Submitted to: Contest #101

Milton Magee Needs A Plan

Written in response to: "Write a story in which the same line recurs three times."


On an ordinary day; on an ordinary street; in an ordinary state; was an ordinary town with nothing out of the ordinary going on in it.

There lived an ordinary man named Milton Magee.

Milton Magee had an average build with; an average weight and height. His features were non-descript. The clothing and shoes he wore were plain and non-trendy.

He owned a used, plain, dull blue Toyota Sentry which he drove everyday to his simple job as a toll booth attendant on I-76 North.

Milton Magee was an only child to parents that had him late in life and had passed away 10 years ago. Milton Magee was not married, didn't have any friends (close or otherwise), didn't have a hobby, didn't smoke or drink, and owned no pets. Nothing stood out about him to anyone who saw him in passing.

The apartment he lived in was ordinary. His furnishings were ordinary. He shopped for ordinary items he needed from the store. He watched ordinary shows on t.v. He didn't know how to dance, play a musical instrument, or speak a foreign language.

No one would ever say things about him like outgoing, (though he was polite and mannerable when addressed) vibrant, flashy, loud, sporty, life of the party, (he was rarely invited to those anyway and never went when an invitation was extended to him), or just a cool guy.

No Milton Magee was just...well...ordinary.

Milton Magee's life held no surprises. His daily morning routine was simple and orderly.

7:00 a.m. An alarm sounded

Milton Magee hit the snooze button for 5 extra minutes.

7:05 a.m. Milton Magee gets out of bed only half awake and still yawning....shuffles to the bathroom where he pees, flushes, washes his hands, removes his pajamas, gets in the shower, washes his hair, washes himself, he then gets out of the shower towel dries his hair and himself, brushes and flosses his teeth, combs his hair, then exits the bathroom; towel wrapped around his waist at precisely 7:35 a.m.

7:35 a.m. Milton Magee heads to the kitchen where he turns on his coffee maker, peels and eats a banana, while he waited for the coffee to begin brewing. Then he fries three strips of turkey bacon, scrambles two eggs, toasts and butters two slices of bread, pours the freshly brewed joe in a mug adding milk and sugar. Lastly he grabs a bottled water from the fridge to go with his breakfast.

After he eats he cleans up all dishes used; disposes of any garbage; and wipes the counter and sink clean.

8:00 a.m. Milton Magee heads back to the bathroom to brush and floss his teeth again and splash on some cologne.

8:05 a.m. Finds Milton Magee taking his Navy blue short sleeve shirt (it's summertime now in the winter he brings out the long sleeves and packs away the short sleeves) and tan khakis out of his closet. He takes Navy blue socks from his sock drawer puts them on and finishes getting dressed.

8:10 a.m. Dressed now including his belt Milton Magee checks himself out in the mirror. Then he grabs his watch wallet phone keys and his work duffel bag.

8:15 a.m. After getting his lunch from the fridge (that he placed in a double insulated lunch bag the night before) he's out the door. He gives the door knob two twist to ensure it's securely locked.

8:20 a.m. Milton Magee pulls out of his parking lot and heads to work.

8:45 a.m. Milton Magee arrives at his assigned toll booth, parks, grabs his work duffel and lunch bags making his way inside his booth. He then fires up his P.C.

9:00 a.m. Milton Magee clocks in and settles and waits for the first car to come through his lane.

It happens this way Monday through Friday every week. (Milton Magee is off on Saturdays and Sundays) No surprises, no deviations, simple and just....well....ordinary.

On Wednesday, however, after Milton Magee completed his morning routine and waits for the first car to come through his lane; he noticed a new add on a billboard that sat on the opposite toll booths side.

It said in bold lettering.


Then take a walk on the wildside with 8th Wall. The worlds largest and best virtual reality company. Our company is reknown for creating style, pizzaz, zing, fun, excitement. We bring to the world some of the most amazing incredible experiences that make life worth living. Do you want to ski on the French Alps, scuba dive in Tahiti, do the walk about in Australia, hunt seals in Alaska, bunji jump, parasail, sky, dive, visit Madagascar?... well 8th Wall brings you face to face with your imagination combined with cutting edge technology and immerses you in a feeling that is out of the ordinary and all from the comfort of your living room sofa.

The message on the headliner ran a repeat loop...'Don't be ordinary be EXTRAORDINARY!'

After Milton Magee saw that billboard add he began to feel something he could not quite explain; something he couldn't put his finger on.

He felt different, off, not like himself, odd, weird, strange. He looks around him hoping for a clue as to what is happening; what is making him feel this way. He is somewhat annoyed, and a bit scared; because the way he is feeling is out of the ordinary for him.

Milton Magee closes his eyes inhales a deep breath and exhales slowly. He does this continuously while counting to ten. He had to calm his nerves before traffic picked up. He opened his eyes to see four cars fast approaching his lane. Good, he thought, time to get busy.

Traffic distracted him for awhile....but the feeling persisted....not only did it persist it grew and got stronger. His pulse raced. His face flushed. His palms sweated. His mind demanded an answer he did not have to give.

The feeling continued as the day went on and in between the steady flow and lulls in traffic Milton Magee determined his present state was not good. He could not last too much longer like this. He knew if he wanted to stop the feeling once and for all; he had work to do. He must investigate and get down to the bottom of the dilemma he found himself in.

Yes, he told himself, he would find out the cause of why he felt the strange feeling he was feeling and then come up with a plan to stop it.

Milton Magee wanted his life be just as it had always been. Simple, orderly, no frills, no drama, no surprises, plain, and...just...well ordinary.

Posted Jul 04, 2021

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22 likes 9 comments

Eliza Entwistle
03:42 Jul 12, 2021

This is a well-written story! It reminds me a bit of the movie Stranger than Fiction, if you've seen it


Andrea Magee
08:35 Jul 12, 2021

Thank You! No I've never seen that now I'll go try and find it and watch it....thanks. I write poetry as well. Do you post your poems anywhere online?


Eliza Entwistle
16:41 Jul 12, 2021

No, but I've been looking into it. Do you have any suggestions for platforms?


Andrea Magee
07:45 Jul 13, 2021

No I was hoping you
Perhaps we should suggest a poetry section to the Reedsy blog.I did check out the movie Stranger than Fiction with Will Ferrell and Maggie Glynnhal.....haven't watched it yet just read the overview and watched a trailer....Milton indeed was like the main


Eliza Entwistle
15:39 Jul 13, 2021

Lol we should and it's funny about that connection


Shannon McCumber
13:19 Jul 05, 2021

I really enjoyed reading this story, it's very charming. well done! (:


Andrea Magee
13:33 Jul 05, 2021

Thanks Shannon. I appreciate your nice comment.😊


Jj Gomez
05:37 Jul 04, 2021

This had a relaxing nature documentary vibe to it. Well done


Andrea Magee
07:13 Jul 04, 2021

Thank you...glad you enjoyed it.


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