
Day 1


Dear Journal,

     It has been tough for me to sleep since learning of a deadly virus that has killed so many people all over the world. How do I survive? What can I do? I am up right now because I just cannot sleep. I have sharp pains in my stomach, I have been vomiting and the occasional fever every now and then. For the most part I’m healthy, strong, and fit. I don’t get sick but if I do it is bad especially since I hate to get sick. Well a mandatory stay at home order has been placed in my hometown and it is unbearable but fair. I pray each night for peace from this virus and I ask God to just have mercy on everyone and grant serenity and tranquility soon. This is my prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father,

I am your child and I know that I was created in your image. Give me the strength to endure the troubles, heartaches and pains of this world and the power to fight off any and all diseases and viruses as only you can. You are a God of healing and you promised to never leave us alone. Keep us safe God and put your loving arms all around us as we are in desperate need of your power today and forever more. All these blessings I pray in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Day 2


Dear Journal,

  Another day and I am coping with the news of this Pandemic and the agonizing effects it has on our economy and on the lives of everyone who’s affected by this horrible horrible pandemic. When will things get better? How will I pay my bills? When can I return to work in a normal setting? When can I go out to a nice dinner with family and friends? All of these questions and the answers just won’t come so I decided I will write in this journal as a record of everything that I experienced during this pandemic. Also God is still in charge and he has the final say in all of this Amen.

Day 3


Dear Journal,

I am back and still cannot get any rest at night it just feels uneasy and unsafe knowing that there is something out there that can kill me especially if I do not follow the stay-at-home mandate sent from the Governor of our town. He is an advocate for doing things by the book and trying to ensure the safety of everyone which is a very hard task. It is still a struggle each day because I cannot leave my home so my husband has to go out and buy medicine and groceries and hurry back home so he doesn’t risk catching the virus. When will a normal life return to us and how will it look? I just want to be able to sleep at night without being restless and in fear because of this deadly virus. Nothing would make me feel better than being able to go back to work and supporting my family but it’s impossible during this Pandemic. But I remember that in the word of God it states that nothing is impossible for God and he shall restore normal to this world on his time. He is my rock and I put all my faith and trust in God.

Day 4


Dear Journal,   

Prior to this news I felt sick on today and because I suffered from a chill and a cough my Supervisor sent me home. The days at work were slowing down anyway because of the news of the virus. My hours were cut from 8 to sometime 6 or 7 per day a switch from working 50-60 hours per week. Now my income has been completely cut because now I am not receiving any money at all and my family was relying on me because I am the bread winner. Trying to survive each day is getting harder and harder. I applied for unemployment at least until my employer let’s me know it is ok to return to work but even that failed because so many in the same situation have flooded the website I can no longer gain access so I don’t even know if I was approved or denied. The stress of longing to have the day end to get some rest is inevitable because that rest just won’t come because each night I lye awake praying that I can get to sleep. For the most part I only end up with a few hours if that. So I continue to pray to God for everyone that is going through this horrible crisis. Dear God,

 You already know the situation that this world is in, but please God hear my cry we are in need of your help immediately as this virus is taking over and trying to take control of our normal existence in this life. We grow weary each day trying to fight off and prevent ourselves and others from getting this horrible virus. Continue to keep all of us safe and protected in your heavenly arms father because we know one day soon that virus will lose and we will win this fight together. All these blessings I pray in the mighty and precious name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Day 5


Dear Journal,  

It has only been a few days and it has just been painful knowing that when you wake up each morning if your job is not essential you cannot report to work and you still have to be on a 30- day stay at home order. What happens when those 30 days are up will we still be starring this virus in the face or will change prevail and our normal lives return. So apparently I am still not able to sleep it is about 2:00am and I have been up all day and night struggling to just closely eyes and rest. I just want to rest and wake up and hear that this was just a big nightmare that has gone away and our world is back to normal. So I pray,

Dear God,

It is just day 5 and this virus still will not let up or give us any signs of peace. I realize that you know all and you see all and all power is in your hands so I have no doubt that peace will prevail in our world because of you God. Patience is of the essence during these trying and difficult times but I will not give up hope or trust in you God. You said that you would never leave us not forsake us and I know that you will restore order and peace to our world and destroy that virus that is trying to destroy us. Amen.

We will overcome and survive the threats and harm that this virus has brought to our world. Restoration might be slow but together we will get through this and know that there is nothing too hard for God because he will make a way out of no way for us every single time all we have to do is believe. 

April 09, 2020 21:48

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