Breaking Inside

Submitted into Contest #58 in response to: Write a story about someone feeling powerless.... view prompt


Drama Science Fiction Creative Nonfiction

He couldn't help but smile at the group of friends, each talking to one or the other. His eyes glanced over each one, seeing how they all held genuine happiness in their eyes. Even his little brother, just getting better from a nasty cold, held a bright shine in his baby blues. However, try as he might, his own emeralds couldn't show the same.

They all look so happy, a sad smile grazed his lips, even if they don't realize it. He looked back at his phone, the screen showing the number of his latest voice message. He had recently went for an appointment, almost two weeks ago. The blood work was finally in and they wanted him to come by as soon as possible.

Just from the tone of voice he could tell that the news would be bad. So, he went, and his worry was right. He took a shaky breath as he tried to regain his control over his feelings. I can't show them weakness, he ran a hand trough his hair, they need me to be strong. He looked back at his little brother, especially Miles.

All his life, he had been strong, he had been the leader they needed. A hero in a world full of evil. He was always in control, always able to find a way to make things work. But now.

He sighed and turned his phone screen off, not knowing how to tell them. Especially since so many good things have happened. The oldest couple in the group was finally engaged, Miles had graduated college, and the loner of the group had actually decided to join on his own will. This should be a joyous occasion, and he was deciding whether or not to ruin it.

They were all happy, and it brought a sad smile to his face. Never had he wanted to cry so badly, but all he could do was smile and let his heart soak in the last time he might ever see his friends- no. His family this happy.


He looked back at his phone as he waited for his appointment. The doctors said that there was an expiramental treatment for his disease, to at least prolonge it. He knows it can't be cured, it was a wonder they caught it this early as it is.

"Maurice?" He looked up to see the nurse, calling his name once more. He stood up and headed to her, slipping his phone back into his pocket. She lightly smiled at him, "please follow me."

He did as asked as she checked over his information, "is there someone you want to call? To accompany you?" He hesitated, biting his bottom lip. "No."

They entered a room and she nodded, placing the clipboard on the examination table and handing him the standard hospital gown, "I need you to change into this before the doctor gets her. I'll leave you here for a few minutes, just bundle your stuff together and leave it on the table."


Only an hour later he was sitting back on that table, the doctor string in a chair across from him. "Are you sure there's no one you want to call?"

A simple nod, "e-everyone's busy today." The doctor nodded and sighed, looking back at the test results. "Bad news or good news first?" Maurice shrugged, "doesn't matter."

The other couldn't help but frown, eyes glancing at the distraught form in front of him. "Both then. The treatment that we tested does seem to work in slowing the progressing disease, but it's highly expensive. Medicaid can cover some of the cost, but they won't cover all of it. If you want, we can start the treatment in two weeks, once we get the okay from Medicaid."

The other nodded as he clenched his hands on the bed, "h-how much time will it give me?" The doctor sighed, "honestly. We're not sure. This disease is rare, no cure and only a 15% survival rate. If we're able to start treatment soon, that rate jumps to 25%, but the chances are still slim."

Maurice gave a soft nod as he gave a shaky sigh, "I-Is that it? Can I go now?" The doctor nodded, "yeah. Just get dressed and you can leave." Before leaving himself, he placed a sheet of paper beside the other, giving the other another sad glance.

Once the door closed did unshed tears fall. It's not fair, he thought. It's NOT FAIR! It's not supposed to end like this, not like this! He hiccuped as the tears continued to fall.

Never had he felt so... so... weak. Powerless, scared. Never had he thought an illness could be his defeat, something he couldn't control, something hereditary. How do I tell them? Sh-should I...?

Should I tell them that..? That I'm dying?


He came back to see everyone in his living room, nearly forgetting that today was the day they had agreed on the random sleepover. Rachel, Amelia, Naruku, James and Miles, each with a small duffel bag full of their necessities. Miles was the first to notice Maurice, and jumped up to hug him.

Another sad smile as he hugged back, "hey. Glad I made it just in time." Naruku scoffed, "ya got that right. Storm's about to hit, and Miles was going nuts wondering where you were." The youngest lightly glared at the red head, "I was not."

Maurice lightly chuckled, "it's okay. So, should I start dinner or are we just gonna munch on snacks tonight?" One unanimous vote later and he was in the kitchen, trying to decide on what to make for five people. The others were moving the living room around to make the most space for everyone to be comfy, lightly arguing here and there.

Emerald eyes glanced at them, another sad smile. This may be the last time we could do this. That we all could be together. A lone tear fell, how I'm gonna miss this.

Dinner was his most famous meal, along with his best desert. No one seemed to mind, but they did notice how he did that when this was no special occasion. And it confused them. But they let it slide.

Then when they were arguing over what movie to watch, he decided that each person gets to pick one and it'll go in random order. However, he didn't pick a movie, and he allowed them to pick their spots before he took one.

Throughout the movie marathon, he never spoke, hardly watched the movie and, if the light worked in their favor, each on had spotted how emerald eyes were moist. Miles, the one closest to him, looked up at his older brother, "what's wrong?"

Maurice looked at baby blues, "what do you mean?" The younger looked down, "you've been acting different." Naruku looked over the youngest to meet emerald eyes, "kid's got a point. You only make your special volcano cake on special occasions, you didn't pick a movie and you didn't even take your usual spot in the middle."

"W-well. I-" There was a loud crash and the lights flickered off, lightning flashing outside the windows. The rain seemed to crash down from the sky and onto the house, causing most to flinch at the sudden noise.

The others quickly pulled out their phones and turned on the flashlights, looking around. No one was sure what to do, but try knew that something as wrong with Maurice. Something they needed to confront. So they all moved around to face him, not really sure it it was the phone light or if his hands really were twitching.

He didn't look up, not when his name was called or when a hand was placed on his shoulder. "H-how about we tell some scary stories now?" He hoped up and started heading to the kitchen, "I-I'll get some candles." "Maurice."

He froze at the voice, and tone behind it. Naruku sighed, "sit." He knew better than to fight, his shoulders fell and his head dropped. Before he even had time to turn around, a hand grabbed the slip of paper from his back pocket. "What's this?"

He turned in time to see Miles about to open the folded sheet, immediately reaching to snatch it back. However, the youngest saw this and held it out of Maurice's grasp. "What is it?" "I-It's nothing, just when my next doctor appointment is."

Rachel snatched the paper, "that makes no sense." She then started to open it, "unless this is something else." Before she could fully open it, and before Maurice could dive to grab it, Naruku snatched the paper out of her hands, "in all honesty. I should be the one to know when he has to go back seeing as I help take care of Miles."

The youngest hmph'ed, "I can take care of myself just fine." He then started reaching for the paper, "and he's my older brother. So I should know." Rachel didn't really have an argument, she just wanted to be nosy. Amelia only rolled her eyes and went to the kitchen to get some candles lights.

Maurice sighed and tried to take the paper back, "none of you should know." So Naruku held the paper above the group and used his free hand to try and push the other's away. And then the arguing started.

James only moved back and decided to watch, just to see what would happen. That is, until the group fell and the paper slipped out of Naruku's hand, sliding across the floor before it's as stopped by James' socked feet. The group could only watch as he reached down and picked up the folded piece of paper.

He sighed and opened it, using his phone light to read it. He froze at the words, hearing the other's untangle themselves. The four others wanted to know what it said, but Maurice was worried. One look was all that was needed, one look and he started to crack. He was quick, grabbing the paper and holding it to his heart.

He knew James read it and knew well that the other also understands the scientific's of it. Emerald eyes couldn't help but look away from the group, the thunder releasing a loud crash as the lightning flashed.

The group could see that pain in his eyes, the fear in that split second of light. And it worried them. Especially when he turned tail and ran to his room, trying to hold back his tears. The group flinched at the door slammed, then looked at James.

"Hun," Rachel started. "What did it say?" He looked at the group, then back towards the hallway. "He's sick." Miles frowned, "then why didn't he just say that instead of throwing a huge fit of not wanting us to read the paper?"

James sighed and shook his head, not dating to look at the youngest. What was he supposed to say? 'You're brother's dying'? Naruku hmph'ed and started towards Maurice's bedroom, "we won't know unless we ask. And we know he won't say a damn thing."

Miles followed closely behind and reached him as Naruku started pounding on the door. "Ya can't hide in there forever! You got some explaining to do!"

He waited a few seconds, then tried to open the door, figuring out that it's locked. He lightly groaned and reached above the door and snagged the key. He then quickly unlocked the door and pushed it open, entering the room.

Amelia walked up to James, "what did it say? What did it actually say?" He clenched his eyes shut and took a breath, "he has a rare form of Distal muscular dystrophy. One that slowly progresses but it destroys his muscles. It's incurable."

Maurice looked up at the intruder from where he sat, curled up with his knees to his chest and his arms over them. Naruku crossed his arms, "spill it. Why the heck would you want to keep that paper secret? James told us that it said you're sick, now we want to know with what."

Maurice looked away, "I'm not telling." "And why not?" He clenched his eyes shut, "it's none of your concern." The older lightly snarled, "yeah right. When is your health not my concern?"

"When I say it isn't!" The three others finally fixed to join at Maurice's door, peaking in to see Naruku trying not to yell at the other. "Why did you have to be so stubborn?!" "Why do you have to be such a knucklehead?!"

The red was at his wits end, and it showed. "I just want to know what's wrong, alright! Is that so hard for you to comply with?!" "WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY?!?!"

The two where quiet, their breathing barely loud enough to hear. And in the silence, there was a hiccup. "What do you want me to say? I'm sick, okay? I-I'm gonna lose the ability to move, to go outside, to have those little moments with you guys."

Another hiccup as he clenched his eyes shut, "I'm dying Naru. Okay? I'm dying and I-I'm scared. I'm scared because there's nothing I can do about it. I'm scared because everyone else will outlive me by decades. Because I won't be able to see you guys, be able to hang out with you anymore. I'm scared, I-I'm just scared and confused and-." His voice died as he dug his head into his arms, crying his heart out.

The group didn't know what to do. What do you say to someone who's hourglass just gave them a heads up? Who's fought day on and day out and danced with death before? How do you help someone who feels powerless?

In that moment, as they watched their strongest friend break down at the thought of dying, they learned. They learned how it feels to be powerless.

September 08, 2020 10:08

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Warrior C
07:26 Sep 17, 2020

I couldn't hold my tears while reading this.😢😢😢


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Ariadne .
17:49 Sep 15, 2020

The friendships in this story are so powerful. You captured Maurice's despair and the pain felt by his friends when they discovered his secret perfectly. Excellent work! Keep writing. Please check out my story and leave a comment/like. It would be highly appreciated! All the best, Adrienne


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