Drama Coming of Age Fantasy

A story of a child's fear in the remnants of a town drowned.

In a town that died, in a building that passed, and in a room that's lost, a child of 12 black suns lays reading stories of tales old. The book is an account of the Heroes of the Scared Tree and their Jihad against the oppressors of the Original City and the battles and the people that were saved from enslavement for both mundane services and other extreme services. Not only the victory and losses, but the internal jihad the hero's faced and the struggles and obstacles that they overcame. 

Reading such stories bring the child of the doomed Egylves civilization hope, so she waits for hero's to come and bring her to safety of the last cities but as day wanes, she peeks out and looks up above and then seemly down below, the night comes as stories have been read; stars are seen up in the sky shining down and the girl and the trees and the animals feel the warmth of the eternal shining. The wars of East seem to be dying down either due victory or due to defeat but either way the sky is free to allow stars, moons, and the suns to shine down to the world below. Feeling warm and love flowing throughout her body, she returns to the room to sleep.

Looking around the room, the child examines her belongings that make her long for the past. Toys from west and the east scatter throughout the room and books of every size and culture lay about and on shelves proudly displayed. Pictures of her family stand on the nightstand; her mother, a Egylves library, smiles as she holds both the smiling child and her smiling father and her older smiling sister. Seeing the plentiful smiles brings a smile to the girl that radiates the entire room but the smile turns sour but sweet and the moments that come of been play in her mind: the day at the beach of the coast of Nile, exploring the the expanse of the black forest, and looking up in the dusk sky as dragons migrate from the south to the north during the times of winter. The yearning for times that could have been and would have been magically decay as those longing moments come to her, and then the moments are replaced by fear and anxiety and the notion that moments like those will be gone. She leaves the room of hope and misery and goes to sleep, a place of joy and serenity. 


In the distance beyond the world of beings, remnants of love finally push through the barrier between worlds and give their love a dream of night that only they can give. 

In a place of fog, a scene is set with two women in a kitchen- they are hugging. She sees she is in love with the women that confronts her as the world seems to end; the embrace of two beings with heartsoul connected brings her crashing down to the floor with her lover in tow and they laugh and cry and smile at each other; her lovers smile takes her and smother her in warmth. Suddenly two children, a boy and a girl, run in and jump and hug the two mothers-the room is filled with light. Looking at the children's faces, the woman who was a child in a dead town sees in their smiles and tears the love and admiration they have for her parents and sisters and her heart beams. This moment feels like a far off home of love and comfort that can and should have.


The sun dazzles and lights up the room, but the child groans at the peaceful God. The dream of night has filled her with warmth and love ripples throughout her. Days of love and warmth with a family make her smile and then suddenly an urge is felt in her chest to leave the town and find this far off home; her smile disappears and fear holds her and talks to her and the town becomes a prison with bars made up of her family's body parts. She begins to cry and hyperventilating; she tries to push it down further and further down. But images of her family of the moments before and the moments that could have been are seen in her mind. She leaves her room and runs from all the pain. 

To the very edge of the town resides a bookery. It stands tall and imposing, so she never went in or walked near it but now at this moment she wants to. As she opens the door and enters, she fidgets wildly as a tree in the center of a hurricane; a silent scream pierces the clouds above and the dragons afar. The world is still in that moment and she hears her heart beat faster and faster and her breathing becomes a horrible beating drum. She pushes her way through into the unknown.

Walking through the library, it appears used yet new as books old lay on the ground and books new lay on shelves shiny as ever; her heart is beating as if she was in a dream and her breathing felt different. She feels different than any days or months before this moment and this moment feels alleviating and free; the moments of her family are dulled and the library becomes a place of peace for her. She decides to walk it all and embrace this feeling.


Night has come and she leaves the library but the child comes to the edge of the town. Moments of days gone and days that could have been run wild in her mind and her heart beats and her breath screams. She remains still as she begins to cry at the edge but something in all that pain appears to be comforting her and giving her love. She decides to jump out of the door into the edge and suddenly she sees nothing; the world is calm and the trees sing and the world sleeps. Her  heart and breathing returns to a dreamy tap. The comforting child sits at the edge of the town looking to and beyond the outskirts of the town; the town is between a forest that appears to pass infinitely in both directions and a mountain that appears to touch the stars. She sits there thinking while being hugged. 


In a place that's bright and special, the child looks to a family unfamiliar sitting before her; they are smiling and she is smiling, and they are talking but nothing is heard but the warmth that is felt from the room makes the room even brighter as if the stars were shining in the room. She remains in that room for what seems eternity bathing in love and happiness.


Waking to the sun above, the girl sees the clouds above and the trees dancing as the mountain sings. She stares into the abyss, the dark thing that the forest has always possessed. The moments that existed and could have been come to her and they hurt her, piercing her and making her skin cry. She decides to let it all come, to not push it down and give it more power to exert more suffering. It bleeds out of her and she remembers the day of death and sorrow but all that’s left is her and her family's love. She breathes in and out, calming herself for the next hour.

At midday with the sun high in the sky, the child steps into the dark forest.

August 31, 2024 02:28

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Ana M
07:38 Sep 05, 2024

The story vividly describes everything that happens. Well done.


Eric Vrydagh
20:19 Sep 18, 2024

Thank you!


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Alexis Araneta
04:39 Sep 04, 2024

Hi, Kim ! First of all, thanks for the follow and the like on my story. You have a gift for description, and it shows here. It's as if I were plunged into the world. Splendid job !


Eric Vrydagh
20:19 Sep 18, 2024

Hi! Thank you for your kind words!


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