

Lei Martin is a very popular child star in his time. When he was still young, he already developed a good social interaction with other people.

His parents were known as music idols. They were famous around the nation for their group band – The Classic. While his parents were into music, Lei is into drama. At his early stage in life, he was already recognized by some television directors and encouraged to enter showbiz. Well, he can also play musical instruments such as ukulele and accordion. Obviously, this talent is inherited from his dear parents.

A number of people admire his family. Some people close to them became their ultimate fan and follower. Aside from being called, “A Star”, Lei Martin also has the aura qualified to be a child artist. This kind of life is maybe his destiny, according to some of his parents’ friends. He was blessed to have these things in life.

He was televised in the work of entertainment at the age of six. He started to show as commercial model or an advertiser of kiddie stuffs. A lot of artists even loved his cute personality and performance. He was already used to live under the spotlights and on cameras.

His fans increase in number as time goes by. He never expected these people to change the way of his life so swiftly. His manager, Mr. Tim Marcus, became his companion throughout his journey. Lei treated him like his own father too.

Mr. Tim Marcus is a good friend of Lei’s Dad. His parents will not worry if ever they have to leave a place to perform their band concert because they trusted Mr. Tim to take care of Lei. Being recognized by his parents, Mr. Marcus only wanted to provide good service to the family knowing that Mr. and Mrs. Martin helped his parents finished his course in college. Hence, whenever there are new projects, he never missed to pick the best role for Lei.

Lei began to be starred in most endearing dramas. His roles changed from being a kind son of a rich family to a cool rockstar of a musical family. Well, most of the shows he performed were into music and arts theme. Aside from drama, he also played his acoustic guitar and piano to compose songs and record albums.

In his lucky journey, he met a beautiful actress being associated to him. She was named in showbiz as Jenny Lim. Since they were called into projects together, they never believed to accidentally develop a good relationship. There was one movie which became so popular worldwide as it became a major motion picture. There intense chemistry and attitude towards each other made their fans so in love with them. They are presently treated as in demand teen partners in showbiz.

“Lei Martin is a special person to me. We are in good terms. Actually, he is my best friend. Our feelings are so natural. We find ourselves clingy to each other even outside this four walls…” Jenny Lim said in an interview.

“I always feel I am in my real me whenever I am with her. She knows me better than some of my friends. Yes, we sometimes hang out each other in a travel because we both like traveling…” Lei Martin’s respond in another interview.

With all these speculations between the two, many people find it interesting and sweet. They also believed that the two will become real partners in the future.

A year later, the two were heard on hot issue in their respective social media accounts. Many times they were caught inseparable on camera. There were pictures where holding hands highlighted their stories. It was also known that Lei Martin introduced Jenny Lim to his parents after one of their concerts in Taiwan.

Finally, both stated on air that they were in official stage. The real score between them turned into a happy relationship, open to both families. For Lei, there is nothing more he wants to wish in life. God gave him so much blessings, some of these he did not even ask.

As a blessed individual, Lei decided to open a campaign, raising a fund for a charity. His girlfriend embraced him with this generous plan. Together, they raised a fund for their chosen orphanage – fighting for homeless children. Lei saw how pitiful those homeless children were as he happened to see many of them on the streets. For many years, the orphanage grew productively and a number of homeless children were taken care by good caregivers.

After twenty years in the industry, the public were so glad for Lei Martin’s success. His parents were more proud of his determination and perseverance at work. Jenny Lim, on her side, still at the top of her career.

Suddenly, cameras on entertainment shows were turning black for Lei’s eventful success. The people were on spreading rumors and issues about his sudden offsets in showbiz.

“I was been on the pit of darkness. A worst thing that washed out all my hopes and dreams. I was put into jail, but it was an injustice crime that was passed on me. It was a false accused against me that I honestly was not involved. I was accidentally present on the crime scene when the assault happened, and I was mistakenly pointed as one of the suspects.

“I lose in the court on the first hearing. The victim’s lawyer was so harsh in asking questions and provoking opinions towards me, knowing that he was once a member of my parent’s band who encountered conflict among them. So it happened! I have to endure the sentence for six to ten years imprisonment.” Lei’s first declaration on media interviewer.

Knowing about this personal revelation, many people gave their sympathy. They did not know his real story behind his outcast starring on television. Many of them still gave their support and motivation.

“My parents keep visiting me. They always want to see me and secure my safety. They became busier because of me. They never stop working on the necessary documents and reports to help me out from here.

I found a new life in prison. I have understood the difficult situation and feeling of an inmate. I even found friends around my co-inmates. They are good to me, then. Nobody ever knew that I am an actor, and I like it actually. I finally feel how is it like to be as an ordinary person.

I was able to witness their individual capabilities. I helped them develop their talents and skills. I inspired them to come out from their shells and exposed their shining forms. A number of them acceded to my plan of having a band and drama shows. We performed our rehearsed drama and acted like real artists. Everyone felt a great happiness, I could see in their smiles. It was a funny experience throughout each day, but our true objective is to prove that not all inmates were evils of the law. We are prisoner by name, not by heart.

On my first day, I really had a deep downfall. I even started to blame God for putting my life this way suddenly. But my experience here bring me back to appreciate life instead. There were things I learned from my experience here that I never found from my experience in the entertainment world. Life is really different for this two worlds…”

A lot of people were surprised on this life-revealing issue delivered on social media. Some of the reporters even shed a tear as they heard his story inside the jail. Many of them stoned questions that were thought piquing. Lei answered them with all his respect. There was one question that stood out for those who knew his love story. One reporter asked about Jenny Lim if ever she knew about all this life he now encounters.

“I have no idea if she knew about me being here. I never had communication with her since I was brought here. I miss her every day. At some time, I think about how she goes on with her life. Honestly, I don’t know if she’s fine or Are we really still fine? I guess she’s having a new life now with a new partner more deserve for her…”

“Do you really think my life went fine?” Jenny Lim arrived unexpectedly.

“I was brought by my parents to Australia. I studied Civil Engineering, following their real ambition for me. I stopped my career and left showbiz for this sake. I wanted to tell you for the plan I have in mind, but you were nowhere to find. Your number is always out of reached, I could not contact your parents too. So this is why! Now I know!

“I just left the country without saying a farewell to you. I really thought I would never see you again” Tears started to fall from her eyes.

“There was no goodbye because God knows I will be seeing you again. Lei, I’m sorry. I’m sorry to fail your comforts, I’m sorry to not know your suffering.”

“No, Jenny. Don’t be so sorry…” Staring closely at her eyes.

“I still love you, Jenny. Will you still accept me?” Lei asked.

“I have loved you for who you are, so I will always love you whoever you become.” Jenny responded.

This moment of their secluded story marked an inspiring theme to many people. They found pure love in appreciating life and romance between their lines. Under the court’s third hearing and legal proceeding, Lei was declared innocent. He was released from prison. He was free at last!

Lei Martin nailed a name. He was gradually back to showbiz as Mr. Tim Marcus guided him through. He did music and drama little by little. His fans grew in number again.

The former inmates who became so close to him missed his kind and humble being. One time, as the security officer turned on the newly arrived television, they were shocked and glad to see Lei acting on screen for real. They really could not believe that an actor was with them in prison a moment of their time. “When I get out from this bar and become rich, I will put a big television set here so that you can see me on stage.” Everybody recalled what Lei said to them.

“Lei Martin is a down to earth angel.” According to his best inmate friend, Julius.

“Among others, only to me he told his real identity. I truly admire his humble heart. I was even inspired by him to change once I get my own chance to be freed from here.” He added.

“When he told me about the symptoms of his illness, I started to worry for his health…”

“Wait, did you just say, illness?” Jenny Lim interrupted in her personal meeting with Julius.

One year later, another issue transmitted on social media about the story of Lei Martin. The people once again started to interpret many things. Until an issue came out, “The prisoner has gone, the patient has arrived.”

“Lei, please tell me what is happening.” Jenny began to cry.

“I lost my voice. I have Laryngitis. I can hardly sing. I am feeling ashamed that I can’t even respond words to you continuously…”

“You can fight this Lei, right? You are strong! You taught me to be strong! I am always here. I will never leave you.” And Jenny kissed him.

Lei’s condition started to worse the following days. The symptoms appearing from his time in jail continued to be alarming until it has gone critical. One moment, as he was trying to compose a new song, he suddenly noticed those frequent sore throat. He drank a lot of water and started to be fine again. After few hours, it slowly hurt once more. He knew that he was not hitting some of the right notes and began to hear an unpleasant sound. Jenny arrived, and Lei pointed out his medicine for her to get. But as Jenny faced him, Lei was already lying on the floor.

“Laryngitis occurs when your voice box or vocal cords become inflamed from overuse, irritation, or infection. He already had symptoms like weak voice and hoarseness, but his condition lasted more than three weeks and became chronic (long term). He also experienced an acid reflux which is the most common cause of chronic laryngitis…” The doctor explained.

 Lei’s parents wandered why he had laryngitis. They were a couple who used to sing in their entire life, but why should it happen to Lei. They were hoping it were just them than having this to their son. They were old to continue singing. “Lei should not suffer again.” They wished it were really just them.

Lei talked to his parents and convinced them to be hopeful for his recovery. He told them to not hope for the disease to themselves either blame one another. He told all of them,

“Even if I can’t sing again, I will keep on composing songs for the people who supported me throughout my journey. I may not be back to act in dramas anymore, still I am much grateful for the opportunity that was given to me. Being an actor is a great experience. You are giving happiness to people.

 What I learned most from everything is that, whatever role I will perform, still I am the star of my own life story. I am the beholder of my real future, and it is not dependent to who I am once the camera is on. I also believe that music never dies. I am happy that I marked inspiring songs to everyone’s heart, and although they may forget me soon, they will remember my music. That’s how Lei Martin strove for life! That’s how my story goes on.” He concluded.

The doctors monitored his health well. They guided him to undergo speech training to heal his larynx. His parents were more hopeful that he will be recovered soon. Jenny did not go back to Australia for her master’s. She will resume her studies once Lei will get better. As for Lei himself, he prayed for a miracle. A miracle that he will fully be healed and a miracle that will also inspire other people to never stop dreaming, to never stop hoping, and to never stop loving the life they have.

June 28, 2020 11:45

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Elle Clark
18:48 Jul 09, 2020

What a great story of success and overcoming difficulty!


07:32 Jul 10, 2020

Thank you! 😊


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Leonila Bulias
14:44 Jun 28, 2020

What an inspiring story!


07:33 Jul 10, 2020



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