
The streets of London were bustling with life. Rich folks walked around with a fashionable air and others scurried around to get to work. While this common sight often caused many to grumble and complain, a young girl's face could be seen through the window of Windham's Orphanage and Seminary for Abandoned Girls, enjoying every moment of the spectacular view of the streets of London.

This girl was Serena Rosier, who was about sixteen years of age. Those who had the time to notice would see that she had beautiful hazel colored locks and two different colored eyes. One was nearly black and the other was a striking emerald green. Her beauty would have been more pronounced had she not been raised in the orphanage.

Staring through the window had been a daily pass time for Serena ever since she came to the orphanage. She constantly neglected her chores as she did not want to be what they were training her as- a maid. When Serena was younger she furiously believed that she was the child of a wealthy family and that her parents were out there, looking for her. As she grew older, she slowly let go of the belief, but continued to neglect her duties.

Serena had no memory of her parents. She knew their names, Adalene and Corentin Rosier, but that was all. She asked the director many many times, so much that the director's office was off limits to her unless there was an emergency, to tell her about her parents. Unfortunately, Serena got the same response every time, that the city did not have any records of them.

Serena was instead, raised by a poor Frenchwoman, Marie Martin.  Marie had died when Serena was a toddler, leaving her to be raised in the orphanage. Occasionally, Serena still thought of Marie. Her voice echoing through the halls of the orphanage, calling Serena.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a sudden knock on the door. She jumped up, grabbed a duster and began to dust the already clean shelves. She could not be caught daydreaming and skipping her chores by the wardens who patrolled the orphanage. She would be instantly reported to the director and severely punished.

"Come in," she attempted to keep her voice as calm as possible as she let the visitor in.

The door opened, revealing Fred, the Director's errand boy.

"Oh, it's just you," Serena was relieved. The thought of what would happen if she was caught had given her quite a fright.

"Who did you think I was," without stopping to let her answer he continued, "The director wants you to pay a visit to her office." He looked at her suspiciously, "what did you do?"

Serena wanted to answer, "nothing," but wasn't too sure herself. Did the Director somehow find out about her little secret? She decided to shrug.

"Well you better be careful. The last girl who got into trouble was..." He left his statement unfinished.

"Was what," She prompted.

"No idea, I just never seen her since."

As Fred left, Serena slowly began to make her way to the director's office. After three flights of stairs and five turns, Serena stepped outside of the Director's office.

"You may enter, " a sharp and stern voice sounded within the office.

Serena entered and was greeted by an old woman with elastic gray hair. Her piercing blue eyes bore into Serena intently. Beside her was a younger man dressed expensively.

"This is Mister Atkinson, a lawyer," The director said.

Serena curtsied to both as she wondered what a lawyer had to do with her punishment. Her mind soon became filled with possibilities as she waited for the Director and Mister Atkinson to speak.

“Are you the Rosier girl?" he questioned.

“Yes sir. My name is Serena Rosier."

"How long have you been in this orphanage?"

"Nearly twelve years, sir."

"Who were you with before?"

"I lived with a woman named Marie Martin as far as I can remember."

Mister Atkinson looked up at the director, "This is the right girl."

He saw the confusion on Serena's face and stated, "You have been left an inheritance from Mister Philippe Toussaint.

"You are to come to his estate a week from today, Friday. I will send a friend of mine to take you.

"And before I forget, " he handed Serena a jeweled chest, "I was instructed by Mister Toussaint to give this to you before he died.

"Good day," he tipped his hat and left.

"Madan Director, would you please enlighten me on this," Serena asked.

The Director looked at her for a second and exhaled deeply, "I do not think I am best for explaining this to you," she paused, "However Mister Atkinson said that a lot will be clear when you open the box."


Dearest Serena,

As Mister Atkinson has already informed you, I have left you all my wealth. However there is one condition. You must forgive me. Forgive me and all my belongings (besides the house and estate as I can not deprive you of the house of your ancestors) will be yours.               


Philippe C. Toussaint

Throughout the week Serena pondered about these mysterious words. She tried to decipher the message, but it could not be done, not when she had many questions unanswered.

What relation did she have to Philippe Toussaint? If he was her relative why did he not claim her as his own and take her away from the orphanage? How did the lawyer know about Marie? And the most important question, forgive Mister Toussaint for what?

These questions constantly circled through her mind, causing her to drift away from reality a lot more often. As last Friday arrived and Serena was taken aboard on a carriage to take her to Marseille, France. She was accompanied by Monsieur Cartier Lavigne and his wife Annalise.

"It's so nice to be back in London," said Annalise, wistfully.

"You are not from France," asked Serena.

"No, I am not. I only moved recently after my husband got a new job. He on the other hand is a full - blooded Frenchman."

A few moments of silence passed between them.

"I was wondering about my relation to Mister Toussaint. Mister Atkinson’s description of him was very brief so I was wondering if you could please...."

"Oh, Monsieur Toussaint is your great uncle, on your mother's side."

"M- my mother's side?"

"Yes, your mother's side."

Serena desperately wanted to ask the couple of her mother. Her whole life she had been deprived of learning more about her. Now they seem to be talking as they knew her or at least heard of her.

She was unable to as Monsieur Lavigne took the opportunity to ask her a question. "On what condition are you getting the inheritance?"

"Oh, Mister Atkinson gave me a small chest, there was a letter inside from Mister Toussaint. Hear I'll read it." Serena quickly grabbed the letter and read it to the Lavignes.

"I see. Do you have any idea of what he is asking you to forgive him for," Monsieur Lavigne asked.

"Not even the slightest inkling, but I am hoping to find out when we reach Mister Toussaint's home."


The journey soon came to an end. Serena woke up from her sleep and saw a magnificent mansion, ten times the size of the orphanage building. There were acres of land behind the mansion. The whole estate was breathtaking. 

Serna rubbed her eyes. I am still sleeping, that is the only explanation for this, she thought. The mirage did not fade away as she, Monsieur Lavigne and his wife walked towards that mansion.

Mister Atkinson was standing outside. He quickly greeted them in his odd, brief manner. Standing besides him were a group of people all with the same pitch black hair. Serena assumed that they were all related. 

Her suspicions were proved to be correct as Mister Atkinson said, “These are the Martins. They will be serving you just as they served Mister Toussaint.”

Serena thought for a moment. The family's faces seemed so familiar, yet she was sure she had never seen them before. Then it hit her. “Are you related to Marie Martin?” she asked. 

“Yes,” Colette Martin responded, “She was my sister. We were so sad to hear about her death. I know you were very close to her.”

“Yes, she was like a mother to me."

They continued to reminisce about Marie as Colette took her to her bedroom. Serena expected to be exhausted after the long journey to France, but she was far from it. She lay wide awake and stared at the extravagances around her. Her bed had intricate patterns carved in the head board. Beautiful paintings were hung all over the room. The room itself was three times larger than the orphanage dining hall, which Serena considered to be quite big. In short, it was nothing like the orphanage. If her mind was not fixated on Mister Toussaint’s mysterious message, she would have found the luxury around her a lot more awe inspiring.

Serena got up from her bed. She couldn’t stand the suspense any longer. She needed to investigate. As she walked out of her room, she had the odd feeling that someone was watching her.

Creak. Serena jumped up in fright and covered mouth to keep herself from screaming.

“Don’t be silly, it’s probably only the wind,” she said to reassure herself.

Serena heard the noise a few more times and decided to examine the corridor from which the sound was coming from.

Serena was not paying attention to where she was going and crashed into another girl. Both girls clasped their hands against their mouths to ensure no scream could escape. After a few moments of uneasiness, both girls recognized each other. The girl was Ellen Martin, Colette’s daughter.

“What are you doing here?” Serena asked not unkindly.

“I-I am so sorry Miss, please forgive me Miss. I’ll -I’ll never do it again.” Ellen stammered and attempted to forcefully excuse herself.

“No, don't leave. You can help me. You obviously know this house a lot better than I do.”

“What do you need help with, Miss?”

“I want to find out why Mister Toussaint wanted to give me his wealth and what he needs me to forgive him for….Oh I’m so sorry. You probably do not know about that?”

“On the contrary, I know a lot about the Master’s will and decision, Miss.”

“But, how?”

“Mother told me to clean the Master’s office. After a few minutes the Master and Mister Atkinson came inside. I quickly hid under a desk and waited for them to leave. They did not stay for long, but I heard every single word of their conversation...I just always happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

“I think we should search the Master’s office, Miss. That is where all his important items are located.”

“Thank you, oh and one more thing.”

“Anything, Miss.”

“Please do not call me “Miss.” Call me Serena.

“Yes Mi- I mean Serena.”

The two girls entered Mister Toussaint’s lavish office. The exquisite tables and desks were covered in mountains of paper. The girls began to search. 


Days became weeks and weeks became one month as they looked through Mister Toussaint’s papers. They were not able to find anything of significance, until…

“I found something!” Ellen shouted to Serena from the back of the room. Serena rushed to Ellen and examined the old letters she found. They looked as though they had been crumpled into a ball and straightened again.


You have the honor of silencing our greatest enemies - the Rosiers. You will join Monet, Blanchet, and Garnier tomorrow night and lead to your niece’s house. DO NOT SPARE ANYONE. You know the consequences if you do not follow my orders.


“The Rosiers...He told him to kill my parents!”

“Were not sure yet...There’s another letter. Perhaps it will explain everything,” Ellen reassured.

Job done. All is well.


The brief message was addressed and stamped but never sent.

“He did it, he killed my parents...And now I am living in the filthy murderer’s house!”

“This is probably what he asked you to forgive him for,” Ellen silently added.

“I will never forgive him! How can when he is the reason my parents are dead!” Serena’s face turned bright red with rage.

“You should visit Mister Atkinson...Perhaps he knows more about this.”


“I see you you have figured out what Mister Toussaint asked you to forgive him for.” Mister Atkinson said.

Serena opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by Mister Atkinson who put up his hand to stop her. 

“You need to hear Mister Toussaint’s story before you begin to judge him. I was instructed to tell you after you solve part of the mystery yourself...Now you need to hear the rest of the story.

“When Mister Toussaint was young, he ran away from home and joined Les Diamants, The Diamonds. This was a group of gangsters. They were called The Diamonds because of their power and strength. They were known for their infamous acts all around France. Murder, thieving, kidnapping, you name it, they did them all. They would instantly murder those who opposed them.

“After a while, Mister Toussaint came to his senses. He was finally able to differentiate between right and wrong and then decided to come back home. He led a happy life for three years. He got married and had one son whom they named Lionel. Mister Toussaint also remained in close contact with Adalene, his last relative.

“Unfortunately, after three years, The Diamonds were able to track his whereabouts and find him. Moulin, the leader of the gang, agreed to forgive him under one condition, that he helps in killing the Rosiers. Otherwise, they would kill his wife and son. 

“Now I’m sure you are wondering why The Diamonds wanted to kill your parents. Your father had a friend who was killed by them. He tried to take the case to court. Normally, The Diamonds did not take people who threatened to expose them seriously. They simply tortured them and stole their belongings. This time however, your father had proof. The Diamonds realized that they were in trouble and thought of the only solution- to kill your father. 

“Moulin sent Mister Toussaint and a few other members of the gang, Monet, Blanchet, Garnier to kill your parents. Mister Toussaint was not the one who killed your parents. He only led the others to your parents’ house.

“I am not sure of details for this part as none of the witnesses are alive, but we can conclude that your mother quickly thrusted you into the arms of Marie and told her to take you as far away as possible from The Diamonds. Marie and your mother were close friends when she still lived in the Toussaint estate, so when she moved out Marie decided to come with her. 

“After the Rosiers were murdered, Mister Toussaint nearly killed himself with regret and sorrow. The only thing that kept him alive were his wife and son. A year after your parents were killed, Mister Toussaint’s wife and son perished in an accident. Their carriage was hit with the incredible force of a train.

“Mister Toussaint lost the will to live after that. His family was gone and the guilt that had begun to plague him had completely engulfed him. He slowly began to deteriorate, but was able to live for sixteen more years. 

“Two years after his wife and son’s death he learned about your existence. He assumed that you were killed along with your parents, after all he wasn’t the one who killed them. He would have adopted you, but he felt that he was not worthy of taking care of your needs. He instead decided to leave all his wealth to you.”

With that Mister Atkinson finished his story and looked expectantly at Serena.

Serena looked away from Mister Atkinson and stared out the window. She spoke silently, not addressing anyone in particular. “Mister Toussaint is the reason my parents are dead. The reason why I am an orphan.” She paused for some time, “but I can not continue to resent him, not when I know how much he sacrificed…” 

She exhaled deeply and looked up at the stars, “I forgive you Mister Toussaint, I forgive you.”

December 18, 2020 23:21

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Maddy Faggioli
22:19 Dec 23, 2020

I love the period drama, you did a good job of explaining aspects of the era. If you're looking for tips, then I would recommend pacing yourself and explaining your own character emotions more thoroughly, it went by quickly. However, it was done very nicely.


J. Olen
02:25 Dec 24, 2020

Thank you! I'm so glad you like it. Also, thanks for the feedback, I'll try to implement it on my next story. Yeah, I had others read it and they also said that it was a bit fast paced. It was probably because I was rushing to get it done.


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