The knock on your window

Submitted into Contest #97 in response to: Start your story with an unexpected knock on a window.... view prompt


Inspirational Suspense Mystery

Tick Tick, a sudden knock on Mia her home office window brings her back to reality.

"2:30 AM already!", Mia thought, while staring at her laptop screen.

She opened the curtain of her window and peeked to see what caused the sound.

"hmm, nothing sighs.", Mia thought, while staring back at her laptop screen.

The past 6 months have been very stressful and life-changing for her. Here she is in the middle of the night trying to write down the person she wants to be and how she wants to achieve that. The only thing that she can come up with is nothing.

For the past 28 years, she always tried to be the person everyone expected her to be. Playing the role of the perfect daughter, sister, student, and people pleaser became very exhausting. She came to a point in her life where she wants to get to know the woman she really is and the woman she wants to become. Taking these steps didn't come easy. She really had to go out of her way to quit her uninspiring job and try to speak her truth to others. These actions did give her the feeling that she could indeed be someone more than just a people pleaser, but what?

She didn't have a plan for these actions that she never experienced before. She didn't expect it to be so stressful and that she would feel so lost.

Tick tick .....

"again??", Mia thought.

She opened the curtain of her window again and peeked to see what caused the sound.

She saw nothing.

"Maybe I should go to bed. It is already 2:40 AM and nothing comes to mind."

Mia turned off her laptop, turned the lights off, and went out of her office.

While walking to her bedroom, she heard a knock on her front door.

"WTF, am I hearing things now? First the window now my front door!" she thought.

Tick Tick, Tick Tick...

Mia froze for a few seconds and her heart started to beat wildly.

"Is there really someone there? Who would visit me at 2:45 in the middle of the night?", she thought.

Mia took a deep breath, took her mobile phone out of her pocket, and dialed 911 while walking to her kitchen to grab a knife. She then sat on her kitchen floor while waiting for someone to answer the 911 call.

"911 what is your emergency?", The woman on the line said.

"My name is Mia Sanches. I hear a lot of weird sounds outside of my house. Someone knocked several times on my window and on my front door. I am really scared and I need some help.", Mia said as softly as she could.

"Did you see the person knocking miss Sanches? Do you know where the person is now?"

"No, I didn't see the person and I don't know where the person is.", she whispered.

Tick Tick, Tick Tick, Tick tick...

"The person knocks again and is still at my front door.", She whispered with a scared voice.

"Keep calm mam, I am sending police officers to your house right now. everything will be alright. Just sit tight, relax, and breathe.", the woman said.

"Thank you. Please send them quickly, because I am really scared.", Mia Whispered.

"Please don't be scared, Mia. Everything will be alright. Help is on its way and this will be over soon. Can you see the person from the place that you are now?", the woman said in a very calming matter.

"No, I can't see who it is.", Mia whispered.

"Oke, While waiting for the police, tell me about something that really makes you happy.", the woman asked.

"Is this really the time for that? I may be in a life or death situation, I am not in the right mindset to think about that.", Mia said.

"I know that this is a very difficult situation Mia, but it is my job to keep you calm, safe and to make sure that you don't lose hope. So Mia, what makes you really happy?", the woman said.

Mia stayed silent for a few moments and tried to think really hard about the one thing that really makes her happy.

"I don't know."

"I don't believe that. I am pretty sure that deep down you do know the answer but you just buried it inside because of the situation that you are in right now.", the woman said.

"Sighs, I guess you're right but I haven't thought about it for a long time. I am also doing some self-searching nowadays and I don't know who I am searching for.", Mia said.

"You are searching for Mia Sanches right. Just remember the little girl you once were. Think about the things that mattered to you then and how they made you happy. Think about the dreams you had then and how you came a long way to become the woman you are now.", said the woman.

Tears came to Mia her eyes while listening to the woman on the 911 call. She never thought about that before. Thinking back about the cheerful little girl she once was, never crossed her mind. She never had a feeling that she could have that spark again. The only feeling she had was the feeling of starting over and creating someone new.

"You don't have to do that Mia. Starting all over again or creating someone new is not necessary. Just remember who you are at your core and give it the spark that it needs. You are much older and wiser now, so you know how to at least navigate your life and happiness." the woman suddenly said.

Then Mia's heart skipped a beat. Her face became pale.

"How did she know what I was thinking about? I didn't say that out loud right? Wait how does she know where I live? I don't recall telling her my address. Is this really 911? Is she also part of this?", Mia thought while panicking and letting fear take over her body.

"There is no need to panic or be fearful Mia. I am here for you in more ways than you realize", the woman suddenly said.

"Who are you and what do you want? Why are you tormenting me? are you at my front door?", Mia shouted with a scared voice.

"Everything will be alright and will become clear to you if you just let me in Mia", the woman kept talking very calmly.

Mia was now full of fear. She doesn't understand what is happening and just realized that help isn't coming.

"Just leave me alone, go away! what do you want? money? jewelry?" Mia shouted while standing up from her kitchen floor in search of another weapon.

"I am not here to hurt you, Mia. I just need you to calm down and let me in. I can provide the inner peace that you need. You just have to trust me." The woman said, still as calm as before.

"Inner peace? trust you? woman, I don't even know you! I..."

"Yes, you do Mia. Think hard and try to remember. It is actually you who called me here. I actually approached you several times to help you, but each time you pushed me away but tonight you finally accepted my help." the woman said.

"I don't understand," Mia said.

"Like I said try to remember what makes you happy and why it does. Try to remember who you are. Once you know that, you will also know who you want to be now and in the future. Just try to remember Mia Sanches." the woman said.

Mia didn't know how to respond to that and thought, maybe just maybe she should try to do what she says. Maybe then she will leave her alone but why is this woman pushing her to do this. Why is this woman being so mysterious? How the heck does this woman know what she is thinking about or what she feels!! Why didn't her call reach 911?

"Mia?" the woman said.

"I am thinking oke. Like I said before I don't know. sight. Are you still at the front door?", Mia said.

"Yes, I am.", the woman said.

"Can I end our call now and talk to you at the front door?" mia asked.

"Yes of course," the woman said.

Mia ended the call and walked with a fearful heart and tears in her eyes, to the front door.

Tick Tick...

"Mia can you hear me?," the woman asked.

"Yes, i am standing right in front of the door. Can you please explain to me what this is all about and why you are playing games with me!?," Mia shouted.

"Games? This is serious Mia. I am here to help. All will be lost if I don't help you.," the woman said.

"It is already clear to me that the police isn't coming and that you are the danger that I was calling the police for. So what do you mean with helping me? helping me to protect me from you?! Just go away!," Mia shouted.

It was silent for a few moments.

"Maybe we should indeed play a game. If you win I will go no matter the consequences but if I win you will let me in. What do you think?," the woman asked Mia.

Is she serious right now? a game!? What the hell!

"It is just a game Mia. You can ask me one question just one and if my answer is wrong I will leave you.", the woman said.

"Oke fine. Let's play. Give me a few moments to think about what to ask."

Mai started pacing in the living room.

"What to ask? What to ask? something I know? no she somehow knows me or knows my thoughts and feelings ..... Wait something I want to find out.", Mia thought.

"I have my question.", Mia said.

"I am listening."

"Why are you really here? I want to know the truth and every detail about it.", Mia said with a trembling voice.

"Sighs, I already gave you the answer to that question Mia."

"I want proof. Just telling me you are here to help or that I called is crazy. Help me in what way? I was fine before you interrupted my peaceful night! So give me evidence or reasons to believe you!", Mia shouted.

"Sighs, fine. You were not supposed to find out this way but knowing you I should have foreseen that convincing you would not be easy. Go to your office Mia, open the door and turn on the lights. All the answers that you are seeking for are right there.", the woman said.

Mia all confused and scared walks to her office and did what the woman asked of her.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. What is this!!", Mia screamed, in a terrifying way.

Mia was confused, terrified, in horror even when she saw herself lying on the floor in her office. She rushed back to the front door and opened it without even thinking about if she should do it or not. She just felt like she needed answers and clearly help in this situation.

But no one was on the other side of the door when she opened it...

"What the hell is happening?! Where are you woman!?"

"In here Mia." the voice of a little girl came out of her office.

The voice of this little girl was very familiar to Mia. Mia walked slowly and nervous back to her office to see if she is right about the identity of the girl.

Yes, there she was standing in the middle of the office was ten year old Mia Sanches smiling back at her. Here current body that was lying on the floor, however disappeared.

"I ... I ... how?... I don't understand...", Mia said with a trembling voice.

"Don't be scared Mia. I am you and you are me. Like I said before, I am here to help you. Well, us in this matter." said young Mia very calm and happy.

Mia was still very stunned and unable to respond on anything young Mia just said.

"Sorry for giving you a scare there, with the whole body lying on the floor thing. I knew I had to give you a stronger reason to just do what I asked and that was the first thing that came to mind. Humans always respond in that matter when they feel sad, scared or broken for example. When things are going great they don't even bother to listen. This was ....".

"Will you explain to me what is happening right now? am I going crazy? Am I dead?" Mia suddenly blurred out.

"No, You are very much alive Mia. I am just here to answer the prayer you did tonight. To help you find your way back to the path that you were meant to follow. I am actually very happy and proud of you, that you still remember our Father and finally had the courage to ask Him for help after all these years." young Mia said in a very proud matter.

"A prayer? I don't rem..." and then it all came back to Mia.

After staring at her laptop screen for a while, feeling helpless and having no idea of who to turn to for help, Mia recalled a memory from her childhood. In times of sadness, pain and even joy, her mother used to tell her that even with nobody around, she was never alone. Prayer, speaking to our Father is always the key to give you the peace, trust, hope and happiness to move forward on the path that was made for you.

So Mia started praying.

"I did asked for help, a sign that will push me in the right direction to become the woman I should be. I did ask for peace and guidance. I did ask ..." Mia said with tears in her eyes.

"For happiness. I know." younger Mia said.

"Why did He send you? How will my younger self help me to overcome whatever it is that I am dealing with right now?" Mia asked puzzled.

"You were me before you became you Mia. Everything about you started in your childhood. So who knows you better than your younger self? Who can remind you better about who you are or what makes you happy? So once again Mia. Tell me about the things that really make you happy." younger Mia said.

Once again Mia had tears in her eyes, but they were not from fear or being scared. They were from the joy that she experienced in her heart.

"The little simple things in live and being able to experience them. Singing, writing enjoying the company of my family but most of all talking to our Father. Being able to let him guide me through it all and not being fearful, because I know and trust that all will be alright" Mia said in a happy but tearful voice.

"Exactly! Life is beautiful and full of joy. Don't you ever forget that Mia. Don't forget Father anymore, but If you ever do. I will be the knock on your window." Younger Mia said.

Tick tick Tick ....

Mia was startled awake by the noise. She looked at her surroundings and realized that she fell asleep behind her laptop. Probably while praying.

"It was all a dream!" she thought with much relieve.

Tick tick Tick ...

Once again she opened the curtain of her window and peeked to see what caused the sound.

"A bird." she chuckled.

She looked back at her laptop screen and saw that it was 6:30 in the morning already.

Today for the first time in a long time, she was happy and thankful for the place that she is in her life.

With a grateful heart she starts to type about the journey that she is looking forward to begin.

Tick tick Tick...

The End.

June 12, 2021 03:13

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