
In a far away town at the City of Feline, there is a family who lives in between the rural and the city. They live in a simple life. The father of the family, named Nonnie works as a carpenter at the city and the mother named Madeline is a housewife who stays at home to take care of their children. This family loves animals so much, that their house is like a sweet home zoo. They have a dog who became their guard, an aquarium full of fish, a piggery with little pigs, poultry with so much chicken that wakes them up everytime the sun arise, a goat who ate all the grasses on their ground, some ducks with a loud quacks, they love animals except for one. They don't like cats, they hate cats so much because cats in their area, living in their neighbourhood always steals their stores of food, it goes to the kitchen and scattered their plates looking for some food. One time there's this brown little cat who jump of their roof during dinner and without any doubt Nonnie the father splash a hot water to the cat for it to go away, or sometimes they throw stones and slippers for it to go away. Another day, this cat showed up again, at the front of their door, it feels so weak and so hungry, but the father just ignored it, he even kicked until it hit the ground. Nonnie went to his work room during the day, and work and work all day. To day he planned up on his projects to make a big barrel of water tank, but looking upon his materials he only have three lumbers left and deadline of the project is two days ahead, so he decided to go to the forest to get some woods and lumbers for the barrel tank. He packed up the things that will need, a big with chains, a flashlight incase and an axe to cut down trees. He climbed up the mountain, and passed a forest and said "This place is perfect! There is so much lumbers to cut!" he exclaimed. So he started to cut down trees imagining he can finish his work easily this time and thought of it as a treasure.

One time, when Nonnie was happily cutting the trees to get some woods, he heard something hiding over the shrubs. He just ignored it and started cutting the trees and picked up some twigs. "Raawr! Rawwr", he stopped and look for it again and said, "What was that? Hey! come out there", then a huge lion showed up, he shouted, "It's a LIONNN! but i am not afraid of you!" he exclaimed. He tried his best and did everything with his axe, he fought it hard and he was terrified and really anxious about the lion eagirly wants to devour him whole, he injured the lion on it's thigh then he run and run, but he hit his toe on the ground with a lying log and he fell down. He was very anxious because the lion is running over him to eat him up, but he can't escape he's foot was stucked and he fell down, but before the lion could go over him and eat him he throw his axe on it and it died. Sadly, it's already pass five in the afternoon but still he can't get out. He shouted for help, "Help! Help! Is any body here?". Then, a tiny little cat showed up, the one whom he throwed some hot water last dinner. Then the cat meowed at him, "Meow, meow", he told the cat to stay away or else he will kill the cat. "Leave you tiny cat, you can't do anything you were just making my situation worse, get out of my sight. You can't the anything and all you did is to meow and steal our food!" he exclaimed. The cat meowed once again, then he did not expect what the cat did next, the tiny little cat tried hard with his head to push the log away, with all it's best for tenth times he push and push but he did'nt make. The father staring upon the cat, surprisingly shocked of what the cat did, he also tried to push it, they teamed up and did their very best with all their strength, surprisingly, the father got out of that log, they teamed up and did their best then they succeed the man was saved by the tiny little cat.

The father thanked the cat so much for helping him to get out, in return the father went home happily with the cat. The cat followed him all through out his way home, his heart felt warm with the cat beside him, he named it Lion the cat because of its bravery. As they went home his wife was worried about him saying, "Darling, Are you okay? What took you so long?" he smiled and said "I am fine, thanks to this little cat". The cat showed up and meowed to them once again. He introduced it to his family, they welcomed the cat joyfully and fed it with so much food. They joined dinner together and told the heroic story of the cat named Lion. Their days with the cat were not bad, the cat loves the family so much they became more happy with the cat in their home sweet zoo. That cat became the favorite animal of the family. Everyday, they learned to love the cat, feed it and play with it. They learned not be bad or to judge animals by their looks, they may be small or they look bad, but like people we are different and in every side their is a good side. Like that cat, it may be bad at first because it stealed their foods, maybe the cat was so hungry that it needs food so much to live. Slowly, they learned to love the cat from within. 

The End.

May 15, 2020 14:32

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10:48 May 24, 2020

Nice story! Personally, I would break the paragraphs down into smaller ones so that it is more fluid and easier to read. Also, don't forget to be consistent with your tenses since it starts in the present tense but finishes in the past tense and I'm not sure if you intended to do that or not. Overall, I like the morale of the story! Nice work :)


Rie Selene
23:01 May 25, 2020

Thank you😊


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