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Science Fiction


The world is ending! Actually, the world already ended. I’m the only one left. That’s a pretty depressing thought. My father and mother died of heart failure, and my sister, Layla, was hit by a bus 5 years ago. Then slowly - I know this sounds strange, and most of you who are reading this won’t believe it’s true - people began falling off the Earth. I locked myself in my tiny house until the force of gravity regulated itself, which didn’t take long. People disappeared every day. They would venture outside and be sucked away. Even if you opened your window - your window! - you would get blown off the face of the Earth. So, I locked myself in my house and didn’t do so much as open a window a crack! I lived this way for a month. Then, one day, I had a gut feeling that it was over. I stopped floating around in the air. Everything seemed normal. I open the door and half-expect to be blown away. I didn’t. I gulp in huge breaths of fresh air and take a look around me. Everyone’s gone! The city streets are completely deserted. I half-run, half-sprint to the grocery store. No one is there. I can just take anything. I grab any food item I see and run out of the store. 


Everything is gone. I’m the last one left on the entire planet. Out of my entire family, of 6 individuals, 5 were sucked off the Earth. My oldest daughter, Dena, opened the window a little bit and was blown away. Her screams still echo in my ears. I only survived, because I locked myself in my bedroom with tons of food and computers and blocked all entrances. I stayed there for 4 weeks. So, like I said, I’m the only living creature in the entire world. Aside from animals, of course. So, since there is no one left why not go and tour the world? I quickly pack a bag and know that I can easily get whatever I’m missing anywhere for free. I run to the airport where I’ve been working for 6 years and run towards the first plane I see. I load up on as much fuel as I can stuff inside and take off. I’m living in New York, so I first tour in that area and then move further away from the area which I can refer to as home. I tour the entire America in like a month and a half. And after another two months, I’m done with North America. I take out a world map and start highlighting the places I’m interested in and before long my entire map is covered in fluorescent yellow. First stop: Australia.


It’s been two months and I’m getting really bored. Antwerp is a really interesting place, but I’ve gone everywhere I can think in my area. Time to go to other places. I’m 28 and I’m still single. I guess that’s a good thing, ‘cause I’d probably have to grieve over my husband’s death. But eventually, I’m gonna die too, and there will be no one left on Earth. I’m getting so lonely. I’m seriously hoping that I’m wrong, and there is someone left. I stop in an ice cream shop and build a towering ice cream tower. If maybe my family were still alive, and maybe a friend or two, I’d be having the time of my life. I don’t have to pay for anything, and I can just do anything I want. But they’re not, and I’m all alone. Suddenly, I decided, I’m sick of traveling and doing nothing. Really that‘s what it is. Maybe it’s something but that something is pointless. 

Suddenly, I have this flash, and I just have a really strong feeling that there is somebody who survived this huge pandemic. Then, I get back to myself. You’re insane. No one survived. You’re the only one left. 

I look up at all the huge mansions surrounding me. Without knowing it, I had started walking. I was in a whole new neighborhood I hadn’t seen before. I walk up the steps of the most impressive house. There are no people anywhere on the entire planet, so, without hesitation, I turn the doorknob and push open the elegant door. I know I’ll rattle around in there, but if I have to be lonely, then I’d rather do it in a big house. I explored the mansion and was pleased to find that the kitchen was a big one, a sewing machine, and a studio. 


Shortly after I land in Australia, I realize that I don’t really want to be here. I get back into the cockpit and steer my plane in Europe’s direction. Europe really interests me. I land in France. I land in front of the Eiffel Tower. I’ve never seen the Eiffel Tower before, besides in pictures. I gasp. I run up the 5,000 steps to the top. The view is breathtaking. And that’s saying something. I’m not one to admire scenery and comment on it. I see green hills coming to meet the blue sky. I walk down the steps, taking my time. By the time I reach the bottom, my legs feel like 500-pound weights. I look to my right and start laughing. How come I never noticed the elevator when I first walked in? Whatever. I pass a bench and sit down. I’m thinking about my wife Amelia and my 4 girls, Dena, Lova, Sarah, and Hannah. Where are they now? Most probably floating around in space, if they haven’t died yet of starvation or thirst. Why am I the only one left? Why do I have to be here all alone? Why couldn’t I be blown off the planet with the rest of the world’s population? I can’t! I can’t survive without anyone around! My life is worthless without anyone to be around for? To help. To support. I walk into the first house I see and collapse on the couch in the foyer. And within seconds, I’m out like a light.


I wake up on a beautiful day in June, with the sun in my eyes. The bedroom is filled with the scent of honeysuckle and lavender. 

Today, I’m going to be a princess. I know I’m not 5-years-old anymore, but it’s fun, right?

I stretch my arms and slowly get out of bed. I pull my dressing gown closer around me and walk to the closet. Half an hour later I am finished with breakfast. I have to wash all my dishes. 

So much for pretending to be a princess. 

What in the world am I going to do today? I don’t want to go exploring. I walk over to a bookshelf in the sitting room and pick up a heavy, leather-bound volume. Hours later, I lift my head to massage my neck and I sneak a peek at the clock. 1:30 already?! I put my book down, and stand up to make lunch. 

I take out a mini steak and put it in the heated frying pan. I sit down at the table to eat my solitary meal. I enter the pantry and realize that I need to restock. I automatically reach for my purse. After 3 months of being the only person in the world, you’d think that I’d remember that I don’t need to pay for anything, but I don’t. 

I walk out of the door and down the steps. And bump into something. Or someone! I rub my eyes. My eyes must be deceiving me? How is it possible that there is another person alive? No. I'm not dreaming. There really is someone! 


I’m in Antwerp now. I walk around Antwerp and see a gorgeous house. I walk up the steps and bump into someone coming down. Not just someone. A beautiful someone. She could be a princess in a fairy tale, even though she was wearing a simple shirt and skirt with sandals. I was shocked. How is there someone still alive? The same way you’re alive, dummy. 

“Um… uh… er… My name is Jake Holding.” I stammer.

“Kalya Milner,” she replies. She was equally surprised. “Ummm… What are you doing here?”

“I could ask you the same thing. I live in New York City, and I decided that since I’m the only person left… Uh, I mean, that’s before I ran into you… I could, you know, tour the world.”

“I live here. But, how could you manage a plane? You a pilot or something?”

“I’ve been a pilot for the last 6 years,” I tell her.

“Um… Why don’t you come in?” she asks, moving aside to give me access to the doorway.

“Sure.” This is becoming less awkward by the moment.

She leads me through hallways until we come into a drawing-room. 

“Please, sit down. I’ll be back in a moment.”

She re-enters the room, holding a plate of cookies.

“You didn’t have to.” I protest, smiling.

She smiles, letting me see a straight row of sparkling white teeth.

There was only one reason we met. It would be hard to say, but I just have to tell her.

“Kayla. There is only one reason we could have met. So… would you…”

“Would I marry you? Well, I agree with your logic.”

“Can you just say yes or no?” I ask.

“Alright,” she smiles. “I’ll say yes.”

“I’m afraid I don’t have a diamond with me, dear. I didn’t expect to run into someone.”

“There is a jewelry store right around the corner.” she offers.

“Well, let’s go then!” I say, standing up.

We walk out of the house side by side, holding hands.


Three weeks after I meet Jake, we marry. After the ceremony, we go into our bedroom to go to bed. Before I settle down, I kiss him goodnight. It's just like Noah and the great flood. I think.

No one is left, and we're the only ones left to repopulate the world.

And repopulate the world is exactly what we do.

April 27, 2020 21:04

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1 comment

Dita Basu
21:09 May 06, 2020

Interesting story.


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