
“I want to be your favourite hello and your hardest goodbye”

That’s what Justin said to Emma when he asked her out for the first time in High school. Little did they know that they would actually have to say goodbye to each other someday.

Both of them were known to be the most cheesy couple of their high school. Everyone called them ‘Jemma’. They were so in love with each other from the tender age of fifteen . They meant the world to each other . Everyone in their grade wanted to have what they had with someone . Some might say that their classmates were jealous of them .Their love was said to be endless.

But time flies like an arrow. Soon High School came to an end , both Justin and Emma had high endeavours for their future. They had applied to universities all over the worlds. What they didn’t realise was that their dream colleges were in different continents . Emma wanted to go to ‘Oxford’ in the United Kingdom whereas  Justin wanted to go to ‘Harvard’ which was in the U.S.A.

When they received their acceptance letters , both of them had gotten into their first preferences . Even though they were delighted for each other in the back of their minds they were puzzled about what this meant for their relationship.

When they finally came to talk about it they realised that they thought differently about the situation . Emma thought that this would be the end of their love story and on the other side Justin just assumed that they would continue to see each other , pursue a long distance relationship.

Emma strongly disagreed and they got into a heated argument , which did not end well. The next day was the ‘Prom Night’. As expected ‘Jemma’ was declared the prom king and queen ,but they couldn’t even look each other in the eye. Later that night Justin cornered Emma and told her how much she meant to him . But Emma said to him ,“Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it’s better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.”

She said that it was impossible for them to be able stay in a relationship from miles apart .Justin did understand that they didn’t have a future together .So they decided to end their relationship. They kissed each other goodbye and went their separate ways.

After about ten years both Justin and Emma were successful , Justin was working for one of  the best law firm in The United States and Emma was a renowned journalist. They had not thought about each other in a long time now. The two of them were happy in their own lives .

One day there was a case done against Emma for plagiarizing material from a Publishing house. Emma approached the best law firm in the country . The next day she went over to the firm to look into some paperwork and get a lawyer assigned to her case.

Due to Emma’s special requests the firm decided to assign her the

Best lawyer they had.

To Emma’s surprise the lawyer was her high school sweetheart, Justin . The moment both of them saw each other they were astonished . There was awkwardness floating in the room. There was pin drop silence for a while and then finally Justin said, “Oh Emma , Hi! long-time no see.” Emma greeted him with a soft hello. Both of them didn’t know how to respond to the situation. Finally Emma came to explaining the parameters of her case to Justin .

Justin assured Emma that they would win the case. They decided to become friendly with each other and not let their past affect their future . They started working on the case. Every day they would work day and night in order to build a strong case , find all the loopholes in their opponent’s case . In this time both of them tried to avoid personal conversations .But one day Justin asked Emma to dinner with him . ‘It’s a date!’ she said but what she didn’t realise was that Justin had starting having feelings for her again. He thought of this like a second chance for them.

They met at a fancy restaurant for dinner. They were having a pleasant evening . No awkward conversation had come up about their past It is often said that where there is love there is pain.

 Then Justin asked Emma if she wanted to get back with him now that they were living in the same city . Emma was surprised , she didn’t think Justin would ask her that. When she said, “It’s a date .”she meant it in a friendly way. She said , “Justin I’m sorry but I am seeing someone else.” She felt extremely bad about not having mentioned it before and leading him on instead.

 Justin’s heart was shattered once again. However he tried to put on a brave face and said’ “Never mind!” . Emma felt bad for not mentioning it before.

Justin was very depressed after this. He had no idea how he was going to deal with this again. But he decided at the moment that he will move on after all it had been ten years since they were in a relationship. The next day he went to work as a changed man . He decided to not sulk about Emma anymore.

It had almost been a month now , Justin was dating one of his colleagues and the end of their case was coming close now. When the day of the final hearing came . Both Justin and Emma were very nervous . Emma was scared to death, her face had gone pale .In order to comfort to comfort Emma , Justin gave her hand a gentle squeeze and said , “ I once told you , I’ll never let you get hurt and I intend on keeping the promise.” This made Emma feel terrible about herself because Justin told her this when they were in high school and at that time she promised him that their love for each other will be endless forever . She had broken her part of the promise .

At that time she decided to focus on her case as her professional life depended on it. When the judge finally announced his verdict , it has in her favour . She was on cloud nine at that time . Even Justin was very overwhelmed. In the heat of the moment Emma gave Justin a kiss. This left Justin confused . Emma herself wasn’t sure how to react.

For a few minutes they stood in complete silence and starred at each other . Then Justin’s girlfriend came there to congratulate him and Emma quietly walked away .After this both of them didn’t see each other for almost a week. The case was over so there didn’t seem to be a reason for them to see each other.

Emma broke up with her boyfriend because she knew the reason she kissed Justin . She was still in love with him .She decided to go over to Justin’s apartment and tell him how she feels.

When she went over there she told Justin that she loves him and he stood there speechless. Hed didn’t know how to respond . Emma thought that he didn’t love her and said , “I understand , Justin.”She ewnt away.

Justin knew he should have said he loved her back because he did. Even he ended things with his girlfriend that night and went over to Emma’s office and kissed her. Both of them talked over things and thought of taking things slow this time .

After a few years ‘Jemma’ got married and lived happily . Well,Nicholas Sparks was right when he said, “ The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it.”

August 14, 2020 10:37

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06:41 Aug 20, 2020

This story jelled with the prompt and an easy read. Best Wishes.


Manya Seth
12:12 Aug 20, 2020

thank u !


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