"Fatal Midnight"

Submitted into Contest #51 in response to: Write a story about someone who's haunted by their past.... view prompt



Karmen walks silently into the cold library. She visits her section of romantic books and grabs her usual series: "Fatal Midnight".

Karmen was never a book lover, she actually hated reading them. Their smell was annoying as someone had dimped them with poison. The many awkard pages laying around, just to be read, caused anxiety to her.

So,why is that book so interesting to her?Is it a book-turner?Or the smell is finally gone to this one?

"Ms. Funkerlor?"someone called her lastname.

She turned vicioucly around to see a 20year old guy,standing the other side of the shelves.

She startled at first but annoyingly answered;"It depends, who's asking?"She holded her book tight and put her glasses in her nose to identifi the person who knows her last name.

"I'm Patrick. I am a cousin of one of your old neigbours."

That sentence iced her. Her eyes widened, as they were about to popped of. Instictively, she walked backwards spelling the sentence she just heard.

"You-are...my old neighboir-'s cousin?"She holded her book even tighter.

"Yes! I'm really sorry to bother you but I have a question about the incident that happened 15 years ago. I'm not quite sure if you remember anything from back then but-..."

"I DON'T" she yelled freaked by terror. "It's damn too long for a old woman like me to remember, youre a disrespectful man!Leave alone I told the police everything I know, GO THERE!"

Patrick was surpised with her reaction, he was told that Karmen was always a pleasant enjoyable and kind woman. Why is she so mean now then?

Karmen kept silent, but didn't move a inch. We can guess she waited the young to leave but his own. But she knew the man came for some answers and he was going to get them no matter what.

Patrick came a little closer to Karmen asking this time seriously.

"You,where there. Right?"Karmen was about to scream again but he asked louder to cut her off.

"My uncle didn't suicide Miss Funkerlor. He was murdered and you where there. I can prove that." He took out some old newpaper pages and showed them to her.

"This nespaper's journalist said you didn't even now the victim but on the other you came off of my uncle's apartement.Half hour before his murder. I'm not asking much, just little of your time. I loved my uncle but no one seemed to care about the opinion of five year-old."

Complete silence covered the place in some point.

Karmen was tired to keep this incident a secret for everyone.

She walked in a nearby table followed by Patrcik.

She sighed; "And strawberries...that was the last words I've heard from your uncle. We were 25 years old at that time. Your uncle, Benjamin was my life long friend. We even manged to rent houses in the same territory. Everything was perfect. I got married and soon after he got engaged to Charlot. After a month she gave birth to a beautiful girl. I was so happy for Benjamin. My husband on the contrary wasn't that appreciacive. At some point he got violent, he was getting drunk all the time, I couldn't control him anymore."

"Do you mind telling me your husband's name?" he said writing down some notes.

She paused for a minute but with a nostalgic expression revealed;'Robert, Robert Stan. At first he was a falling angel, with broken wings, I took care of him and loved him. He was actually the love of life.But then, he turned into a demon, like the Devil you know. He literally became crazy and sicopath.I was really scared at the time. Luckily, Benjamin figured what was happeing and he called right away the police, after he hit him couple of punches."

Patrick smiled and asked the following question;"When did Robert's arrest?"

"I-I don't remember it's been too long my boy."

Patrick passed a file of police department.

'I've made my research Miss Ms. Funkerlor, I won't be easily tricked. I suggest you to reveal me everything you know."

"I'm not obligated to-"

" Why are you reading this book?It's not like for you age to read cheesy romantic books.

She gasped while holding the book between her arms.

"That-that was his favourite. He loved cheesy stories he said they were the only gab for his unfair reality.That's why, I feel some connection with him. It's like we eating pizza and reading together, like we used to."

"Please take a look on the file in front of you and tell me what do you see"

Karmen looked the file;"That is-that is Charlotte! Why is-why her record is clean?! SHE KILLED HIM!"She stood up rushing to the exit.

"That is indeed Charlote's record but have you looked at her statements?"

In confusion Karmen approached the table while reading Charlotte's file.

"My husband and I had a happy life. My income was higher than his and most of our stuff was in my name why then would I kill him? I love Benjamin, we have a child together, why a mother would destroy that. The day of my arrest was a the revealing one. Karmen Funkerlor stood at my arrest heartless faking her tears. I saw how she was smiling. She was jealous of my relationship and marriage, something that she didn't have. I wouldn't be surprised if she was Benjamin's killer. She said she was going to the market but she returned half hour ago empty handed. This was her alibi, she's a witch. She murdered in cold blood while I was upstairs watching a live concert. My Benjamin left his last breath alone and see watched her " best friend" die.She didn't even cry when his corpse was found by the police all she did was pointing at me while revealing a hidden knife in our kitchen. I had never seen that knife in my life, how then did it went there? And how Karmen knew about it?She pretends to be innocent, that is the onlt thing she good at. No matter the years, the truth of my husband's murder will be revealed and justice will put Karmen Funkerlor behind bars."

"What do you say about this"Patrick suddently questioned.

Karmen looked smiling at Patrick"That b*ich finally lost it huh? I guess 15 years in prison can make someone lose their mind."

'You think she's lying?Then why did you came empty handed? The local shop was like five minutes away and according to this record you were missing for thirty minutes. Why?"

"Are you accusing of something? Because if you do, you have to deal with my lawyer." she said in a furious tone.

"I'm not acusing anyone and nothing. I'm just considering the facts and in the facts there is hole. If you don't cooperate I have to take more drastic mesures, like a warrand."

"No please, don't. Fine I''ll tell you.I came empty handed because I forgot my wallet. And if you ask my friends you'll figure out I'm not that good with directions that's why I did thirty minutes to return there is no magic in that."

"I see, then please answer me this. While I was doing my research I visited my uncle's house. Which of course now has another family but they left to what I wanted to do. An old friend of mine works at the police station and I asked to examine me some things. And to my surprise he found some of your DNA on them."

"What-what objects"

" One,a towel and two the knife you showed at the police. But as you said you didn't touch the knife you just pointed at it correct?So why my friend found your DNA?"

Before Karmen could answer he continued; " Why could not find any paper about your ex husband arrest?They is nothing about it. Maybe you could enlight me."

Karmen could not answer. She barely breath in fact. Her past haunted her and he knew it.

"You can't Mss Funkerlor. You killed you ex husband and told everyone that he got arrested. Please don't try to deny it I have concrete proof. But let me tell my deduction; You never went to the shop. No one would forget his wallet in your kind of situation.What do Imean by that? My uncle has an allergi to strawberries. And I recall you saying that he asked to by strawberries. How come his best friend did that kind of mistake? Let me answer that, you arent my uncle's best friend you were his ex wife. A best friend doesnt keep the habit of reading his favourite cheesy book. Only a wife would do that, as her connection with him is more intense and loving.If at any point of my theory I'm wrong please say so." He wasn't, she knew her past was behind her.

"When you claimed that you went to the store you went to the back door of your house and took one of your kitchen knife. You then went to my unlce's house through the back door and stabbed him. His screams couldn't be heart cause Miss Charlotte was watching a concert. You then hid the knife an took a towel to clean your self and then burried that towel on my uncle's back yard."

"Where is your proof? You can't accuse someone without concrete proof." She said with tiring voice.

"Yes of course, I would be a fool if I couldn't prove it. But unfortunately for you I have. Is in the book, my uncle as you said loved these type of books but I guess you didn't realize that my uncle never read that book. Actually he wrote it."

Karmen was shocked by that statement and immediatently checked it. She dropped the book while realizing that;

"Correct "Fatal Midnight" was the he was writing while he was stabbed. You plashed his blood on the book so you took it from the house. But you couldn't throw those pages away. His editor would want them. Either you could clean the blood. The paper would be destroyed.You kept them Karmen. You kept those pages between the pages of this copy. That's why you visited so often the library you didnt want anyone to take it as he might figure something it out. I'm sure if the police cherch the book they will find them, with the blood of my uncle still on them.You are the killer. You hated my uncle, your ex husband for contuing his life and took YOUR daughter away for you. He took full costudy of her as you were drunk all the time and hit her constantly. Do you deny it?"

Karmen stood up while tears running through her cheeks."I've been found. My past discovered me, after all these years. I did it. As you said young man. I killed my ex husband and my next. His real name was Stephan, he had an affair that's why I killed him. I couldn't control my rage that another man left me. I hated Benjamin of what he did to my daughter and me. She is no able to recognize her own mother because of him. I framed Charlotte for Benjamin's murder in order to feel superior.But I guess a murderer is never superior. Who would hav though that a chessy book would put me behind bars?"

July 24, 2020 13:17

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