Crime Drama Sad

*Begin Recording*

"Please repeat yourself miss."

"What is there to repeat?"

"Who murdered your husband."

"That man right over there!"

"We already did a full check on him. Must of been someone that looked like him."

"Yeah sure. It was someone who just happened to look like my husbands worst enemy."

"Please retell the events."

"My husband went out for a late night walk. It started raining so I went out to bring him an umbrella. When I got to where he was, that man was standing over him, a knife in his hand. Then he fled the scene."

"It is almost suspicious you knew exactly where your husband was."

"You detectives are useless! Good bye!"

*End Recording*

I stared out the window at the rain. It hadn't stopped raining since my husband died. I sighed as the bus rolled along the tracks. Then my phone dinged


You're next.

                                                                                            Wrong number

I don't have the wrong number Kitty

I slammed my phone down, color drained from my face. Only my husband had called me Kitty. And he was dead. I kept straight forward the rest of the ride. The rain didn't even seem to exist, and that was strange for me. When I got home Mrs. Bakersfield yelled from across the street "Where's that husband of yours? Got bored of you?" Then she chuckled. "Actually Macy he was murdered just two days ago." I told her calmly. She looked like she had seen a ghost and ran back inside. I went inside to change into something less formal. When i came back out it was still pouring. I went to where he was murdered. The only evidence had been the body and knife. There were no cameras in the little pocket of beauty. How I had known where he would be? This was his favorite place to go on a walk. I recalled exactly what happened in my brain. It was a beautiful night. I could feel the rain coming, but I didn't tell him. He would most likely be back before it came. Then he didn't come back as soon as I thought he would. I got an umbrella and went in the direction of the pocket. When I got there a man who was a man that despised my husband was standing over him. He dropped a knife and ran. I rushed to my husbands side. He had been stabbed. I just sat there in the rain. But not enough evidence had been presented. They seem to be starting to think I killed him. My only reason would be the rain. When the rain owns you it is hard to stay with a free person but we made it work. I cried. How could that man just kill him. I sat in the rain for a little longer. I got up and walked away. When I got home I had missed a call.

*Begin Call*

"Hello sorry I missed your call"

"Hello Kitty"

"It was you!"

"You're next Kitty"

"All my windows and doors are locked. If you break a window I'll here it"

"I don't need to break in if I'm already inside"

*End Call*

I threw my phone at the wall. I ran upstairs. Where was he? I needed to get out of this house. But if I could catch the murderer it would be proven that he killed my husband. I ran into my bedroom. I looked everywhere. Then I leaned down and looked underneath my bed. Now remind you my bed had a large amount space under it. I saw his smile and shrieked. I walked backward to fast and fell out a window he must have opened for this purpose. I didn't worry though. The rain held me up. When the rain owns you, you don't die in it. I looked up and saw the man's face. Fear was plastered all over it. The rain held me tighter and he ran.

Ten years later:

I smiled at my husband. I never touched his face nor slept in the same place as him. He was the rain. If I touched his face he would fall apart. I don't even want to sleep with him. He slept in the tub. I looked back at the police records. I frowned at the two years I spent in the asylum. I smiled at the fact that the man was in jail for life. My husband had been kind but I much preferred the rain. How it all worked out? I told them everything. They concluded I needed help and he killed my husband. Maybe memory is all the evidence you need. Maybe not. They still are suspicious if I really killed him. I really am scared one day I shall be-


"Jolene here, husband murdering Tom has escaped from prison. Other inmates say he wanted to get revenge on a woman."

The Rain shut the TV off. "Honey do not listen to them." he told me. I nodded but was worried. He got up to go to bed. I cried when he left. He hated to see me cry but I did it anyways. A few weeks later we were on a walk. Then the man ran out of a bush. He threw The Rain to the side then tried to stamp on his face. Instead he killed him. The man ran away and I cried. I just watched my second husband be murdered. But there was no evidence. Just looked like a wet spot on the ground. I rushed to the police.

*Begin Recording*

"What happened, miss."

"I saw Tom kill my second husband!"

"Miss you never remarried"

"Yes I did! He killed The Rain."

"Miss I never did think you got better. Looks like I was right. Lets go"

"Get your hands off me! No put me down!"

*End Recording*

There was no evidence of the second murder. But I guess I'll have to stay here at the asylum for the rest of my life.

November 13, 2020 13:00

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