Imperfect perfection

Submitted into Contest #2 in response to: Write a story about someone who's haunted by their past.... view prompt



Her life is a repeat of people killing each other over temporary riches. She is caught in this web of comparison. She is every little who grew up damaged by the system. A system meant to teach her that her value can only be confirmed by another persons opinion. She is now damaged because she still sees blemishes in the perfection that she knows in the mirror. Her mother’s arms are a saving grace, her fathers love is the only look of a man she can come to believe. She was a little girl who was told her curly hair needed to be tamed. Her smile holds back a lifetime of told her actions were not good enough and her posture was not lady-like. She wishes to be brave, she wishes to be strong, but she fears wishes are too far away.

August 11, 2019 11:56

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