
Often times l look at the sky. I feel the rhythm of the beating heart. At the moments the sky pours down its glory whitening salt from heaven l feel the joy from the couple's heart. Have you wondered why we have most of our kids born in winter?

The flame of the taste of this season yields incomparable results of the glittering feelings being shared under the blanket. The sunset is got: The cities are free of many busy minds in a busy world labouring day in and day out!

As brighten the trees and ground are covered up with the whitening snow drizzling, the more the empty the cities become.

An African Nigerian young lady who came out from the continent without the blanketing of snow, l could feel the unbelievable difference of the glory of the earth with its own uniqueness in nature towards humanity.

The whitening blanketing snow gives me the actual feeling of the real world of nature that can't be changed or amended.

Seasons come and go!

The morning!

The evening!

Night! They entirely show us the difference between the coexistence of life and nature.

Feeling shared under the big covering blanket snow is as good as the sound of the early morning birds singing on a regular basis.

We embrace nature as it gives us the opportunity to witness, feel, and touch the ornaments of the good and bad of all that sounded us that we can't be escaped or explain the reason why we need them.

We are programmed to dance to the tune of them as we live.

From the beginning of this season, we feel the happiness of the cities but loves the big blankets indoors warm enough to make us feel loved. 

Early to bed, early to rise!

looking through the window, the ground is filled with the whitening snow salt. I think my blanket is more important than the outside!

I can feel the warmer time applied to my own personal experience.

I think of the world most beautiful moment. I found out that every moment is outstanding with its role to play both to the poor, the rich, the average, the young and the old. 

We often get the result of what we aspired for, and in some cases what we hope for doesn't come as the desired. 

We try to maintain the equivalent results of every moment, and seasons. But to the real flow of nature, it doesn't come that way. 

      Have you ever wondered of why some species of birds migrate to the next level during this season? Have you ever sat with your cup of hot tea on your warm blanket indoors to ask yourself why nature has two faces? We rejoice to have witnessed the big outpouring of the whitening snow while some inhabitants often try to escape its harshness to their community. 

We are all prays to nature whether of good or outrageous. What we can withstand and survive with is what might be an assassin to another. 

The glory of nature is of two faces. Whichever one nature offers to every at every season in all aspect. That is your source of lyrics to your own risks!

I said to myself as an African Nigerian soul. I am going to pack this snow with a big bag down to my country. I am going to use it build an everlasting castle but then l realize l was just daydreaming and thinking like a child who is still breastfeeding. 

If everything connected to nature is achieved easily just as l thought about the snow, every living being would be as rich as wasting snow that falls and belt away from the earth surface. 

      I don't wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, humans and the birds. I only know that the feelings we all have on things are quite different. As gentle as the beg and kisses of the snow, the harshness to some inhabitants makes everything about the living creatures unpredictable. 

I go to bed cover up myself whenever l see the White House, tree, and parked cars.

I love snow for the same reason that I adore the natural flow of the joy it brings during this season every family feels something different within them. It brings people together while this period of time never standstill because it comes and vanishes. 

Couples embrace meandered their bed and children slogged sleep and hunted snowballs. We don't deem to be in a rush to experience anything other than the glory of the day, with each other, whenever and however it happened. We believe that nature possesses a good and bad side. 

For many of us, who grew up as an African child. We know how our childhood was on the planet without the snow days were the best moments are been expressed by kids. You love spending hours building snowmen, even when the hand's blocks and as well sledging, and making snow angels. For an African child, it wasn't so. I grew up and still would remember l only played with sand which l used to cook food and built Castle as a child then. As an adult, it's much easier to instead get annoyed with the chores of the environment you grew in. The beautiful part of it all is that. We all have a good time and bad times from it all.

     Everywhere is covered in a thick blanket of white, statutes written with hands on the parked cars. The footsteps and paw prints crisscrossed each other around the street paths. Aside from the whitening of the trees, the only other effect was the vivid dried leaves and the stained around the base of each city. 

The branches of the trees hang low with the weight of the snow, they are like my grandmother's hanged ancient jewellery. When she returns from the greengrocers, shops with many fruits and vegetable squash with groundnut. Her ancient jewellery is still hanged there under the brilliant whitening painted wall contrasting perfectly in that " The raining season wonderland" of the African symbol. She will need the rain shoes today, as much as you will need the snowshoes in your continent. While the membrane looks as solid as any forest floor she would sink right up her legs into the flooded front yard of the home to create a way for the flood to flow away. 

The sky is clear now, a perfect uninterrupted blue after the rainfall. It's odd to think that the grass is still down there, surviving as best it can until the water dries off. In the meantime, the entombed in the compacted and icy layers lower down. After the snow, the top layer is a perfect powder, our coldest season doesn't get any better than this.

We all have our own lives being lived with different illusions about life and nature.  

January 04, 2020 15:48

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Zilla Babbitt
22:33 Jan 15, 2020

I love how this is like a poem in story form... How there are so many little sentences that are pure silver and how even though it's really hard to make a meaningful story out of hundreds of beautiful poetic lines, you've done it spectacularly. One thing that could be made better, to make it a little more like a character-driven story, is have a more obvious plot and main character-- I like how you incorporate this Nigerian (woman? maybe?) and then the snow. But the character isn't really defined-- which can be a good thing, but sometimes a...


23:57 Jan 15, 2020

I feel blessed reading this great words you dropped for me. Thank you so much for seeing greatness in my first attempt work. I am a young upcoming great writer in mature who just believe that one day my creative mind shall path massive easy for me. I have a relentless mind not to give up on my talent. I shall write greater than this. And shall conjure an amazing captivating sense of attraction to readers. I am grateful.


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