Mirai and Nissa

Submitted into Contest #76 in response to: Write a story told exclusively through dialogue.... view prompt


Fiction Happy Science Fiction

“Mirai? Mirai Wait up!” 


“...what is your deal? Why did you storm off like that?...Mirai, please look at me.” 

“What’s my deal he asks...”

“What was that?”

“Nothing! Just...just go away for a while. I’ll come find you when I need you again.”

“Can you just hold on for a minute?”

“No, I can not Nissa.” 

“Just stop and talk to me. We need to talk about what happened back there.” 

“What is there to talk about that is sooo important?” 

“So, what you did back there doesn't need any explanation?”

“In my eyes, there is no discussion to be had. I did my job and got my pay. What else is there to say?!” 

“You destroyed half of a town with a glare and...and whatever the hell that thing is on your hip. You set the place ablaze!”

“Leave her out of this! She was simply doing what she thought was right!” 

“Then talk.” 


“Mirai, you can’t keep storming off!”

“I do as I please, simply as that!”

“I hate doing this, but you left me no choice.” 


“You wouldn’t stop, I had no choice!” 



“Thank you. You got me, now what?”

“We talk.”

“This again. Stupid vampires and their persistence.”



“Why did you nearly destroy that town?” 

“The priest was a creep…” 

“Can you repeat that? I didn’t quite get that.”

“I said the priest was a creep. I saw what he had behind his curtains as he was grabbing my payment. Those poor people. I decided to confront him and Jinx got out after I got hit on the head. My hand instinctively opened her cage and she went savage.”

“So...in an act of revenge, you two took it out on half the town.” 

“It wouldn’t have been half the town if the bastard didn’t start running.” 

“Hunters...did you at least let the people he had captive go?”

“Of course. After I made sure the man was dead, Jinx and I released them from their cages and took them to the healer. I also looted his place and used some of the coins to pay for their treatments.” 

“How noble of you.” 

“I know we’re saints, Nissa. You didn’t have to bring it up.” 

“Haha, very funny.”

“Thank you for letting me out.” 

“Where to now?”

“I am heading back to my home. Jinx needs her rest and after today’s events I need to lay low for a while or until someone can prove my actions were justified.” 

“Then I am coming with you. What? Don’t give me that look!” 

“...Go to a healer first before venturing any further. Preferably the healer in...Black Hallows, it’s about a day and half walk from my home. Take this.” 

“What do I need this for?”

“It’s for your treatment for your ears and it’s for whatever you want to do with it.” 

“You know that I am-“

“A vampire. I know. But you would have healed by now. Something isn’t right. So, go to the healer. His name is Maxwell. He is the only healer that heals the supernaturals, good ones of course, and me. He knows quite a bit about your kind and you will be in good hands Nissa.” 

“Okay...you seem to trust this Maxwell fellow. I will give him a try.” 

“Good boy Nissa! I’ll see you in a week! Oh! He works underground. Just follow a sewer line that is connected in a house in the woods. To get the house follow the arrows with a blue tip, that are in the middle of the trees. Have fun.”

“Wait, let’s just go together. We are going the same way...right?” 

“I’m making a few stops before going home. You can come with...but I want to make sure you see the healer.”

“Alright, I’ll see you in a week’s time then.” 

“See you then!” 

“Jinx, do you like this dress and shoes? This hat would look good with it, won't it? I wonder if they could make it fireproof so you could actually wear it.”


“Jinx, I asked you a quest-...Today was a tough one, huh? I’ll let you rest. Uh, sir! I would like to buy these items, but do you know anyone who could make it fire p-...you know what never mind. Just these items and two short cowls, red and black, and four cloaks, red, black...hmm...white and brown. Thank you!” 

“Quite a big order.”

“All of mine were destroyed. How much will all of this cost?”

“Ah, yes. 1,209 Qranri.”

“Here you go.”

“If you don’t mind me asking, how were they destroyed?”

“I do mind. It’s my business and my business alone. Thank you for your service.”

Have a great day.”

“Same to you.”

“...Let’s get home Jinx. You could barely stay awake in there. I hope you didn’t strain yourself because I couldn’t control my anger towards that priest. Just thinking about him makes my blood boil again and the fact the town went up in arms to protect that...that sick thing. But he is dead, the poor souls could rest easy knowing their captor is no longer around to torment them for pleasure.” 


“We’ll be home soon, rest well.”

“Are you Maxwell?”

“Hmmm...oh! Yes, yes I am. Do you have an appointment? “ 

“No...but my friend Mirai told me that you treat supernaturals…”

“Ahhh, Mirai! How is she? Is she healthy? Oh, what about her partner in the cage...Light?”

“They are both doing well.”

“That’s great! So, what brought you here in this dump?”

“Well, on Mirai’s last adventure, my ears have not been the same. I can see her lips moving, but would hear no sound, just a constant ringing. I can hear when the voices are loud, but as soon as the voices go soft, I can barely hear a thing.”

“Hmmm..take a seat on that chair over there. I’ll be with you in a moment.”

“Okay. Wow, you really sink in these chairs, huh?

“Hahaha...s-sorry...haha...I forgot to warn you.”

“It’s fine, it's comfortable.”

“O-okay...okay. Back to business. Turn your head to the left for me, thank you. I am going to guess you are Nissa.”


“Mirai told me a lot about you, interesting man you are.”

“W-well I wouldn’t call myself interesting.”

“But you are! The fights you three get into and your abilities are quite unique and rare….hmmm...that’s odd.”

“Why did you choose to work on supernaturals? How did you meet Mirai?” 

“I work on supernaturals because I know that no one else would, based on bias and stigma. So, I take great pride in healing those who need it. Turn your head to the right for me.” 

“That’s very noble.”

“I would like to think so. As for how I met Mirai…hmmm….I met her when she was a baby. Her father and mother came rushing in saying that she was dying. I spent day and night taking care of the poor girl, wondering how a human child possesses the powers that she does and how her parents found me. She was, still is, very sweet. It’s a shame that her mother and father decided to leave her once she was getting better, they even stole some of my equipment. Look up for me.”

“So, you raised her down here?” 

“Yes, with limited resources, but she turned out strong.”

“Heh...she did. She has morals as well.”

“Face me please. She has been trying to convince me to live up top with her in her home. I just don’t want to cause her trouble by being my business to the surface.”


“It seems like whatever Mirai did or use entered your system. It will flush out in a day’s time due to your high healing rate. If it doesn’t come back to see me.”

“Thank you. Oh, here.”

“No, no, no, keep your money, just repay me by looking after them. Tell Mirai I said hello and to stop by sometime.”

“Oh...okay. Thanks again for your help.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Oh! You’re back Nissa, how was the visit?”

“It was fine. I learned a lot from Maxwell. He told me you talk about me a lot.”

“Ooo, wipe that smug smile off of your face. I talk about your abilities, along with Jinx’s. We just talk about the powers we all possess and how to make them stronger.”

“Yea, along with me and me only.”

“ANYWAY, what he said was wrong?”

“Whatever you and sparkfire did, affected me, but it should go away within a day or so.”

“That’s good. I got you a new cloak, it's on your bed.” 

“Where is sparky anyway?”

Jinx’s is napping in my room in her cage. She hasn’t woken up from the rampage a week ago.”

“I bet, she must have overexerted herself when she sensed your powers going off. It doesn’t help that both of you were exhausted, angry, distressed and upset. It probably fueled her for a small spark and she needs rest.” 

“I know...I’m gonna head out and train for a bit.”

“Alright, dinner will be on the table by time you get back.” 


“Now, what should we eat?”

January 16, 2021 00:43

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08:51 Jan 23, 2021

I liked how you started the conversation midway through the conversation, but I think I lost the thread of what was happening about halfway through. It was a bit unclear who was talking.


Elana Pitts
18:29 Jan 23, 2021

Hello! I am glad you liked it! I tried to add the line break to split separate conversation (I’m going to figure that out, how to do that on this sight!). Next time I would add line breakers to represent separate conversations and/or different locations! Thank you for the feedback!!!


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