Drama Fiction Mystery

A week after dad rejected mom. A week of my phone blowing up with messages. Addie please. I want to be in your life again. Can you talk to your father? I couldn’t handle it. I rubbed my eyes with my palms and groaned. Dad never talked about the night of the dance, and told us to never bring it up. I didn’t tell dad about how mom was texting me. How did she get my phone number? 

Honestly, I didn’t want to care. Mom had the choice to help raise us, be with us, but she didn’t take it. Her choice. Her fault. I grabbed a pillow from the couch and squeezed it. 

What if mom wasn’t ready? It wouldn’t hurt to give her a second chance… would it? She did say she wanted to come back into our lives. I don’t know. I grabbed my phone and pulled up her contact. 

Me: Are you free anytime soon?

It only took her a minute for her to respond

Mom: Yes, dear. 

Me: Meet at Carl’s 12:00?

Mom: Sure.

I slammed my phone text and heard a buzz. I grabbed it and turned it on.

There was a text from Ashlyn.

Ashlyn: Where’s Dad?

Me: Work, why?

Ashlyn: We need to meet with mom.

Me: I already texted her. I’m going to Carl’s with her at 12. Do you want to join?

Ashlyn: You read my mind.

Me: Where are you?

Ashlyn: Finishing up this poopy date with John Wells. 

I laughed to myself.

Ashlyn started dating, and far as I heard, all the dates have been a huge flop. 

I got up and scurried to my room. It was 10, and I had 2 hours before meeting mom.

I decided to do short shorts, as it was steaming hot. I also decided to wear a Nasa shirt that dad gave me after his work trip. My hair was still flat ironed from yesterday, and I decided to leave it like that. Normal converse for shoes. I walked out of the room, and saw dad sitting at the kitchen table.

“Uh-Dad?” I asked, slowly walking towards him.

What was he doing here?! Didn’t he have work!?

“Oh, hey Addie!” He beamed, looking up from his phone.

“What are you doing here? Don’t you have work?” I could feel my hands get sweaty.

“Oh, I decided to work from home today. Is that going to be a problem?” He asked.

“No, actually. Me and Ashlyn are going to Carl’s at 12 with… friends.”

I bit my lip. 

Please have dad fall for this.

“How fun! Is Ashlyn on her way home now?”

I grabbed my phone from the couch and nodded.

“We will be done about 1 or 3.”

“That is quite long to be at Carl’s.”

“We are not going to stay there forever. Probably go see a movie or something. Don’t worry, I will tell you when we are on our way home.”

I kissed him on the cheek, just as Ashlyn came inside.

“Are you ready Addie?” She looked and saw dad.

“Yup, let's go have fun with our friends.” I winked at her.

“Ahh, yes.” She swung her keys around her fingers, as I walked outside.

“Bye Dad!” She called out, after we got outside.

I got into Ashlyn’s car and we drove away. She gripped the wheel tightly, and I watched as she looked panicked.

“Don’t worry Ash. All we are doing is seeing mom.” 

She nodded slowly and sighed.

We finally made it to Carl’s. We got inside, and saw mom sitting at a booth.

“How many?” The lady asked.

“We are joining that lady over there.” I pointed over to mom.

She nodded, leading us over. Mom gave us a small smile as we sat down.

The lady brought us water and left.

“You two girls have grown up so fast.” She said in awe.

Ashlyn smiled as I stood there, uncomfortable. 

“Now, Mom, why did you want to come back into our lives?” I rested my hands on the table, leaning forward. 

“Addie…” Ash whispered.

I sighed and leaned backed.

She swallowed and started to talk. 

“Your father’s sister worked with me for a couple of years. I didn’t realize it back then, but when she asked if I knew you guys, I knew I made a mistake and needed to get involved with your life.”

“I went to your sister first.” 

I stood there in shock.

“No, you went to me first at the dance. I remember.” I shook my finger.

“I texted your sister first though.” 

I grabbed my cup and took a sip. 

“Does your father know you are here with me?”

“All he knows is that we are here with friends.” Ashlyn responded. 

“You lied to your father?” She gasped. 

“Did you really think dad would let us see you after what happened at the dance?” I scoffed.

She nodded and laughed.

“So are you going to let me into your family?”

“I don’t think so.” I turned around to see dad.

"Dad?" I asked in fear

"You lied to me, and decided to go to your mother?"

Why did dad have to ruin everything?! Mom walked up to dad, and sighed.

"Mark, you can't keep your kids from their mother. You know that."

I looked at Ashlyn who was smiling like a dork.

"Dad, please just understand." I begged.

He sighed and looked at us.

"I'm sorry for leaving you. I wasn't ready. I'm ready to be apart of their lives if you let me."

Dad sighed.

"I don't know..."

"Can you at least think about it?" Ashlyn asked.

"I guess. However, you can't lie about seeing your mother okay?"

Me and Ashlyn nodded quickly, smiling.

Our family was slowly coming back together.

Heyo children! I hope you enjoyed part 2! I can't believe I wrote this the day after part 1. If you have not seen part 1 yet, please go check it out! It was a Collab with the amazing Maya Emerson. Go check hers out as it took my breath away!! Thank you for reading, I will be posting part 3, maybe next week? Make sure you follow me as I post once (maybe twice) every week! Till next time my sweets! Byeee! *huggies*

February 01, 2021 14:58

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Maya -
22:03 Mar 04, 2021

Hey Katelyn, I don't know if I ever told you, but would you like the link to our chatting document? Everyone stays anonymous and it's just for people to talk and plan stories and stuff. :)


Katie May
19:20 Mar 06, 2021

Hey Maya! I'm so sorry I haven't responded yet. I have been so busy lately. I would love to! Thanks for asking!! :D


Maya -
19:34 Mar 06, 2021

Hi! That's fine. :) Lol we haven't talked in a while, how are you? Here's the link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jnTO2_RBMf0A45gw38pgM6aXANTqhZIhDvSUHk0_gXo/edit#


Katie May
19:39 Mar 06, 2021

I'm doing good! You? I just joined!! I would love to talk to you!! :DD


Maya -
19:50 Mar 06, 2021

That's good! I'm great! :) Hehe yay! Did you put your name and Reedsy-link on the list of names? Lol it's sort of confusing but like if you go to the very bottom that's where we chat. xD Same! What do you want to talk about? :D


Katie May
20:25 Mar 07, 2021

Heyy! How are you doing?! I will have to do that soon!! :D XD


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12:43 Feb 09, 2021

Interesting turn in the story! The entire ending/ beginning seems to swap from the last one, with a dismal beginning and an ending that's starting to look up. I'm sure there's a literary term for that, but I don't know the name for it... Nevertheless, great job!


Katie May
12:50 Feb 09, 2021

Thank you so much for the feedback!!! :D


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Maya -
22:33 Feb 04, 2021

The skribbls now have a doc for chatting (kinda like Aerin's doc) and if you want to be on it the link is in my bio! :)


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YAYAY!!! Love this series!!! Great work Katelyn, I loved all the details:DDD


Katie May
21:01 Feb 02, 2021

Aww, thank you so much!!!


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Maya -
17:07 Feb 02, 2021

If you want to play skribble at the same time today I'm putting the link at the bottom of my bio instead of sending it out (since there was a spammer that kept joining last time). :)


Katie May
21:00 Feb 02, 2021

Oh jeez. Okie dokie I will see if I can join!!


Maya -
21:04 Feb 02, 2021

We finished for today, but you can play tomorrow!


Katie May
21:45 Feb 02, 2021

I'm sorry I have not been able to join, school has been busy and I have tutoring too! D:


Maya -
21:46 Feb 02, 2021

Oh, sorry. Ugh that sounds miserable. :(((


Katie May
21:46 Feb 02, 2021

it is! XD


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Katie May
21:00 Feb 02, 2021

Oh jeez. Okie dokie I will see if I can join!!


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Danny -
23:26 Feb 01, 2021



Katie May
01:06 Feb 02, 2021

AWww thank you so much!!! :DDDD


Danny -
01:24 Feb 02, 2021

Of course :DD


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Maya -
15:36 Feb 01, 2021

Wowwww- I have no idea how your wrote this so fast!!! Seriously! I really loved it, though! You do a really great job of making the dialogue sound natural and the tone you use makes the story flow really well! Also, you did a great job of building up the drama and suspense by having them sneak around. I can't wait to read part three! :DDD *hugs* <3 *** Also, we're playing Skribble again today at 3:30 EST if you would like to join. :)


Katie May
15:37 Feb 01, 2021



Katie May
15:37 Feb 01, 2021

Aww and tank you so much!!! *extra huggies* :DDD


Maya -
15:41 Feb 01, 2021

You're welcome! You're a wonderful author! :DDD


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Maya -
15:41 Feb 01, 2021

Okay, Yay!


Katie May
15:43 Feb 01, 2021

AwwWWwwWW tAnK WoOOoo ❤😭


Katie May
15:54 Feb 01, 2021

Hey Maya! So I was thinking, I could have a discord to connect with ya'll. What do you think???


Maya -
15:57 Feb 01, 2021

That could be cool! I honestly don't really know what discord is, I never really used it. XD Btw you replied to yourself again. XD


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Maya -
15:57 Feb 01, 2021



Katie May
15:59 Feb 01, 2021

GOOD GLORY. Thanks for telling me. (taps brain. You der?! XD) I will go see what other peoples tink. :D


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Katie May
18:41 Feb 01, 2021

So i'm sadly going to be canceling the discord, as nobody is joining. D:


Maya -
18:46 Feb 01, 2021

Aw, okay. D: Maybe another time. But we can all still talk on here. Did you see the new Reedsy update, when you click on a story?


Katie May
19:04 Feb 01, 2021

What? No I haven't! Lemme go see! :D


Maya -
19:07 Feb 01, 2021

It's not centered at the top anymore. XD Do you like it better the new or old way?


Katie May
19:09 Feb 01, 2021

Old way. XD


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Maya -
04:37 Feb 11, 2021

Reedsy-cast out! :D


Katie May
13:06 Feb 11, 2021

Heyy! I'm so sorry. I couldn't go, I had school, plus tutoring so I am very busy. D:


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Maya -
19:46 Feb 10, 2021

If you would like to play at 3:30 EST I'm going to put the link in my bio (at the bottom XD) :)


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Danny -
05:23 Feb 09, 2021

Awwwww, wolf pfp!!!!! :DDDD


Katie May
12:52 Feb 09, 2021

Yes Ma'am!! :DDD


Danny -
12:52 Feb 09, 2021

It's so cuteeeee :))))


Katie May
12:52 Feb 09, 2021

Thanks!! XD


Danny -
12:55 Feb 09, 2021

Of course :)) You planning on writing anything for this week's prompts? :DD


Katie May
13:07 Feb 09, 2021

Well, not really cause none of the prompts really interests me. Do you have any ideas?? I'm dried out. XD


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Maya -
18:29 Feb 06, 2021

Hey, Katelyn! Happy Saturday!!! For my reedsy cast series I'm starting could you fill out this form? https://forms.gle/6xPLeSnXFwNSwWUCA Also, I made a writing quiz in bio! :)


Katie May
23:43 Feb 07, 2021

Hey!! Of course!!


Maya -
00:51 Feb 08, 2021

Thanks!!! How've you been? :D


Katie May
02:05 Feb 08, 2021

Eh...dealing with my parents. XD How about you???


Maya -
02:20 Feb 08, 2021

Oh, that can be annoying. XD I'm good! :)


Katie May
12:44 Feb 08, 2021

I love your new name and pfp! Its adorable!! Did you like that movie??


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Maya -
20:34 Feb 01, 2021



Katie May
21:37 Feb 01, 2021

Crap, I totally forgot about that!!!


Maya -
21:39 Feb 01, 2021

It's okay, there was someone trying to crash our game anyway. Probably a downvoter on Reedsy. :/


Katie May
21:56 Feb 01, 2021

Good glory. Sorry about that. :/


Maya -
22:08 Feb 01, 2021

That's okay!


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