
Dana and Charles Black was a young newlywed couple; who have been together for six months. Dana loved Charles very much; but Charles had one bad habit. He always kept Dana waiting when it came to going out to dinner. Basically; he kept her waiting every time they went any where. Tonight Dana was waiting for Charles to get off of work; they were going to a famous opera. Dana loved operas; her favorite opera singer was Madam twine. Dana always loved the high notes the opera singer sung. Dana looked at her watch. The time was 8:00. Charles was off an hour ago. Just as she was about to pick up the phone to call Charles; he rushed through the door. Charles immediately explained his reason for being late. Which was processing some important papers at work. Charles worked as a lawyer. Dana excused his tardiness; Charles kissed Dana on the cheek and hurried off to take a shower and get ready for the opera. It took Charles all of forty five minutes to shower and get dressed. Dana was already standing in the living room with her black pen stripped skirt and white ruffle blouse. Charles looked real nice; he sported a matching pen stripped suit with a tie. Dana and Charles like thier clothes to match when they went out. The opera started at ten. They had thirty minutes to spare. They had to stop and get some gas. The gas station was ten minutes away from the opera. Charles hurried to get the gas. It took Charles ten minutes inside the gas station. Dana was getting a little impatient. Charles finally came out to pump the gas. Charles hurriedly pumped the gas. Finally they were off to the opera.They finally got to the opera as it began. All the great opera singers were there. The singers gave their best performance. Dana and Charles enjoyed them selves. They stayed long enough to chat with some of the people they knew. After about thirty minutes of chit chatting Dana was getting kind of tired. Charles saw his wife getting tired. He cut his conversation short. He too was ready to go home and hit the sack. Dana and Charles took a shower together; afterwards Dana got ready for bed; Dana sat up to read a few pages of her booking she had been reading. Yet again she waited for Charles to join her. It took Charles all of fifteen more minutes. Finally Charles came to bed. Dana put her book away; Dana wanted some attention tonight and so did Charles. Dana and Charles made love. After an hour they both fell asleep. Dana had an appointment with her obestetrician. It took Dana twenty minutes to get dressed. She wanted Charles to drive so she had to wait on him. Today Dana had on Jean shorts and a tank top. Charles had on Jean shorts and a wife beater. Dana went to the car. She waited on Charles; it took him all of fifteen minutes to come out the house. Finally they were ready to go. Dana and Charles arrived for Dana's appointment five minutes early. It wasn't that long before Charles and Dana were called. Dana had an ultrasound. The doctor told Dana and Charles they were having a boy. They were so excited. After they left the doctor's office. Dana wanted to stop by Little World. Little World was your one stop newborn store. Everything thing that you could dream of for your baby was in that store. Dana Charles couldn't wait to be parents. Dana bought everything from bassinets to cribs. They would have everything delivered. It would take one week for delivering. One week had passed Dana was waiting for the delivery people to bring her baby's things. Charles promised he would be on time; yet again he was late. Dana hoped he would make it before the delivery people.just as the people were driving up; Charles drove up at the same time. Charles hurried and unlocked the door for the delivery people. Charles looked around for Dana he walked over and kissed his wife. They watched as their baby stuff came through that door. Charles showed them where to put everything. After the delivery people left. Dana and Charles thought about how they wanted to decorate the room. Dana got kind of hungry; Charles would go out for some Chinese. Dana would stay and watch TV. Dana was looking at her favorite show. After thirty minutes she looked out the window to see if Charles was coming. It took Charles all of forty five minutes. Again Dana grew impatient; she was getting very impatient. After about five minutes of watching more tv. Charles walked through the door. Dana blasted Charles for being late. Charles smiled; this time Charles did not hurry. He calmly walked over to Dana and gave her something. Dana was very angry. She looked down at what Charles handed her. Dana could not believe her eyes; what she was holding in her hand was a scratch off ticket for One million dollars. Dana mouth dropped. She for got she was hungry. She looked at Charles and hugged him and jumped for joy her hunger and anger both melted away. Finally Charles was late for a good reason. Dana hugged Charles. They both jumped for joy. They were so excited they did not sleep the whole night. The next day they went to the lottery office to cash in their big winner. They received a check for a hundred thousand dollars. The money couldn't have come at a better time. Dana thought about all the things they would have. Charles was so happy. Happy that this last time he was late would make his wife happy. Dana could not disclose her over excitement. Dana did the one thing she always wanted to do. She took opera lessons. Charles bought golfing equipment. He loved golf. Dana and Charles made love that night; after an hour. Just before they fell asleep. Dana looked in Charles eyes and said "the wait is really worth the wait".

July 04, 2020 02:47

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