Submitted into Contest #79 in response to: Write about two characters who’ve gone through something so intense they now feel like family.... view prompt




“I was scared. This was my first time and I did not know what to do. How do I start? What do I do? How do I do it? I stood there confused as he looked at me. A lot of things were running around my brain. If you’d open head up, you were to see an airport with so many landings and take offs. My fear was the Boeing 777 which was full to capacity. He kept on pointing at me to sit on it while I was froze at the door.

“Claire! Claire!” The man was clapping in my face as he took my hand leading me to sit on it although I was a bit hesitant. “It’s okay dear, I know you’re scared. Everyone always is for the first time. You’re going to be fine,” he said. That was the Dean of students of my school. I was a freshman from high school. Still timid and afraid of my new environment. I had gone to register for my course and to get my school card,” I was at the cafeteria narrating to my new friend how it went at the Dean’s office.

“Oh and by the way, fun fact, I am Claire too,” she replied as she smiled. Laughing I said, “what??!! No way!” she nodded in response. “well so pleased to meet you, Claire. It sounds a bit weird though. It’s like am calling myself out loud you know.”

So we talked more as we walked home after the induction at school. I still couldn’t get over the fact that I had met my namesake and that we are actually becoming friends, like how cool was this! She was to major in Journalism but with some minor in communication while I was majoring in Public Relations with a minor in Communication too. So that meant we would be sharing most classes and to me this was fun. At least I had met someone at campus. This was such a huge place and in high school we could hear a lot of scaring stories. Oh university students are spoilt, rogue some of them get arrested with illegal drugs. I just hoped it would be a smooth four years.

“I branch out here Claire, see that brown gate over there, that is where I live,” the other Claire pointed.

“Oh okay, nice. I live next street. I will visit when we are off class. Thanks for walking home with me, “I replied as we hugged and went our separate ways.

“Yes mother, the first day was not that bad. And you will not believe this, I actually made a friend…uh… moth… mom… you’re not listen… mom… I haven’t even finishe… it is a SHE! God mom, why are you quick to jump to conclusions…what? No she is not a le… I know mom, she is a friend, and we are in the same class. Relax, campus is not an immoral place mother…yes yes I know I came to study, gosh, oh my God mother, you never fail to surprise me…okay I will talk to you tomorrow I have an early class bye,” that was my overprotective mother on the phone. She actually wanted me to study at a campus next to home. I guess all parents are afraid to see their children branch out and grow.

So our first day of campus was great if not a bit awkward. We got lost twice, and had entered into the wrong classes three times. At least. Everyone has that first day experience so we played cool despite missing two classes.

“Wow, not a bad house. Mine is a bit smaller but almost the same design. This is nice Claire,” that was the other Claire speaking as she looked around my house. We had decided to start visiting each other so that we know where each lives in case of anything, it is easier to locate one another.

“Thanks, here you go,” I replied as I served her some orange blended juice.

“I like it, except for the noisy neighbours. They play loud music till late. I was on phone with my mom one day and had to tell them to keep it low. But they all laughed at me. It’s like a party every night I wonder when they get to study,” I added.

So as the days went by, we got more comfortable in school and at home. We learnt the ropes of survival in campus. No longer got lost.

Our first year lapsed really fast and we were on our mid second year and our friendship even got stronger. We had almost the same everything not just the same name. There was this really cool spot we used to hang out after school before we went home as I learnt more about Claire’s family. Her eldest sister would visit once in a while.

“I need to make one call sir.”

“I hope it is you parent. You are in deep trouble, “said a tall, grey haired man with green eyes and a beard. Did I mention his extremely huge belly that slowed his movement as he handed me the phone. How could you be that tall with a belly? I thought it was for short people. Anyways, that was in my mind.

The previous night, the usual noisy neighbours had their usual night parties and were engaging in illegal drugs. The area officers got wind of the party and suddenly drove in and swept each tenant. That included me. 

“Thank you for bailing me out. I promise to pay you back once am sent my monthly allowance by my parents”

“Hey, it is okay. I was happy to help a friend. I know how these things go. Let’s go get you something to eat first, am sure that holding cell didn’t have any room service,” Claire replied as she gave me a jacket. We both laughed leaving the police station. That was my first day inside a police cell. I wish I could tell my mom the experience without getting her worried.

Days went by and school got more and more engaging. The classes got more rigorous and the exams were almost due. At home on my end we were experiencing financial problems as my mother was suffering from endometriosis and had a number of surgeries coming up. Things were tough for sure and I was thinking of getting a side hustle to cater for some bills.

“Hello…uh, yes, it’s me…Claire, your niece… yes I was wondering if I could ask for some financial aid uncle, I am in school and haven’t… hello…hello…hello uncle. Wow. No he didn’t. God. He just hung up on me! So much for always call me when you need anything favourite niece”

I had tried to reach out for assistance from almost all of my relatives and the response was I will get back to you, I am in a meeting, others even pretended to have a connection problem and just hung up. So much for family when you need them.

“Unfortunately, I haven’t paid my monthly rent yet. I do have some savings but that is strictly meant for my fees, and none of my relatives are ready to assist. Tomorrow you can help me go look for a job friend?” I asked Claire.

“You know what, I have a better idea. I will move in with you and help you with most of the costs and the bills until we see what to do. I might have some business ideas in mind that we can do together. Don’t worry, you are not alone. And we can arrange to go see your mom in hospital too. Am sure it will help her with her recovery”

This girl was truly a friend in deed. She did not have any reason whatsoever to do this for me but she came through for me at my lowest and when I needed help the most.

We decided to start cooking lunch and sell to fellow students at a more affordable price than the one at the cafeteria. The business was doing very well and it helped us cater for our bills very well. Balancing school and work was not easy but we managed.

“This is not true!! We usually uphold hygiene and no one has complained of food poisoning from our food. It must be a mistake officer.” We complained as we sat in cuffs behind a police car after an alleged customer filed a complaint of food poisoning form us. This meant losing customers and being banned until we get cleared and the area health officers had to do an investigation to that effect. I believed this was a competitor who was trying to bring us down since no one who has ever consumed our food, complained of any form of discomfort.

We stayed locked up for a whole week without being allowed to make any calls or post bail until the day we were released as the complainant had decided to drop the charges. We were however not allowed to do the cooking business and this meant, we were back to square one. Claire was taking care of all the bills as I tried to get a new hustle.

A week to the final exams, Claire got a call from home that her mother had passed away. This was a very difficult time for her and as a friend it was my time to reciprocate her kindness.

“Have you packed all that you need?” she nodded as I helped her with her bags to the car. I had hired a car that would drive us to their home and back before the exams started. After a 4-hour drive, we arrived at their home and were welcomed with a sombre mood. Her father embraced her as she almost broke down in tears.

“Dad, this is my best friend Claire. We study in the same class. We also stay together and has been very helpful during this time. Claire, welcome home, this is my dad Mr. Salvador”

“Thank you for welcoming…

“Thank you my daughter. Thank you for being there for my princess., “He suddenly embraces me. I have never felt so much love from strangers my whole life. This felt more family than any of my blood relatives.

 A week later and it was exam day. We were nervous as it had been a pretty rough period for both of us but we had been studying amidst all of it.

“Let’s go ace these exams. You are Claire, I am Claire, you pass, I pass, I get 100% you get 99.99%. At least let’s not make it so obvious. “We both laugh as we left home for school holding hands.

February 05, 2021 15:35

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