Contest #199 winner 🏆


Fiction Contemporary

This story contains themes or mentions of suicide or self harm.

You know how when a dog is at the end of their life, its owner will give them a perfect day before taking them to be put down? Like, take them to the dog park, the beach and let them eat a McDonald’s hamburger? Well, July 14th was the day I designated to do that for myself.

I was twenty-two, so I conjured up a list of twenty-two nice things to do for myself on my last day. Most of the listed items involved indulging in food, but there were a few I was more excited about- especially the grand finale, which was sneaking into a concert of some sort. It was a Friday in summertime Chicago, so there had to be something worth sneaking into somewhere. 

The day so far had gone smoothly. I had made up my face to perfection, dropped my cat Sebastian off at the apartment of the nicest friend I had made at school, and taken myself out to breakfast, lunch and dinner. I bought licorice and Haribo peaches from the overpriced candy store and ate it all in between my meals. I took myself on a date to the Botanic Gardens and ate a blueberry muffin at the cafe, curled into my iron chair and watching the stillness of the pond beside me while I tore the soft pastry apart piece by piece. By the time I dragged myself out of Harold’s Steakhouse that night, my stomach was about to burst. I could feel all of the expensive food I ate seeping out through my pores.

When I stepped out onto the street, the sky had turned to twilight. The sunshine had simmered down, but the business of the street was only picking up, as it did on a Friday night. The cars were practically bumper to bumper on Halsted, and people were walking every which way up and down the sidewalk. The hustle and bustle of the city streets usually made me feel suffocated, like I was being drowned out by a million other people whom I was invisible to. That night, though, I stood for a second with my back pressed up against the rough brick of the steakhouse, people-watching. You only learn to appreciate some things when you know you will never see them again.

I decided to start making my way south down Halsted and search for some sort of concert to sneak into. I tried to listen and maybe follow the sound of music, but there was rhythm coming from every direction. The voices of people on the street and floating out from restaurants and pubs morphed into a melody. I could hear the different tunes playing in every car on the street, strung together into one big, incoherent song. Even the way my sandals were scraping against the pavement started to sound musical. I couldn’t help myself but begin to nod my head and sway my hips to the beat as I made my way down the street.

It almost felt poetic, as if the world was singing me one final song. I studied the faces I walked past, people who either briefly met my gaze or did not look back at me at all. Tomorrow, none of these people will know that I’m gone, I thought. No one will know that I was ever even here. 

I was preoccupied looking at a teenage boy securing his bike to a pole with a comically large chain when I tripped over someone sitting on the concrete. I didn’t fall to the ground, but I did scrape a few toes and scuffed the side of the new sandals I had bought earlier that day during my boutique excursion. I spun around to see a girl with long dark hair piled atop her head and gold earrings that reached halfway to her shoulders sitting against the wall of an apartment building, holding what had been a full deck of cards but now was only a few. She had so many freckles they looked like constellations all over her body.

“I am so sorry,” we both said in unison. I stood frozen with guilt over the fact that I had just kicked this girl and scattered her playing cards all over the sidewalk. When the teenager who had been chaining up his bike almost stepped on one of the cards, I dropped to my knees and started collecting them from the pavement. Her mouth stretched into a smile and she waved her hand dismissively.

“Technically, I tripped you,” she said, gathering the stray cards that landed near her. “Maybe it’s a sign. You want a reading?”

I looked down at the bunch of cards I had grabbed and realized that they were not playing cards at all. They had roman numerals on them, and beautiful little images. I recognized them from somewhere, maybe someone’s dorm room. Tarot cards.

“You can read these?” I asked, tentatively handing her the cards back. 

Her smile stretched into a grin that exposed all of her teeth. “The best that I can. And, it’s a full moon. I feel like this really was meant to be.” She patted the concrete beside her. “Come sit. I’m Hazel.”

I folded myself awkwardly into a sitting position, not wanting my new sundress to ride up my back and expose my underwear to the entirety of the city. I realized that if I sat with my legs straight out then I would probably trip someone else, so I settled on squatting so that my arms rested on my knees and I could feel the skirt of my dress brushing against the ground. “I’m Ana.”

In one slick motion, Hazel evened her cards into one pile and began to shuffle them.

“How much do you charge?” I asked. I realized that I drained nearly every last penny in my bank account that day, but I had some cash stuffed in my phone case. 

She shrugged. “Whatever feels right to you.”

I fished out the ten dollar bill I had stashed in my phone case and handed it to her. This felt like something fun to do on my last day, something that I had never done before. I did get a psychic reading once on a trip with my family, but she told me that my dog was going to die- and I’ve never had a dog. The memory of that trip struck something inside me- the memory of my parents, tanned and laughing like they were young and in love all over again. I quickly pushed the memory elsewhere. 

“So, Ana,” Hazel said, thankfully bringing me back to the present moment. “Is there anything you would like to know in particular?”

I shook my head and watched her shuffle the cards so quickly, with such ease. “Not really. I guess… what does the universe want to tell me?”

She nodded, like this was a more frequent question she received. She opened her mouth as if to say something, but at that moment a card fell onto the sidewalk. I went to pick it up for her, but she thrust her arm out. “No, that’s how it works. The ones that fall out tell me the message. Let me see which card it is.”

It was completely dark out at this point, but luckily we were sitting by a streetlight. Hazel picked up the card and tilted it towards the orange hue of the light. She looked up at me, and then back down at the card again. “I’m going to do one more, and I’ll read the message of the two cards put together, okay? This one is the Fool, and its upside down. Hold it for me.”

I cradled the card in my palms, studying the man in the center. He was carrying some sort of bag, gazing up at the sky. I wondered why they called him the Fool.

The second card fell out quickly, and she took the Fool back and held them side by side. 

“The Fool and the Wheel,” she said quietly. She looked at me again, this time for a long moment. “Well, the Fool upside-down means that you aren’t thinking about the consequences of something you are doing, or something that you’re about to do. You might only be thinking about what you are experiencing at this very moment, and not looking ahead.”

My skin began to feel hot. This was getting more real than just fun. I asked, “What about the other one?” Although, I wasn’t sure I wanted to know.

She sighed and held them up side by side again. “The Wheel of Fortune. It feels similar, with the energy I’m getting from you. It means… life has ups and downs. The wheel of good and bad does not stop turning, and if you’re stuck in a low right now you need to know that the high will always come back around.”

We sat in silence for a moment. My knees had started to hurt from squatting, so I was on my butt now, legs tucked carefully to avoid tripping people. My underwear was probably a little visible, but I had forgotten about that. Her words were circling around in my head.

“Well,” I finally said, climbing to my feet. “Thank you. If I had more money I would tip you, but that’s all the cash that I have.”

“Wait,” Hazel said, scrambling to her feet beside me, shoving her cards back into the case. “Where are you going right now? I could use a drink, if you could.”

I sighed and glanced at my phone. It was almost ten o’clock. I had two hours left.

“Well,” I said. “I had this weird plan to sneak into a concert, but I don’t really know of any that are happening.”

She laughed, tucking my ten dollar bill into one pocket and her tarot cards into a black tote bag that had been behind her. “I like your weird plan. I don’t know of any concerts either, but I do know somewhere that will one-hundred percent have live music and cheap drinks.”

I followed Hazel down the sidewalk and around the corner so that we were walking east. Facing the lake, there was a breeze that broke the stiffness of the hot night. I smelled funnel cake coming from somewhere. Hazel started skipping, and I found myself starting to skip with her. The people we skipped past and parted through gave us looks that would have made me crawl away and hide if I were alone. Hazel only waved at them. By the time we reached the door of a bar so small I would have missed it on a regular day, we had erupted in laughter.

Inside, the bar was a little smoky- something I thought wasn’t accepted anymore. No one inside seemed to mind the combination of different smoke, though (I could smell cigarettes, cigars and even something a little skunky). The moment we stepped past the threshold we were sucked into loud, smooth jazz music. It enveloped me like a warm liquid before I even had a sip of alcohol. Hazel took my hand and led me to the end of the bar, where the stools swiveled and even had backs.

Before I knew it, I had a pint of beer in front of me. I wasn’t a beer girl, but then again nothing I had done that day was typical of me. Hazel released her hair from its topknot, and it fell over her shoulder in waves. She took a sip from her pint and looked at me over the rim of her glass. “So,” she said after she swallowed more than I ever could at once. “What led you to me tonight?”

“What do you mean?” I asked over the music. “I tripped over you and made you drop your cards everywhere.”

She tilted her head. “Yes, and there was a reason that happened. It’s a full moon. Don’t question the universe.”

I smiled and just shrugged. I wasn’t sure what to say. Luckily, I felt my phone vibrate. I dug it out and unlocked it to see a text from Nathan, my friend whose apartment I had dropped my cat off at. It was a picture of Sebastian laying on his chair, gazing up at the camera with his huge green eyes. The message underneath read: Sebastian misses you.

I turned my phone to show Hazel, to give us something to talk about other than what I had been doing that day. Her eyes lit up and she grabbed my phone to get a closer look. “Oh my God, what a cute cat. Sebastian? Adorable.”

“He’s a tabby,” I said, taking a sip of my beer. It actually didn’t taste that bad. And it was easing the sense of dread that had begun to creep up within me from somewhere.

She smiled at the screen for another second and handed the phone back to me. “Is that from your boyfriend?”

I shook my head. “No, Nathan’s a friend. He’s watching Sebastian for me.”

“How come?” she asked.

I didn’t know what to say, so I took another sip. I couldn’t think of a made-up reason for why I needed my friend to watch my cat. I should have just told her I was giving Sebastian to Nathan. But then again, not even Nathan knew that.

“Well,” Hazel said. “I bet he can’t wait for you to come back.”

That sentence hit me hard. I felt the tears begin to well in my eyes. I tried to hold them back, but before I knew it they were spilling over my eyelids and down my face. I hid my face in my hands, embarrassed. I wasn’t a public crier. Hazel patted my back and downed the rest of her beer. I picked my head back up, wiping my face with my hands as she slapped some cash down on the sticky surface of the bar.

“Come on, let’s go for a walk,” she said over the music. I slid off the bar stool and followed her back out onto the street, which was still busy but less so as it got later. Hazel was in the lead again, taking me by the hand back west. The air was cooler now, and it felt nice compared to how stifling the day had been. I thought about the card she had described, the Wheel of Fortune. Every low is followed by a high. Even the hottest day will eventually be broken with a breeze.

“Do you want to know why I was named Hazel?” she asked as we stood at a crosswalk, waiting for the orange signal to change and allow us to cross the street. The street was empty, and she abruptly began crossing anyways as if she had just realized that. I jogged to keep up with her.

“Why?” I asked, half genuinely curious and half wanting something distracting to talk about. A sign outside a bank on the corner read the time as 11:38 p.m. Less than an hour left of air to breathe.

“My mother wanted to end her life, a few years before I was even a thought in her mind. She had everything all planned out- she was going to go home after work and do it. I don’t remember how, pills or something.” 

We turned another corner, and I realized we were heading in the direction of Nathan’s apartment. I hoped we would end up turning a different way, so I didn’t feel Sebastian so close by. Hazel continued, “Well, she was on the train on her way home from work, mentally writing her suicide note. She stood up to get off at her stop when this old lady grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her. My mom tried to push her, but the old lady got real close to her and said, “Don’t do it.” My mom was so freaked, she was just like, “what?”, but the old lady just said it again, “Don’t you dare do it.””

I stopped in my tracks. Hazel stopped too, but she didn’t look at me. She peeked in a storefront window where there were shelves of fancy chocolates on display. “She said the lady had these hazel eyes, the most beautiful hazel she had ever seen. It freaked her out, and she obviously did not kill herself. But she named me Hazel, because of her.”

I felt a chill run up my spine.

“How did you know that?” I asked shakily.

“Know what?” Hazel asked.

I didn’t say anything, so we continued to walk. Hazel began to hum a vaguely familiar tune. I was so lost in my mind that I didn’t realize where we were until we were standing in front of the door of Nathan’s apartment building, bathed in the light of the motion-sensored lamps above the door.

“What are we doing here?” I asked. “Do you live here?”

“Go get your cat,” Hazel said. She looked at me then, and I saw in the brightness of the lights that her eyes were an incredibly vibrant hazel. The kind of eye color you don’t forget. 

I felt my body begin to shake. I didn’t know what to say, or even what to think. Hazel reached out and pulled me towards her into a tight hug. “Don’t do it,” she whispered. Without another word, she stepped back, turned on her heel and skipped away into the night. I stared in the direction she went long after she was gone. 

Finally, I checked my phone. It was 12:05- a new day. When I went to put it back in my pocket, I felt something else there. I pulled it out and gasped. In my hand was a ten dollar bill, and the two tarot cards Hazel had drawn for me. 

I unlocked my phone and called Nathan. “Hey. I’m here for Sebastian.”

May 24, 2023 05:22

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Samaira S.
15:58 Jun 04, 2023

OMG, I cried when I read Hazel's "Don't do it". Definitely a beautifully written story. Well done, Anne!


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Geir Westrul
13:06 Jun 04, 2023

Anne, welcome to Reedsy, and what a great start! I loved this story. It held my attention from beginning to end, in a way that felt natural, as if the story was unfolding. Each scene flowed naturally to the next. The hazel eyes of both the old woman who saved Hazel's mom and Hazel herself made me think that she (both of them) were somehow incarnations or angels. Very nicely done and a well deserved win, Anne!


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15:27 Jun 02, 2023

Brilliant story Anne! Pulled me right in to the world. Congratulations!


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16:07 Apr 27, 2024

I love it, it's totally touching and beautiful and really organized. Something to note in the future, if you're doing quotes in dialogue, you should use ' instead of ". For example, "And then she said, 'you're funny, but that's not what I meant.' And then I laughed as hard as I could." (I know it's cheesy but just go with it) Hope this helps!


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Doe Lowinger
00:44 Oct 28, 2023

This story caught my eye because of the first paragraph that draws the reader in as if I were a part of the story. While reading this, I had chills run up my spine and it only got stronger till the very last sentence. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story that so many people can relate to. I also love that it takes place in a city, a place that can feel incredibly isolating, lonely and like you are anonymous.


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Rebecca Detti
19:51 Sep 27, 2023

Thank you Anne for such a heartfelt story. I lost a good friend to suicide two years ago and since then have thought a lot about what goes through someone’s mind before seeing no way out. I wish my friend had met someone like Hazel. Very moving thank you.


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Becky Bariola
19:33 Sep 21, 2023

I read it, cried, then read it again. Excellent story. I am new to Reedsy, this is only my second story, so thank you for writing such a good one.


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20:45 Aug 31, 2023


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Victor Wachanga
21:09 Aug 17, 2023



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Olive Silirus
21:51 Jul 31, 2023

This is a great story! I especially liked the part about how Hazel got her name, and thought it was very clever to end the story the way you did - by having the character go pick up her cat to show that she wasn't going kill herself. Really well written.


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Calvin Kirby
19:54 Jul 09, 2023

Anne, this was a very interesting story and can't believe you won with your first entry. Congratulations. It was a terrific story and I love the ending. I belong to a group of seniors that meet every Monday to discuss short stories and I would like to use this as my submission on July 17. Would you be so kind to send me a short bio of yourself and how you came up with this particular story? You can also join us on Zoom if you'd like. Here is my email and you can ask any questions you have and I can send you a link for our Zoom call. We meet...


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Calvin Kirby
20:18 Jul 03, 2023

Anne, what a wonderful and touching story. Having never had a thought about suicide and have lived a pretty charmed life, you gave me and insight to how a person could be at the end of there ropes and contemplate ending their life. I belong to a senior literary shorts group and would like to use your story for my submission when it is my turn , maybe in late July or August. I would like to ask some questions and get some background on you. My email is I have used many Reedsy stories in the past and the group is always p...


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20:02 Jun 26, 2023

One word: WOW!! I can see why this won and your very first entry! No pressure now...haha. NIcely crafted. I think that Hazel was a guardian angel. Maybe to protect and support people who feel hopeless. I can't wait to read your next submission. ..oh..Welcome to Reedsy!


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Amanda Lieser
20:46 Jun 21, 2023

Hi Anne! Welcome, welcome! And what an amazing story to start your journey out on I loved the way that you alluded to the tragedy and pain of your protagonist. In the beginning, it was very clear that this story had an ending in mind, but I honestly had thought that it could be because she had been struggling with a terminal illness or knew something that was going to kill her outside of her own control. I hadn’t put together are some of the bigger things that you were trying to accomplish with this piece until a little bit into the story, b...


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Hammy S
15:16 Jun 19, 2023

I only skimmed this but it is amazing! Is there any place in particular you got the inspiration for it from?


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Jacob Warren
15:28 Jun 16, 2023

Beautiful story.


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22:20 Jun 14, 2023

Why does it make you cry? I came back to it several days later to see if it still had the same effect. I discovered new layers to the story that I had overlooked, the voice was even more potent. It was like a song that brought you back to the days of your youth to stand there again and feel it as if for the first time. This was created by what she didn't say. She created this by allowing us to feel the anguish in Ana's mind, not by concrete facts but by the grim resolution of her soul to end itself. How she accomplished this was very ...


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Emma D
21:06 Jun 11, 2023

Wow! This is an incredible story. It is clear that it was very well thought out. Well done!


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Coco Nut
16:18 Jun 10, 2023

Oh my god. This is amazing. I recently wrote a piece similar in a way to this, about someone who tries to end their life, fails but then learns that her best friend stayed with her the entire way. I wrote it because of ways I've been feeling and the fact I needed to reflect over how my best friend makes me feel so happy, even in the worst of times. This is why they're similar. I think yours is much better, of course, but I wanted to point out that we all feel this way sometimes, even if its mild, and there is always someone waiting, knowing ...


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Kilroy _
14:42 Jun 10, 2023

That was an amazing first story! Congrats on the win, you deserved it :D I really like how you explained the cards, especially the ‘wheel of Fortune’. Hazel was an amazing addition to the story as well, she adds the perfect amount of mystery and magic to the story (Miss Trelawney would be proud of her). Congrats on the win, you deserved it, and have a nice day.


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