Purrfect for Each Other

Submitted into Contest #264 in response to: Write a story in the form of a speech (or multiple speeches).... view prompt

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Fiction Funny Friendship

 "When Stacy organized this wedding and said it was happening, we all were astonished. I have to admit, I thought it was a joke at first. We've seen Stacy say and do some peculiar things – all good, of course - but still on the atypical side. But Stacy, you make life more interesting, and I couldn't wait to see how this all turned out. And I kinda still think it's a joke, but it's really sweet. And I must admit that being among friends and seeing how much everyone supports one another, I think the shock has worn off a little. As long as there is kindness and love for one another, who cares what other people do and think? I am genuinely happy to see Meredith and Colin marry - even if it isn't in the traditional sense - but I think it's really great to see everyone come together and support a friend. And I'm sure Meredith and Colin are super happy that Stacy organized this wedding all on her dime. So, I guess they do have a wealthy mom. I can't wait to see where you're sending them on their honeymoon, 'Mom.' Anyway, raise your glass to Meredith and Colin. May they have a long and happy life!"

"Thanks, Brad. As you all know, I'm Scarlet," she giggled into the microphone, slightly slurring her words. This whole wedding is seriously a catastrophe," Scarlet chuckled. "I mean, Colin doesn't even seem like he wants to be here. And I saw Meredith with someone who wasn't Colin the other day. I'm just letting you know you might've wasted your money, Stacy. Colin and Meredith might be straight-up hoes, but let's hope they're hoes for each other. I don't know if they even want to get married, and I don't even know if I want to get married someday, but they definitely look adorable in their outfits. I can't wait to take more photos with them! Raise a glass to them, and for an extra long, happy life, take a couple of extra gulps, like I certainly will," Scarlet laughed and quickly downed half of the champagne in her glass.

"I guess I'm next." Jordan took Scarlet's microphone. "Okay, I just found out there's a possibility Meredith and Colin are cousins. Possibly first cousins. Should we really be approving this marriage? To Meredith and Colin, come to me if you ever decide you don't want to do this anymore and if Stacy no longer supports you. You are both welcome to sleep on my couch – separately. And I expect you to help with household chores and clean up after yourselves. In my household, we earn our keep. And since you two are lazy mooches, my household will not tolerate that. Raise a glass to Meredith, Colin, and all this craziness, but I am happy to be here and see something bizarre like this take place."

Handing the microphone to a laughing Charlotte, she began. "This is the best wedding I've ever been to in my life. And I married Brad almost two years ago. I just think this is such a unique idea, and I'm thrilled to have been invited by you, Stacy, and to see Meredith and Colin begin their journey in wedded bliss. I always think supporting each other in creativity and friendship is important, and I don't care that this is unusual. It's super cool, and I love all of you, especially Meredith and Colin! Fur better or fur worse, you're in this together! And now, here's the hostess with the mostess, the organizer of this wedding, Stacy Moore!"

Bowing, Stacy took the microphone and began, "Thank you, everyone, for coming to this wedding and for not having much of a cat-itude about it. I know I'm a little obsessed with weddings and cats, and I know I'm not dating anyone, so I just thought throwing a wedding together for Meredith and Colin would be an excellent idea. As you know, I found Meredith as a stray a few years ago after I almost hit her on my way home from work. She's half of the light of my life. I adopted Colin two months after Meredith to keep her company while I was at work – and as an added companion for me. He's the other half of the light of my life. As you know and have attended, I've thrown birthday parties for Colin and Meredith, have celebrated Cat-mas with them – and you – and have had a Cats-giving, where we all bring dishes to share among each other and with the kitties. We've also celebrated Halloween together, where I dressed up as a cat. I mean, guess what I will dress up as for next Halloween? Finally, I couldn't help but rent out this small venue and have a wedding dress and little tux made for the kitties to be wedded! And, of course, they had to wed on August 8th, International Cat Day! Sorry it was on a Thursday this year, but thank you for taking the time off work to support my eccentricities. I mean, I'm sure you also mainly came for the open bar, which features Meowtinis – shaken, not purred, of course, and to watch Meredith and Colin eat all the catnip they could stomach. Feel free to take as many photos of or with Meredith and Colin as possible before they get cranky. And thank you for being amazing friends and accepting my unique personality, quirky skills, and kitty marriage. And I'm sure everyone wants to know if there will be an event on their anniversary next year and every year? Of course! Clear your schedule for every August 8th."

Laughing, Stacy turned to Jordan. "And to Jordan, they are not first cousins. Their marriage may be frowned upon and not legally binding, but they belong together."

Jordan grabbed the mic from Stacy. "You know I was just kitten around—also, a quick announcement. Colin has been partying too hard. He just threw up his catnip. We're going to need a mop."

August 16, 2024 22:19

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Keba Ghardt
20:37 Aug 26, 2024

Cute idea, and a great variety of voices that still all sound like a cohesive friend group. Great illustration of a very fun night


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