Fiction Friendship Horror

Barry is a young man looking for who to love him unconditionally .on a faithful day he meet mabel who was busy buying some grosreys from the store. He waved at her and she waved back .when he got to her he expressed his likeness towards her and they became intimate friends .they kept seeing each other but on this faithful day barry came visiting mabel but was surprised to see her with another man kissing and cuddling each other . He felt bad and left to his place. When he later called her it was the man that picked up .barry was shetterd he felt his world was coming to an end . The followning day mabel came to check on barry but was given cold feet. Mabel asked Barry what was the problem but he did not reapond she kept on asking him until he lied to her that he is missing his mum who died some months ago. Barry then suggested that they go visit his mum at the grave yard .Mabel agreed to it .on that faithful day they both set out for the journey without food,water or even their phones.Mabel kept asking Barry why he refused them taking along with them things that will keep them busy .Barry responded by saying we came with nothing we will live with nothing .Mabel was confused but kept mute.on their way mabel kept telling barry she wants to go back but barry kept on telling her that they will soon get there.on reaching the grave yard it was almost night. They went straight to barry's mum's grave yard and sat down. Barry kept on weeping while mabel was consouling him.so barry stood up and held mabel's hand .Barry :Mabel what is the assurance you are giving me to show you truely loves me.Mabel: Barry we need to go out of here it is getting late already . Barry: no mabel this is where we will spend our night.all alone from this sinful world.what sinful world says marbel.do you want us to die?when you said we will visit the graveyard I thought you were only talking about visiting your mother's graveyard and not to spend the night here. please barry I don't want to die. And who told you we are dying says barry .anyways even if we die tonight my heart will be at peace knowing fully well that I died with love.Suddenly there was a heavy wave in the sky,birds were singing,darkness came,barry I am scared says mabel.this place is not where we should be by this hour. No my love all I want now is just to be with you here in this grave yard.as u can see there is no disturbance.everyone is asleep here.it is a peaceful place to be ,no food,no water,no money,no house,no jealousy ,no argument,no rejection,no family members,no party,no celebration ,no hatred ,no envy etci remembered when my mum was dying she told me about how very poor we use to be not until my dad decided to join the secret cult.when he wanted to join they did not tell him the implications of joining the cult.they only made him to believe that they are the givers of wealth.he agreed to their terms not reading the terms and conditions which governs the cult.we suddenly became rich and we lived a fulfilled life so he thought .after some years of enjoyment of whealth death came calling on our door. Dad was alone in the sitting room when he felt something on his chest ,he shouted for help but couldn't get any.by the time mum got home dad was already dead. Mum was so confused that she shouted at her highest voice and fainted .she was rused to the hospital through the help of the security watch guild .at the hospital she was revived by the medical personels. She kept asking of dad who was already dead .they gave her the information which made her to always have high blood pressure .three months, after dad's death the occult members came to visit mum.mum was shocked to see strange faces at her house. They made mum to know that dad was supposed to sacrify his only son in the cult which is I barry.and that the wealth we are enjoying belongs to them. They all laughed at one another .mum couldn't believe her ears .she screamed and shouted that she won't be alive to see her son been used as a sacrifice in their cult. they told her she will die that, as long as we have what belongs to them they will not allow us know no peace.A week later mum fell seriously sick .she was taken to several hospitals to no avail .we even took her to native doctors house yet nothing was done her sickness became worse day by day.that was when she told me what dad did just to have money to be among the well known names in the country.i wept and wept and asked why will he go to such length just because of material things .there was no answers to my question .mum died the following day and was burried here. A week later dad's company caught fire,the house I was staying and other properties was taken away from me. I was left homeless and helpless waiting for death to come .when I met you I knew there will be hope for me to live and love again. But then I saw you kiss another man I felt rejected ,confused and used .so I decided we go out to visit my mum's grave yard .but in my mind I have come to die because nobody loves me.no barry don't say that.i have always love you with all of my heart .I care alot about you. Barry: no you don't care. If you do we will both die here . Because this is where my love was burried and I want to be close to her. Barry what are you saying.i am not ready to die.there was strange wind suddenly three ghost appeared to them . what are u doing here says the first ghost.dont you know this is a place for the dead says the second ghost,I guess they don't know says the third ghost.mabel was just shevering and looking scared .

Barry replied : we are waiting to die.

October 29, 2020 12:01

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