Two Lives and One Dragon

Submitted into Contest #263 in response to: Write the origin story of a notorious villain.... view prompt


Fantasy Bedtime Suspense

Waiting on the top of a castle, with a young girl caged inside. The walls thick enough to keep in all her cries and complains about ruining her puffy dress. Thick enough to block off my own life.

I’ve been told the world is bigger than you think, yet it hasn’t been proved. To me at least. The discoveries would have been made if I could soar through the sky with the wind brushing my cheeks and wings. Staring down at the sun-kissed hills below me with others by my side. What a miracle!

Yet as day reaches night; here I am. Staring down at an empty mossy bridge with a spoilt nosy princess, waiting.

When the days were as fresh as blooming flowers, life was a miracle. Always surrounded by my fellow friends; sometimes even clashing! We’d explore forbidden lands and eat the most delicious food. I will never forget the time my best friend came home with a whole herd of deer. We’d laugh about the most silliest topics. Those days were taken away from me though, so were everything from my memories.

I had piercing blue eyes that shone in the light. My curtain red scales were so shiny that my reflection could be seen. But most importantly, I had crystal white horns that pointed to the sky, I’ve never seen any dragon but me with horns.

During my youth, when the skies were once grey and pouring, we sheltered when someone unfamiliar strapped his feet onto the ground after landing. His face seemed wearied out from scrunching up with anger. Deep wrinkles slithered all the way down to his cheeks, looking quite pale. You could say I stood up brave and asked the stranger who he was, but fortunately one of the older dragons, Lenora, did talking for me.

After ten seconds into conversation, her jaw dropped to the floor, still managing to keep eye contact. I held my breath within my lungs as I crept closer from the cave to the bush beside the stranger. Everything in my body tightened once I was creeping on my tippy toes as my back formed an arch. The bush was only a few steps away when my middle pointy nail cracked, pushing me over between Lenora and the new comer.

My heart no longer pumped to its beat. Both pairs of eyes were beaming straight at me! I hoped Lenora would throw me into the cave at the second! This was beyond that level of embarrassing anyways. But instead the unexpected came out of her mouth.

“Oh, this clumsy dragon here is my nephew, dragon.”

“I’m Fafnir, but I must say, what an interesting name you have! Pleasing to meet you, young lad.” Fafnir replied trying to cover his scrunched up face.

I know, so unoriginal. I’ve been told that all my life, it isn’t difficult to get used to honestly. But at the same time, it encourages me to be who I am today, a dragon.

“You look quite young and fit; you’d work fine doing a job like mine.” He smiled while scanning my body.

Before I could question him, Lenora barged in.

“Oh sure he would! Now how about you join us for dinner, we could use the company.”

“Of course, I suppose a break would be pleasant,” he replied.

Lenora walked him into the cave along with me beside them. But me? Fit? Doing a job like his? This dragon was a mystery!

Lenora gathered all the others and shone the spotlight on Fafnir. That’s when I discovered the most ridiculous legend I’ve ever heard. Apparently our ancestors were the keepers of princesses, who were kidnapped before they took possession of queen. I thought this wasn’t as terrible as it seemed until Fafnir explained why.

“If our ancestors didn’t take responsibly, we would have been suffering due to the awful choices those so called “princesses” make to our environment…..but they’re obviously no longer with us.”

Everyone gasped with shock, including me. The cave no longer spoke. What are we going to do?

When I was about the say my question aloud, Fafnir gestured his head towards me; blinking his eyes wisely. I counted the steps he took as he approached. My scaly palms begun to form layers of sweat while I bit my tong until it was numb. He lifted his gaze, staring into my soul.

“I’ve carried the ownership for all these years protecting lives. But now that the princess was saved by her knight and proved not worthy of the crown; a new young girl stood up to her place. Unfortunately, I’ve guarding for years and now must retire…..but our hero’s thrown has been snatched out of my reach! Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to present to you, Dragon!”

The whole economy broke the silence immediately applauded facing my direction, wearing proud smiles on their face.

What did Fafnir just say?! I thought my heart was going to beat out of my chest for a second. Was the world spinning to fast? I’m no hero, just a clumsy dragon with a silly name!

Unfortunately Fafnir ignored my complains, and put my fit and youth into use. Honestly, once we jumped into training the next day, I was soaring swiftly through the sky, immensely piercing anything that got in my way. My reaction timing was perfect, and swooping down for a snack was a slice of fish.

A few days later, another group of unfamiliar dragons perfectly strapped their feet onto my land once more! It wasn’t too surprising when Fafnir introduced them as other castle guardians. Their scales were crusty and dusty, some cracked. But when the dust cleared, I noticed a feature I’ve never seen worn before.

“Horns! You all have horns, like me!” I cry with excitement streaming through my veins.

Fafnir scrunched his face, staring at me.

“Oh Dear oh my! You certainly do have their horns!” He surprisingly replied.

The grouped turned from Fafnir to me, examining my horns like a predator.

They finally looked down at my face, my eyes began to fill with tears. I wasn’t sure whether I was happy or not.

“Well what about that! It seems that your old friend still remains talented.” Fafnir smirked.

The others ignored him and silently pulled me into a hug. I continued to cry into a purple scaled shoulder.

“You’re one of us young lad, keeper of the devils. I knew we shouldn’t have left those eggs by the sea side. You must have drifted away when we came back to collect them all those years ago. We’ll teach you everything we know.” The purple scaled dragon gently whispered into my ear.

I didn’t want any of this. My life here on this tropical land was enough for me. But the others didn’t agree.

So here I am, waiting on the top of a castle with a young girl caged inside. The walls thick enough to keep in all her cries and complains about ruining her puffy dress. Thick enough to block off my own life.

August 16, 2024 10:15

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