses answered hopelessly. "Days consist of hours" retorted the same voice. 

Since the dead started walking on the earth and hunting people, there were no countries nor states, there were only little communities where people had to live in harmony. The bad thing is, nobody had accepted poor Ulysses as a member of their community, nobody let him be a part of this harmony. Everyone had been pushing him around since his childhood because he was different, he could see the things the others couldn't see.

"That's not fair!" shouted Ulysses, "Why do I have to be alone forever?" inquired to the voice in the darkness. Little tears were flowing down his eyes.

"Because you are mad, Ulysses, you are as mad as a chicken!" giggled the voice, it seemed he was enjoying the moment. "And Ulysses" the voice kept going, "If you realised, they are spending too much time to keep you inside of here, they are afraid of you, you are even more dangerous than those rottens. D'you know what makes you more dangerous than them?" beamed the voice invisibly. "W-what's it?" stammered Ulysses. "Your mind" whispered the voice. 

"Now, you should try to rest Ulysses, or you will never have any chance for having a rest" the voice rejoiced.

Some time passed, it was impossible to detect it since there was no light nor any sound. Ulysses had woken up; it was a bizarre feeling that had him woke up. Something behind the entrance of the cave, which was closed with stones, was moving.

Ulysses stood up fastly. "What's that?" asked, there was no answer. "Are they going to take me out of that prison?" inquired into the darkness. "I don't know Ulysses; I can't know anything going on out of your head" explained the voice.

The towering stone lid fell open, making a thunderous noise. The bright sunlight filled the room; it was such a gift for Ulysses. However, he didn't have any time to feel the relief of being off that prison. There were men, holding the ropes attached to the gigantic stone lid, had come to take him.

"Come out Ulysses" shouted a middle-aged man. Ulysses, who seemed to be afraid of him, step forward; there was a crowd around the cave. "What are you going to do to me?" gulped Ulysses.

"You have some problems Ulysses" the man approached carefully. "You are mad, mad as a chicken. I can't let you, someone who sees things don't exist, stay with us. I have my people, and my people are fed up with your crazy assumptions and meaningless accusations" the man barked. Ulysses was looking inside of the man's eyes; they had the colour of hatred behind its blueness. 

"I wasn't lying" stammered Ulysses. "Brendan was transforming into..." the man interrupted him: "No! Ulysses, no! Nobody was transforming, it was only one of your delusions", he was panting. "We've made a decision, we'll send you away Ulysses" stated the man. 

"Marcus" trembled Ulysses, "Please don't" whined. "I have to Ulysses, your time's end here. We can't sleep in peace at night when there's a maniac next to us" Marcus turned his back to Ulysses, it was like he didn't want to face Ulysses. "I can't keep you in the Cave either; we don't want to spend our resources to feed you". Marcus raised his right arm, clenched his fist and shouted: "Take him to the door".

"That sounds interesting, innit? Ulysses?" asked the voice. "I don't want to listen to you!" cried Ulysses attracting all the attention. "Look at that crowd Ulysses. They know how mad are you; they can see it clearly, look at the fear in their eyes!" kept hissing the voice. "You're my enemy" whispered Ulysses while being pushed by two men in shabby black coats.

They have finally reached the door, Ulysses was panting loudly with fear as the wooden door opened slowly. As the door opened, Ulysses could smell the onions hanged on the walls surrounding the village and keeping the rottens away. Rottens couldn't see very well, but they could smell perfectly, and strong smells like onions or garlic were keeping them away.

Marcus approached him, hold out a pocket knife to Ulysses, "I'm afraid we don't have any weapon to waste" remarked. Ulysses threw a glance at the little pocket knife put into his palm, "This has no use" complained Ulysses. However, of course, he knew it was utopic to expect something useful, like a pistol, or at least something has any use, like an axe. It was a fact that his life didn't have any value at all.

It was the time, everyone's eye was locked on Ulysses. It was early in the morning, was there any chance for him to find a new settlement? Probably no. Even if he found somewhere, they would treat him as these people do. He was alone in the world.

"Farewell" fumed Marcus. People were coming over him with slow steps; the fear was on their faces. As they approached, Ulysses stepped behind; in the end, he was out of the door. "Shut the door!" ordered Marcus; the door was shut closed faster than it opened.

"You are on your own again, Ulysses!" giggled the voice. "Shut your mouth!" whispered Ulysses angrily. He could hear the voices of rottens from the woods. There was an open plain between the village and the woods, but Marcus, who was already standing on one of the watchtowers to see if Ulysses left, wouldn't let him stay there. "That man's such a monster" snorted Ulysses; "Yes, he is, but, aren't you a monster too?" asked the voice.

"I had no choice but facing it," thought Ulysses. He felt there was no chance but getting into the woods. He was walking unconsciously, fighting with the voice in his mind, and as he walked, he was facing with more and more beasts. 

There were rottens inside of the woods, zombies, living dead. But none of them as dangerous as the monsters inside of Ulysses' mind. He was seeing monsters standing on every corner. His monsters were already inside of his mind.

September 21, 2020 15:04

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