The Christmas of love.

Submitted into Contest #73 in response to: Write about someone who gets proposed to five times on Christmas Eve.... view prompt


Friendship Christmas Fiction


Rebbeca Wilson-18 years

Nathaniel William-19 years

Nathaniel stepped on his bike, watching the people flew behind as he raced his bike through various luxury cars.

It had been a year since he last saw her.

Unlike all the previous years, they haven't spent Christmas together. She had been busy with her college and learning about piano while she refused to see him. But the truth was her absence had made him realize how much he loved her.

It was wrong of her, but he knew she wanted nothing but to help him grow up even after his words of unsatisfaction over the phone.

He shook his head forgetting about the helmet he was wearing. The chilly air rushed passed through his thin jacket as he reached his destination door. Her home. Exhaling the cold air in the dark, Nate felt his Body heating with each step in anticipation of how she will react to his presence. Despite their argument over the phone where she had told him off and had ordered him to enjoy this Christmas with his family.

Ringing the doorbell he leaned against the wall. His phone vibrates disturbing his anxiousness. He checked it with a smile.

It was her, Rebbeca Wilson. "Merry Christmas Nate."

He chuckles, "Merry Christmas Baby."

while on the other side, Rebbeca chews on her lips, he was doing that again. Calling her baby. She knew he missed her like hell but calling her baby. She wasn't that younger. Ignoring his words she sighs,

"I miss you, Naty-Pooh. I wish we can celebrate it together. Mum and Dad left for a party at their colleagues and I am alone now. On Christmas. Can you believe that?" She rumbles.

While he Smiles, pressing the doorbell again exhaling cold air.

"That's awesome."

"How is it awesome Naty-Pooh, I am alone on Christmas Eve. It's too bad." She complains moving towards the door thinking it must be her order.

And he imagines she must be pouting. She always did that when complaining.

"Hmm. It is." He mumbles.

"Hang on for a few minutes. There is someone at the door. I got to check, it may be my order."

"What if it's your present Santa has brought you."

Rebbeca rolled her eyes "Stop saying that. I am not a kid anymore Nate."

"Just open the door first baby."

Just when Nate hears the clicking sound of opening the door, He stood up grabbing the flowers and the wine bottle he had prepared for their celebration carrying the backpack that was filled with gifts for his proposal and her Christmas.

Opening the door with one hand and managing the phone in between her shoulder. She tried to hand over the money without even looking at the person.

while he giggled at the thought of her surprised face.

"I love you, Baby."

Hearing the same voice, she was dreaming of hearing from last year. She turned her face towards him. Surprised but happy. There he stood, in a black leather jacket and blue pants with flowers in one hand and a wine bottle in another maintaining the phone from his shoulder. Their posture was practically the same. His Grey eyes glowing in the dark. His Straight nose already red may be due to standing in the cold for long. His brown bangs peeking at her through the red cap she had gifted him last year. Overall he looked like Sin and Santa both wrapped in a red gift cover. Like he was here to give himself to her as a gift yet was inviting her to do something sinful.

while he stood there gaping at her form, Her whole body was covered in a red overcoat from which her flimsy red bikini material was peeking at him. Taunting him to kiss her. As his eyes moved towards her face, Her blue eyes instantly warming up as she matched his longing stare.

Letting the phone go she leaped towards him jumping in his arms kissing his cold but chiseled face repeatedly.

"Merry Christmas Naty pooh."

"Merry Christmas My Love."

asking for her to wrap her legs around him he entered through the gate kicking it open with flowers in one hand while a bottle of wine in the other. Placing himself on the couch of the living room that was heated he breathed a sigh of relief. Placing the bottle and flowers around each side. He held her in his arms breathing through her neck, making her shudder in goosebumps. Her soft breasts pressing through his jacket making him exhale to control himself. Loving the sensations she was causing to his body. He tried again, proposing to her for the second time "I hate to be apart from you. Be my girlfriend baby. I love you."

Listening to his words again, her cheeks flushed red and her heart started beating like a drum. She loved him too. But accepting him altogether was hard remembering how he had made fun of her in the same way in the past by proposing to her but had turned it into a joke when she had almost accepted it.

She tried to come out of his arms but he tightened his grip on her placing tiny kisses on her neck. Trying for the third time to make her realize he was serious this time.

"I'm not joking baby. I love you. You had made me realize your significance in my life."

"I." She didn't want to accept it again and get laughed at by him. So she struggled to come out of his arms.

He wanted to hug her to his heart's content. But since she was struggling so much he allowed her to leave his arms.

Carefully removing herself from him, she noticed her attire and her cheeks flushed redder than they already were in embarrassment.

"Don't joke around Naty-pooh."

"I wasn't exactly joking baby."

"Shut up. I will bring warm water to you. It's already so cold but you still came here on a bike. Are you crazy?"


"Shut up. Stupid man."

When she returned with the water, she was surprised to see find the roses he had earlier with him were arranged in the form of alphabets of "ILY" near the Christmas tree. The smaller lights on the Christmas tree's reflection made the flowers shimmer. Just when she turned towards the corner of the tree she saw a large Card positioned with large words.

"Be my girlfriend baby?" Nate said. She didn't even notice when he had come from her backside and had taken her in his arms biting her ear. What was he doing, it was the fourth time he had made the same joke. Was he serious?

Furrowing her eyebrows, she turned around pressing her plump red lips together.

"What are you doing Nate? It's enough. Please now stop it."

He raised a brow at her heart-shaped face placing the few strands of black hair behind her ear. Pinching her cute little bottom nose. He finally sat on one knee. Grabbing a small ring box from his pocket he opened it in front of her eyes. There was a beautiful heart-shaped diamond ring in it. Since he was a singer. He started singing pouring his true feelings in the form of lyrics he had prepared for a month.

"You are my midnight honey,

You are my light.

When could we ever be right?

My heart shattered

So did my mind.

when I lost you in my sights.

I swear, I truly love you with all my might.

Please accept this ring to make us right."

Comprehending, it wasn't a joke. She cried out and held her finger out for him to place the ring. For her, there wouldn't be a better Christmas than the one they celebrated.

December 19, 2020 05:42

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