Character crashing in to something while skiing

Submitted into Contest #129 in response to: Begin your story with a character crashing into something (or someone) while skiing.... view prompt


Adventure Desi Sad

It was 23 December 2019. She went to meet her boyfriend. She flew 11626 km from Amritsar to Canada .Amritsar is the most beautiful place in North India. Amritsar is the city which is filled from lot of natural beauties .

Her story begin with the one truth and truth was poison. Her father is retired military officer.Father worked bit far from home when she was a child . Father came to house after every two , three months .

Her mother is retired school principal . She became big girl with very innocent parents and highly beautiful village .

Just after 12th she got new gift from her father .Because she passed with high marks. It was mobile phone . She was happy about gift . But mother was very sad . Because father given her mobile after selling his old motorcycle.

She started using her mobile and one day got to know about Instagram. She opened Instagram account and started adding new friends .

Her profile picture was cute and got requested from large number of boys . She added many of them .she started chat .

One day she got a message from a boy who is belong to same cast . So without fear she started talk with him and became close friends .Every night she started talk with him . 9pm -11pm every day they talked .One day near 23 April 2019 he proposed her and she said “yes “.

With time they were love birds and boy had given her bunch of hopes about future marriage life .He promised her to make her life heaven . He promised her to give her peace, happiness and love lifelong. Innocent girl believed everything.

Hence boy was living in Canada , girl wanted to go there . She made different plan to go there . But unfortunately it was huge budget which normal people can not arrange .

Finally she talked to parents and informed she like to study in Canada . Parents got shocked from her words . But they agreed to support her . Father applied for a bank loan . Easily he got it because he worked for military.

Finally she got visa .Her flight date fixed . She went to Canada 23 rd December 2019.

Girl was making dream in flight . She was thinking my boyfriend will come to airport , he will be bringing his car to pick me . Just one day before the departure she did expensive facial to impress her boyfriend. She took new cloths from shopping mall .

Now she is flying to Canada with biggest dream .she got upset because her shoes were not branded. But she kept some money to buy branded shoes as soon as she will land in Canada .

Her boyfriend was rich . He sent her photos with branded cloths and shoes . He told her about his BMW. She blindly trusted him .

She landed in Canada . Time was night 8.15 pm . She looked around and confirmed boyfriend did not come to pick her . She tried to call him . But unfortunately phone did not work . She sent messages via WhatsApp. But he didn’t seen.

But she didn’t give up . As soon as she went outside from the airport she went to shoe showroom. She removed old shoes and taken branded shoes .

now everything is ready to meet my boyfriend.

she started see new dream again . But she did not feel some dreams broken already .She searched place to stay and she got nice cheap room to stay .She Connected to WiFi and started talking with boyfriend.He explained to her that he is very busy with his position and can not come to meet her .

she started cry . She didn’t eat . But boyfriend didn’t come . He asked from her ; Did I tell you to come , Did I give you promise to stay with you .He talked completely different way .

But girl didn’t give up . This great habit she got by her parents . She started having food . She started going outside . Biggest problem she faced is language. She can speak English but not fluent. She prayed to god . She asked from god to show her truth and new way . One day she met a indian girl belong to same cast . She went to her room and started stay with her .

first night in new room was horrible. Her new friend to sleep with room owner .Hence she was very innocent girl who came from village she got shock . She got scared . Until morning she did not sleep . She wanted to go to previous place . But she was not having money to go back to previous place .

adter few days her all money got finished.She informed her boyfriend that doesn’t have money . He told her to sell gold chain if she has . But she was not having gold chain with her . Because she already sold it in India to pay fees for the visa .

Many days she did not eat . Some days passed with only water .Biggest problem was winter and she didn’t have any warm cloths with her . Her parents told her to take some winter cloths with her but she did not listen to parents. She was thinking that boyfriend will give her everything.Finally she got fever and started shivering. She cried to informed to her boyfriend. He didn’t come . She informed to her that she will die . He said you die , I don’t care .Then she realized she has to live alone .She started thinking about job . She applied for many jobs finally got one with less salary .

she got happy and started loving herself again .She went to skiing .she has seen most beautiful snow first time . Her heart filled with joy . Her heart filled with new hope .She felt like she is flower ..She felt like she is a doll .

Her previous character got crash into pieces.Almight god has given her new life and new hope .

Yes life can crash . Crashes are not always bad if word is worst . She started thanking to universe because universe is the one given her big lesson and crashed her previous mentality . Man will not make you queen . You have to work hard and make your self queen. She wrote it on snow while skiing

January 15, 2022 15:15

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