Submitted into Contest #58 in response to: Write a story about someone feeling powerless.... view prompt


Drama Mystery Romance


Fresh winter snow has been present in many great events, easily neglected and looked over or more literally walked over no one knows the tales told by fresh winter snow.

Evan was walking on the fresh winter snow the soon to be ex news reporter didn't predict, his tattered shirt was filled with holes and his skin was tinged blue from frostbite.

He deserved the punishment and more, he had failed at his interview. His former boss had been a vixen, her seductive ways at work and a clear vision on him had made him quit but she was mad.

The rich had all the power and a lowly clerk didn't, she had made life a living hell making his family forcedly evicted and he had been beaten by thugs on his way back from another interview.

His last daughter had been diagnosed with terminal illness, her beautiful singing voice that lights up every room was gone. She was bundled in blankets with a cold compress to stop her spiking temperature to no vain.

Every movement made her moan in pain, the only joy was her eyes. Bright green caused by a rare genetic condition were alive with pain and suffering, she had lost her will to live and resigned to a young death.

"Ms. Quinton sends a message, join her or watch your family die".


A stranger stepped out, there were the only two standing in the snow and the stranger wasn't afraid. Lots of days as a lowly wallflower clerk had earned him a minimum Psychology degree.

The slouched back and confident smirk barely visible actually reveals an easy experience, his feet positioned in a flight mode means he hadn't done this enough and is faking most of the confidence.

The odd angle of his arm and grimace of pain means an old injury and most likely from this line of profession.

"You moved to a new neighborhood, she has eyes on you at all times".

"Is she really that into me?"

"You ask me".

The smile means one thing, Evan noticed the man was gay and flustered by the close distance. He could play his cards right and take him hostage or at most torture him to get blackmail material on Ms. Quinton.

"You know I am not surprised, I am very handsome but she's not my type if you catch my drift".

"You have a wife and two kids".

"To be honest, the kids aren't mine. I am not interested in her like that, I like the other team if you get".

Evan walked closer, he will know the exact moment when the guy would crack. He took several steps before cupping his face, staring into grey eyes that were scared.

His hands settled on the waist of the guy, he was leaning closer wishing he wouldn't have to kiss him. It would be disgusting, the man cracked with hands roaming Evan's back with gusto.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Three gunshots rang out in the clear night, the fresh winter snow balked in shock and surprise. The detectives who would show up would comb the scene forgetting the smidge of powdered snow on the jacket.

Fresh snow saw the messenger fall, Evan's eyes widen at witnessing a murder coming to a quicker conclusion than the snow.

He had witnessed a murder, he is next!!!

"Screw you Quinton".

Fresh snow was stepped on to their dismay as Evan ran, they noticed the lack of steel pellets landing on their powder but Evan didn't. His human mind working in the background noise of approaching footsteps and trigger cracks.

"All this for me, I am nothing special and she's at least three years older than me.

This is too much trouble for an average looking clerk".

His feet kicked up a furry of snow, a lucky smidge of snow fluttered on his snow and squealed seeing what everyone except Evan himself saw.

He is handsome.

A tanned complexion with no speck of blemish, his full lashes framed beautiful and bright blue eyes that shone in the tangle of bedraggled blonde hair.

His lips were plump and wet from tongue licking, a bad decision tattoo of a butterfly stretched over great hereditary cheekbones.

Ms. Quinton was doing this and a lot more for him for an obvious reason. The pale pink paint of his renovated apartment was clear from a distance, he set to a fast run towards his house and entered.

The house was more cold than outside with all the air conditioners racking up bills turned on to stabilize Lena's condition. His wife was weary with bad news, her eyes brightening at him walking but noticing his slouched shoulders and erratic eyes.

"What Happened?"

"I didn't get the job".

"Is that all?" She refused to believe the hag had left him unscathed on such an opportunity.

"No, she sent someone as a brief warning".


"He was shot at my feet literally".

"OMG, we should involve the police".

Evan hadn't told her about the fraudulent police force, she had blood in the Law and didn't consider the obvious dark veil hovering over it.

"It isn't an option, we need to do something".

"Jake has a cold, he needs medicine and Lena needs surgery ASAP".


"It's bad and you can't keep trying to shoulder everything, I feel useless".

Evan turned, she didn't know how useless he felt, he felt useless. The man of the house helpless, she didn't know he cried more than her.

In the Bathroom. In the Living Room. In the Bed. On the Road. Everywhere he was useless, his bitter emotions formed heat to melt the last snowflake on his face and we lost connection.

Fresh winter snow can't tell full tales but they keep a listening ear and are nearly coaxed to sleep caused by a blinding sun, they weren't fresh and their curiosity full.

The hours spent inside made Evan age a little, the snows rejoiced. Their tendrils reaching towards him to know what had happened inside, they wrapped around him melting into his memories.

His Wife, Katherine had given up hope. She was willing to let go of her husband for her children, love can't conquer everything.

She had hugged them, with the money Quinton was offering. She was offering more than hope, she was handing over a NEW LIFE.

Her goodbye had been teary and filled with passion, snot and tears mixed in a kiss and Evan didn't complain.

An entire small town with hopes and dreams ruled indirectly under the perfumed fist of his employer, he cursed his best friend Joe who had gotten him the job insisting it paid better.

Joe had been a pawn like him, a scout for young blood driven insane by an Obsession for Me. Quinton.

Evan had stared into those eyes for the last time, he remembered killing Joe and didn't regret it.

Driving a blade through his shoulder blade and strangling him, he had gone through the crime scene with a mop cleaning up every evidence and he shouldn't have bothered.

The death of Joe had been brushed aside as an inconvenience, a suggestion hinted by Ms. Quinton to the Chief of Police.

Evan thought of the perks of being a new toy for her, his daughter Lena would once again experience joy. Her throat would no longer ache under pain and her clear tunes would brighten up everywhere.

Jack of course with his head stuck in a cloud like he was permanently high on dope was going to be great, his artistic fingers and attitude would go further than Evan.

If Ms. Quinton kept her promise, a cash deposit would be made in an offshore account and his family would be provided visas for a better life in a better place.. an hour after his arrival.

She lived ironically in Sinner's Haven at the penthouse suite and he had made a call to her. She was expecting him and had called him, he was walking in a T-shirt that accented his muscles.

"Ms. Quinton is expecting you".

The hotel was marvelous, it was beautiful and exotic... Evan couldn't describe his delight at actually entering a place of this caliber.

Ms. Quinton stood in the penthouse suite clad in lacy red lingerie and her hips flared like a supermodel, her long blonde hair had been cut close to her shoulders and permed framing her heart shaped face more.

Her eyes were rimmed with black eyeliner and drops of glitter on her full lashes, her lips a blazing mad red.

"I Love You".

"So do I".

Evan brushed off the specks of drying winter snow but a single snowflake stubbornly clung to his lips. He took a step towards her and he bent, the cool on his lips made him endearing as he used his teeth to pick her lacy bra.

"You have obviously been PURSUING THE BOY TOY".

September 07, 2020 11:03

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