A Twisted Game of Fox & Rabbit

Submitted into Contest #252 in response to: Start your story with a character being followed. ... view prompt


Horror Fantasy Suspense

It happened again, but this time I didn’t wake up, I couldn’t wake up. My breathing was quick as the cold air brushed against my hot clammy skin. I was running through the tall slim trees in the blackest of nights, but this time I didn’t want to be caught. I wasn’t in a dream, and this was no fun little game. I was awake and aware of the terrible reality I was in. There were no words to describe how terrified I was as my captors chased after me. Their evil laughter was suffocating as the forest ground cut into my bare feet. I wanted nothing more than to get out, but the trees appeared to go on forever as my thoughts raced and my heart pounded. That’s when I heard the first kill.

Her screams were painful and laced with whatever fear she had left before it just stopped. The eerie silence was back, but my breathing had become more and more erratic. A sob shook throughout my body, hot tears burning against my numb cheeks, but not for the new and sudden death, but for my own life, I was not ready to die at the hands of this beast. 

“Run rabbit, run rabbit, run run run” a melodic voice sang, the peach fuzz raising at the nape of my neck. He was getting closer.

“No!” another woman cried as thrashing and giggling could be heard from the left side of my hearing. That was the second to die, but then there were more… and it wouldn’t stop. 

One by one the lives of every other girl ripped from beneath their bed sheets in the midst of the night ended within seconds. I wanted so desperately to cover my ears, close my eyes, and rock my body back and forth into a deep slumber, but I couldn’t do that while I was on my feet running from the creatures of the night. I needed to outrun them, I needed to beat their twisted game of Fox and Rabbit.

Beyond the forest trees was a bright glowing light, it was a small village that appeared to be deserted at the hour. In that moment it was the most beautiful sight in the whole wide world. I hopped into the fluffy green grass, enjoying the natural dew tickle between my aching toes. I hollard and waved my hands to anybody who could be out at this time of night. I cried out in victory as I laughed at the recent events that took place, but then I felt my body being pulled back from the town's border. A brawny arm wrapped around my thin waist as a cold hand covered my mouth in a tight manner. 

All the fear I once had came rushing back to me, but as much as I struggled away from his hold and used all my power to peel his fingers from my squished cheeks, he was too strong.

“Looks like we’ve got ourselves a winner,” the man said playfully, his tone revealing how unaffected he was from my attempt to escape.

“And a pretty one too” another man approached with his thumb in his mouth. I gasped when the light of the moon shone down on his face, dry blood smeared across his cheek as he cleaned the remaining liquid from his fingers.

“Stop being a pig, you know who she belongs to” the man from before growled.

“But she smells so good can’t we just have a little fun?” he begged, but his hunger ended with a quick snap. I jumped startled as he fell forward with his neck twisted and broken. His death was the most terrifying of them all, it was not out of fun, but of power and authority.

“Tsk tsk, should have listened to him, Aless” a cold and collected voice spoke up. My eyes landed upon the silver buttons on his embroidered vest, I couldn’t muster up the courage to meet eye contact so I let my body hang loose instead as the tall man stepped towards my cowering body. I felt my captor remove himself from me quicker than I could react, I looked over my shoulder turning my cheek for a quick glimpse to see him kneeling down upon the damp grass.

The stranger lifted my chin with his long bony finger as my eyes snapped forward startled by the sudden touch. Chills ran through my body as his talons lightly pierced my fragile skin, “I knew it would be you” he whispered as I met his blood red eyes.

I swallowed the lump that kept me from speaking, “W-what?” I croaked as the stranger tilted his head slightly, a long strand of platinum hair fell from behind his ear to rest upon his honed cheek.

“Do you remember a young girl by the name of… Sophie, perhaps?” he asked as he circled around my short figure.

I thought back to many years before when I was only a small child. My eyes lowered to the ground trying to think with everything that warped around my brain, when it suddenly hit. Eight year-old Sophie Bridges was Calloway’s youngest princess, she disappeared one night and was never seen again. And because I was her friend, my parents had to pay the price.

 “What have you done to her?!” I cried out remembering the tragic event that took place. My rage could have been infinite if it wasn’t for the fear that took over once again.

“Don’t blame me, little rabbit, if it wasn’t for her big mouth then I wouldn’t have feasted upon her” he replied with a mocking smirk as he stepped in front of me. 

“Tell me… what was the last thing she told you before she disappeared?” He asked, staring into my tear filled eyes.

I averted my vision from his sharp gaze, my thoughts jumbled until he caressed my chubby cheeks into his large hands. I hesitated before returning eye contact and swallowing down the developing saliva, “That a young prince would sweep me off my feet and take me away to be wed” I replied softly while a single tear escaped my tired eyes. She was so adamant that I was going to find my prince one day, no matter what I believed.

More people just like the stranger revealed themselves from behind the trees. Their skin milk-white with bloodied chins as they wore bright smiles and released throaty growls while circling around us like predators ready to pounce on their prey. They abruptly stopped to kneel against the open ground, bowing their heads respectfully. It was the effect royalty had on others.  

The realization hit me like a brick in the head, “You’re the prince!” I gasped.

“A king actually” he corrected as he scanned over my face. His pupils dilated within seconds as he took his purple lips between his pearl white teeth, “a much much older one in fact” he chuckled. Within seconds he was closer than I wanted him, the tip of his nose tickled my neck. He inhaled deeply, in an almost exaggerated way, like breathing wasn’t in his daily routine of life. He was mocking us, “you’re so intoxicating, my queen” he growled before I felt an overwhelming pain consuming my body starting from my untouched neck. I gasped, startled and shocked, his once pearl white teeth were now tainted red from the blood within my pumping veins. But he didn’t stop, not yet at least, because he needed me. I was born to be his Queen.

May 25, 2024 12:08

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