Adventure Christian Teens & Young Adult

“A feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love.”


Daring deeds.

Celebration of nature.

Focus on the individual.

Celebration of isolation and melancholy.

Interest in the common man.

Idealization of women.

Personification and pathetic fallacy. (ThoCo)

Not always a love interest.

A spiritual journey.

Looking inward.

“Self-reliance” by Ralph Waldo Emerson. An essay of looking inward in order to look outward. Determining your own path and relying on your own resources.

Self-reliance means different things to different people….

William Wordsmith. One of the first poets to embrace the concept of writing that anyone could read.

”I Wandered lonely as a cloud.

That floats on high o’er vale’s and Hills.

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host, of golden Daffodils;

Beside the Lake, beneath the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.”

Still yet. To come…..

The idealization of women sought to present women as idealized love interests (talk about pressure🤪) Pure and beautiful, but usually without anything else to offer.

Uh oh.

I feel a hush in the crowd…..A run for the exits…..

It’s ok.

Time has marched on.

Jane Austen, Mary Shelley (of Frankenstein fame) published their works under pseudonyms because of the fall out of the less than perfection of women stories. Women were supposed to be innocent beings to be adored, mourned and respected—but never touched or relied upon.


Life happens.

The introduction of Spirituality in romanticism writings added the occult and supernatural elements. (ThoCo)

Think spider-man, batman wonder women and bat girl….Just to name a few.

They flew around with roses and chocolate in their power suits. And weren’t afraid to show it.

Love. Romantic love can be tormenting.

Tormented. In “The Raven.” Edgar Allan Poe exemplifies the aspect of movement. The Rave tells a story of a man grieving for his dead love (an idealized woman in the romantic tradition). A sentient Raven arrives and torments him, which can be interpreted literally or

Seen as a manifestation of his mental instability😵‍💫😳.

Oh. Romance.

The fluttery feeling of butterflies.

The harsh feeling of rocks in the belly.

Taking up space.

Assuming a place.

In the hearts.

In the minds.

With no way out.


Supernatural ability.

Intuitive nature.

Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.


Especially this glory filled time of year.

The Prince of Peace.

True Royalty.

The beginning, middle and the end.

The Coming of the Messiah.

”For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6)

Quite an impressive curriculum vitae.

Quite a list of accomplishments too.

The most impressive.

Prince of Peace.

Without peace, the continuity of life would not be possible.


Without peace, the continuity of life would not be possible.

That is why. The Son of God, King of kings has come into the world he created.

In Him. All things are possible.

The right relationship is the foundation of living in harmony with all His creation. In Jesus, our fears in death are removed and replaced with the gift of eternal life (Romans 6:23)


Jesus is called Prince of Peace for three reasons. He is alone able to accomplish these greats feats:

Restore every broken relationship.

Rebellious natures aside.

Provide a Well-Ordered and Balanced Life.

Live with a grateful heart.

All work on our personal work-life balance.

Assure our eternal destiny.

An assurance of salvation.

He promises this to those who follow His path.

A life free from evil, sin, and death.

How beautiful would it be to live on in another in thoughts, words, deeds and actions!

Even after our physical self is


He has broken down the wall of hate.

By giving of his own body, Christ ended the law with its many commands and rules.

Wait a minute.

Before you run and graffiti the freeway underpass.

Take a moment to appreciate the sacrifice. His great sacrifice.

”For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.” (1 Timothy 2:5, KJV).

When you are weary and have a heavy burden to carry.

Give Him a call.

God is not the author of confusion, but of peace.

He seeks for us understanding. Even if and when

It may take awhile.😵‍💫.

The beginning, middle and end.

Is up to us.

He leaves us, when we seek His help, with a gift.

Gift giving this time of year is the exchange of ideas, thoughts, words and actions.

He leaves with us the gift of peace of mind and heart.

Better than a Barbie doll, for sure!

Even a new bike, too😎

The point is we have but one life.

Decisions come.

Decisions go.

The best, in the interest of peace, are oftentimes the most difficult.

But the Prince of Peace teaches us the gifts are more than worth their weight in gold.

We learn the lessons as and as we grow.



As we mature😉

We need to remember He is. 24/7 guy. Call on Him any day or night. The lonely feeling never a blip on His radar for you. He waits in anticipation of you call.


He is always ready.

To steer up you down the best path.

The path of least resistance.

The path to peace.

Sometimes, we are not yet “ready.”

He provides the gentle push. And we feel ok!

Doubt is a fickle beast.

He knows this.

His love is everlasting.

Inclusive and everlasting.

The beginning.

The middle.

The end.

The Prince of Peace has worked a lifetime, many lifetimes to help those who seek Him out to achieve a peace that passes understanding.

Full circle.

Peace that passes understanding.

When we are fearful.

When we doubt.

When we are anxious.

When we lose our way.

When we forget to be nice.

When we forget to lend a helping hand.

When we forget to smile.

When we cut in line.

He is the line.

He is

The ultimate achiever.

The Ultimater😃.


Prince of Peace✌🏻

December 22, 2023 16:26

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