Rory's obsession

Submitted into Contest #48 in response to: Write about a person who collects superhero comics.... view prompt

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Rory Winston was a thirteen year old girl who was a loner; Rory loved being alone with her comic books. She didn't mind that she had no friends. As long as she could imagine that she was her favorite comic character. Her favorite character was tear drop Tina. Tear drop Tina was a character that could cry so many tears she could make her own river. Rory wish that she could possess such a power; so that she could get back at her bullies at school. But for now she would stay in her room and pretend that she was tear drop Tina. Rory would get a glass of water and actually pour it down her face. She used Tina's favorite line. "River flow from my eyes". Rory always loved the feeling it gave her. Rory collected so many comic books her collection was at a thousand. Rory's second favorite character was pigtail Penny. Pigtail Penny had two pig tails that could make her fly. Her pigtail's would stick straight up and spin into flight action. Penny's favorite line was " spin away" Rory had so many characters that she loved to be. There was another character named Quando Jumper; this character was a male character ; Quando could jump two miles a jump. He could jump a long way. The list goes on and on. Rory had gotten tired from all the imagining. Rory yawned; she ran to the livinging room where her parents was watching TV. Rory's mom Kathey and her father Ben both looked at her. Kathey said hey you" Kathey gestured for Rory to sit next to her. Ben said while kissing Rory on the forehead " how is my little lamb?" Rory looked at her parents and smiled. Rory watched tv; before long Rory fell asleep. The next morning Rory awoke early; she had to go to school; Rory took a shower; she got dressed and went to go eat breakfast. Kathey asked" how's my little angel" Rory answered "hoping I have the best day at school" Kathey said "you will darling" Kathey comfort her daughter. Kathey packed Rory's lunch; Rory hurriedly ate her breakfast; so she could catch her bus. Rory's father had already left for work. Rory had missed him. Kathey kissed her daughter. Rory grabbed her backpack and lunch and hurriedly ran to wait for the school bus. The bus came; Rory hopped on knowing what was in store. Rory hesitated to walk to her seat. Carrie Lane and Roxy Jones sat In the seat behind Rory; Carrie leaned over and shoved Rory's head. Rory tried to ignore her bullies; Roxy leaned over and pulled Rory's hair. Rory tried her best to ignore the pain. Carrie and Roxy continued to pick with Rory calling her a coward. The other children laughed. No one told the bus driver. As the bus came to a stop; Rory got up to get off of the bus and that's when she took a fall. The kids all laughed Rory was so embarrassed; The bus driver came to her aid. Rory said " I'm fine" she dusted herself off; ignored Carrie and Roxy and the children's laughter. Rory was mad with revenge. Rory was upset all day. Her bullies didn't mess with her all day. The bell had rung to go home. Rory hurriedly ran to her stop to wait for the bus. That's when she heard her bullies behind her yelling "coward girl!" Rory was so mad she actually gained all the superpower of some of her comic book characters. Rory dropped everything. Rory decided to use the power of sun; the girl who could make fire come from her eyes. Rory looked at her bullies with fire as pupils in her eyes and spit balls of fire at them. The fire burned their feet.Carrie and Roxy screamed. The other kids was amazed. Carrie and Roxy held thier feet in agony. Rory wasn't done there; Rory closed her eyes and just like tiny z she thought about the harm she could put upon Carrie and Roxy. She pulled their hair the bullies yelled" owwwwe!" The kids stood back hoping none of them would be next. Roxy used one last power on her enemies. She ran to her enemies she found strength like big whiz she picked up her bullies and slammed them at the same time. The kids all gasped. Just then the principal and teachers ran to see what was happening. Rory took flight; froze everyone erased their memory like Erasure. Rory flew away. As she landed. She jumped the two miles like Quando. She unfroze everyone no one would remembered what she did. So her parents would never know; they wouldn't questioned how she got home. They wouldn't get a call from her school. Rory went in her backyard. Cried a river in her swimming pool.she was so happy about her day at school. She knew that no one would ever mess with her again. Rory got done with her swim; ate dinner and went to her room for more imagining. She loved the powers she could possess. Her imagination would become a reality. She imagined all the powers she held in her hand from her collection. Rory smiled and thought if anyone else wanna bully on her they would pay the price. Rory yawned she was tired;as Rory laid in her bed she drifted off and at that moment. Rory levitated in her sleep she soundly came back down ;she was Ruby Combo. Rory was so obessessed with her comic book collection; she dreamed about them all. The next morning Rory awoke happy and ready for school. Kathey wondered why Rory was so happy but she didn't question it. Once again missed her dad; she would see him when he got off work. Rory got on the bus; the kids got out of her way. Somehow they remembered what she did. Carrie and Roxy didn't even look at Rory; they were so afraid. Rory had a good day at school. The teachers all saw improvement in Rory's work and saw that she was a very happy little girl. After school; waited for her bus. Carrie and Roxy looked at Rory and that's when they thought her eyes glowed.

June 29, 2020 11:01

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1 comment

Rhonda Allen
23:18 Jul 09, 2020

Good story, just a suggestion, but you might want to use more pronouns instead of repeating Rory every time.


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