Crime Fiction Suspense

Any attempt by Chester to conceal his feelings were betrayed by the turbulence of his laughter.

“Listen, mister, I ain’t kidding about this. I need five hundred bucks and you’re gonna give it to me.”

Chester took a monogrammed handkerchief from his inside coat pocket and wiped the tears from his eyes. The moment the stranger had been shown into the library, he knew what was coming. It was a scenario he’d grown to enjoy in his own perverse way.

“I have no doubt about the sincerity of your attempt to get money out of me. You’re not the first, and I daresay you won’t be the last. The sad part for you is that you’ve misjudged your mark. Scandal doesn’t frighten me, so I’m not going to solve whatever your monetary issue is by paying you some pathetically small amount of blackmail.”

“So, you don’t care if your high society friends find out that your nephew isn’t on a cruise? That he’s laid up in a private hospital thanks to another drug overdose?”

“You have a good grasp of the situation. Kevin’s notoriety will neither be hindered nor enhanced by this less-than-shocking revelation. My guess is that the tabloids won’t even pay for this. Kevin’s bad boy behavior is old news.”

Chester pressed a button on the floor underneath his desk with his perfectly polished wing tip shoe. Within seconds, the library door swung open. A man in a neatly tailored suit filled the opening. “Yes, Mr. Stuyvesant?”

“Alexander, show the gentleman out.”

The petty blackmailer left with Alexander’s hand firmly wrapped around his arm. The threats he hurled back at Chester caused not one moment of fear. Chester leaned back in his leather chair and picked up his brandy snifter. How many attempts to extort money from him had there been since he assumed custody of his brother’s only child? He didn’t care anymore than he cared about Kevin. The private plane crash that killed his brother and sister-in-law left him as guardian since he was the only living relative. If Kevin hadn’t been delayed, he would have been on the plane, too. Chester refused to let that trick of fate upend his life, or his plans.

Kevin was kept at boarding schools with no more than an occasional weekend or holiday with him. It wasn’t long before Kevin fell into drugs, pregnancy threats, and DUI’s. All details and disbursement to settle troublesome incidents were left to the faithful family retainer. Chester knew that the fake story about the cruise had been concocted by the lawyer, but frankly, Chester didn’t care if the truth came out.

His lawyer once pointed out, “You know, Kevin’s behavior is probably a cry for attention. Losing parents at such an early age is certain to have impacted his conduct.

“I’m not going to throw money away on therapists. That psychobabble is nothing but drivel. The boy needs to simply grow up.” What Chester didn’t share was his hope that Kevin never grew up. If Kevin’s passion for opioids proved his downfall, all the better. Kevin’s trust would come to him, and then he’d have the entire Stuyvesant fortune as his own.

A quiet knock on the library door jarred Chester from his ruminations. “Come in, Alexander.”

The hulking man moved silently into the room. “I should have known better than to let him in. I’m sorry.”

“Think nothing of it. Frankly, I’m sorry he gave up so easily. I do enjoy it when they put up a fight. As long as you’re here, I think it’s time we end this once and for all.”


“Kevin can’t be counted on to end his life on his own. I want you to find out what hospital he’s in, and figure out a way for another accident to happen. It’s time I get what’s coming to me.”

Chester set his snifter down and waited for a response. Alexander simply stared at him. The silence puzzled Chester. He was used to quick, affirmative responses to his orders. Alexander had never failed to be a faithful fixer who handled many “delicate” issues for him.

“I’m sorry, sir,” he finally responded in a hushed tone. “I won’t do it. He’s a boy of 17 and I’m not going to do it.”

Chester’s sigh filled the room. “I can’t believe you’re going soft on me. This is most disappointing. Very well. In that case, use your connections to find someone to do it. I don’t care how just so long as it’s done.”

There was no typical curt nod of acceptance, but instead, Alexander began moving towards Chester. As he approached, he reached into his jacket and pulled gloves from an inside pocket. Alexander came closer, pulling them on with a surgeon's precision. He sidestepped the enormous desk, towering above Chester.

“You’re right, Mr. Stuyvesant. It is time to end this once and for all.”

Chester pushed his chair back from the desk and stood. His eyes roamed the desktop for anything he could use to defend himself, but there was nothing. Running was out of the question. Too little exercise and too many meals in fine restaurants saw to that.

“Wait, Alexander. I’m sorry. Forget I said anything…” He backed away, but Alexander followed with an unhurried certainty.

The distance between them was closing. “That’s the problem, sir. I can’t forget. I made certain he missed that plane, and I should have protected him more.”

“You! You saved him? Why? You were supposed to eliminate the whole family!”

“Your brother and his wife were no better than you. I had hoped having responsibility for Kevin might change you, but I was wrong.”

“Don’t be a fool! You’ll never get away with this!”

The pounding in Chester’s ears almost drowned out the quiet words Alexander spoke. “I came home from errands and found you in the library. The fingerprints from our caller will be a nice distraction for the police. And don’t worry. I’ll find Kevin and make certain he’s alright from now on. Inheriting your estate will help with that. Your attorney and I can work something out. It’s time the kid got a break.” His hands wrapped around Chester’s throat and squeezed.

 Reflexes kicked in as Chester struggled for air. Before the blackness enveloped him, his last thoughts were not for mercy or forgiveness, but simply the observation of how green the lawn looked through the French doors. 

March 07, 2023 21:58

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Nona Yobis
02:32 Mar 18, 2023

Great job at painting the scene, I could really get into the details of this one!


Robert Dyer
19:14 Mar 18, 2023

Thanks you! I appreciate it.


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Denise LaPare
20:00 Mar 17, 2023

Loved it. :)


Robert Dyer
19:14 Mar 18, 2023

Thanks for the compliment!


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