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Yesterday was indeed the D-Day, I was told I would find him there by the fortune-teller. He couldn't be wrong I was sure ,he was recommended by a good friend. The clock keeps ticking slowly tick-tock,have spent 3 hours here , to calm my anxiety and stop biting my finger nails I bought out a novel by Helon Habila.

'Hi.' 'I'm Abdul,' someone said to me.

'Hi, I'm Ibukun '. I replied, 'I looked at him from head to toe, he was wearing a t-shirt and jeans trouser with a lovely smile. This couldn't be who I'm waiting for I concluded.'

'Can I sit with you?' He asked.

' Sure.' I said.

' Why are you here?' he was trying to make a conversation. 'I wasn't in the mood, I interrupted him, Mr Abdul, I'm waiting for someone and you are distracting me.'

'I'm sorry, call me Abdul let do it this way I will keep your company till whoever you are waiting for is here, by the way what time will he be here?'

I smiled. ' who told you the person is a he?'

Abdul laughed softly. 'instinct, my instinct are never wrong '

Okay, let kill the boredom,' you keep my system company till he comes. Let gets to know each other,' I suggested.'

What do you do?' I asked.

'I'm a writer'. 'Before he could continue I asked what do you write about?'

That was supposed to be my turn, he replied.

'Really, I never knew we were playing 20 questions but you can ask me after answering me.'

Hands up you win, 'I write on art and the beauty of Africa beliefs and culture.'

'Thats good,' I'm impressed.

'My turn,' he said. 'What's your worst fear?'

I shrugged. ' not making my parents proud.'

What a coincidence. 'We have the same fear, don't worry we are going to make them proud.'

'Whats your favourite music?' I asked.

Abdul smiled. 'I'm a music whore, I don't have a particular favourite song as long as the song is good, I will listen and vibe along.'

'i thought to myself just like me.'

Abdul suggested. 'what about we take a walk?' and finish our conversation, it's a lovely day don't waste it by sitting down inside the hut waiting for him.'

'I agreed.' 'let go, you lead the way.'

He took my hand, and said don't worry, you are safe, my turn. ' 'your favourite colour, let me guess' Black.

'I stopped and laughed. How did you know?' I wondered.

'Instinct. My instinct are never wrong I told you.' he said .

'really,' ' you're sure, I challenged.'

'I'm 100% sure,' Abdul said, so that means I'm right let me ask this introvert or extrovert.'

'You just broke the rule' you know.

'i didn't, I only bent the rule, you did yours too the other time.' he said.

'Okay.' ' I'm an extrovert , you should know ,' I said and laughed Mr instinct. He ran towards a group of kids and pointed at their sandcastle. He called at me to come see, ' look at it what do you think about it?' one of the kid asked who is she? You will be the king on the castle and she will be your queen, he laughed and said Nope but she is special.

I stood, 'there gazing at him lost in thought why does he think I'm special?'

'Abdul,' 'I called him gently, Why did you tell the kids I was special?'

'He replied'. ' can I answer that later I promise I will before leaving.' My turn, 'what do you think about death?

I sighed. 'Death is meant for everyone, everybody and everything that's breathes will surely die what I'm scared of is what people will say about me when they here I'm gone forever ' this life is just a small village with many paths link together, you never could tell what happen next.

Abdul smiled. 'you should be a motivational speaker you know it's suits your personality and my instinct agrees with me.'

I will think about it, you said you are a writer so which organization do you work for , I'm sure you are a good writer, I said.

'I'm a freelance writer, I work from home and make my money, he winked at me don't worry, I don't spend extravagantly so I'm comfortable,' now my turn what do you do?

'I'm a final year student in the faculty of education University of Lagos and I'm a blogger.'

'Don't tell me you follow celebrities celebrities and write about them dont hurt my instinct, Abdul said pouting.'

I adjusted my dress to make myself comfortable and said I can't and won't hurt your instinct I'm an innocent fashion blogger.

Hmmmm that's great I'm really impressed I'm at peace so is my instinc.

I looked ahead and saw a band of musician singing , I nudged at Abdul, and said Mr Abdul let dance and past time what do you say?

'Challenge accepted first to get there is already leading with 10 points, he raced ahead before I could reply,' Abdul said, you can't even run imagine I won.

'Still panting heavily, I said you cheatwd but don't worry I'm a good dancer,' I bragged.

'Lead the way then, Mademoiselle Ibukun.

We joined other people dancing, we danced to our heart content, we lost focus on time. Who would have know we are just two strangers who met at the beach and became acquaintance. I feel comfortable speaking with him . Suddenly Abdul tapped me and said we've danced enough let get some snacks and head back, so you won't miss the person you are waiting for, let me get it.

I totally forgot I was waiting for Him, I said to myself what if he has left in anger? What if he is already there?

Abdul nudged at me take I bought this for you.

Thank you I said, we head back towards the hut I was lost in thought once or twice I could feel Abdul eyes on me, Abdul said dont worry , you haven't missed him, you will see him, don't worry

Can you read Mind? How did you know? I asked.

'Instinct, he said instinct.'

When we got back to the hut at the beach there was on one there we both sat down quietly looking at the ocean and listening to the waves.

'Abdul said.' the other time you asked why I told the kids you are special ? It's because you are , you don't have to wait for something, it will always find you when the time comes, you are amazing, you probably think I haven't known for a long period of time but I know your favourite colour is black, you are a fashionista, a blogger, your eyes colour are brown, you are also a good dancer, you bite your finger nails when you are anxious, have noticed you for an hour before approaching you, lastly you are humble and Friendly. That makes you special.

'I smiled at him and said you don't know me '

'He said, have known you for 3 hours'

Before I could speak his watch alarm interrupted, he said I'm sorry Ibukun I have to go, if fate will have it I will see you some other day, by the way tell whosoever you are waiting for not to keep you waiting because you are special.

He stood up and started walking away l, I looked shocked and speechless after walking further a bit, he looked back and called my name Ibukun , but when I turned it wasn't Abdul waving at me it was an angel,wearing a shining ribe with an enormous white wings closing them over and over again with a vibrant smile saying I'm angel love, it's was nice meeting you.

I blinked thrice and it was gone. I looked up towards the clouds smiled and screamed the fortune-teller was right I found the angel called LOVE.

July 08, 2020 09:24

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1 comment

Nandan Prasad
09:51 Jul 16, 2020

Hey, I got your story from the Critique Circle, so I'm going to try my best to give you helpful feedback. First, the good. The concept is brilliant, very Oscar Wilde-like, and the dialogue is natural. The ending is perfectly described and overall, it is a fantastic story. One thing I would say is that it is a bit confusing to follow the dialogue because sometimes the quotes come in the wrong place. Some small grammatical mistakes are there, so I would suggest putting the story through an online grammar checker. But otherwise, fabul...


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