Coming of Age

Authors Note: Hey guys! I hope you'll enjoy this story. It's honestly kind of messy and unorganized, giving I wrote it in like 2 hours, but yea! I just got diagnosed with covid, so life sucks but enough of the sob story. So, without further-ado:

He gave me flowers.

Purple orchids, to be specific.

They were my favorite.

They reminded me of my mother, who died a year ago.

Purple orchids represented admiration.

I had that for him.

Did he have admiration for me?

If he did, I don't think he knew it.

Soon, those beautiful orchids will be torn up.

Ripped, thrown on the floor like a piece of trash.

Like him.

He should have gotten me white orchids.

White orchids represent regret and sincerity.

Did he regret?

I doubt it.

He enjoyed it too much to regret it further on.

Or maybe red orchids.

To at least trick me into thinking you loved me.

Red orchids represent romance, and passion.

Did he love me?

One side of me says, yes. Yes he did.

But the other side tells me that if he loved me, why did he do it?

Why did he make me feel disgusting, then?

Aren't our loved ones supposed to make us confident?

We were happy once.

We had met in Greece, I was on a business trip while he was there to his sheer amusement.

On our first date, he presented me with yellow orchids.

Yellow orchids represent friendship, and new beginnings.

Did he want to be friends? Was this a hint that he didn't love me?

I don't know.

It makes me wonder.

This whole situation, it's so confusing.

Was it me?

Was I asking for it?

Is it because of how I dress, or how I act?

When he proposed, he gave me blue orchids.

Blue orchids represent beauty and power.

He said I was the most beautiful flower he had ever seen.

Was he lying?


In March, the month of flowers, he took me to a field of flowers.

They were chrysanthemums.

They weren't orchids.

That's when I knew he had changed.

He didn't know me anymore.

When he knew I didn't like them, he never let me see them again.

When my mother had died, he gave me black orchids.

Fits the occasion, right?

Black orchids represent strength.

Was I strong?



Every month, he gave me a new color.

Every month he gave me reassurance.

To the point where now, I confide in flowers more than people.

Orchids, to be exact.

Red, Orange, Yellow, Pink, Blue, Green, Black, White.

The list goes on.

And every month, I kept one last flower petal, while the others died.

Just like our relationship.

Just like my heart.

My room, once happy and filled with flowers, now bare.

I used to keep the flowers on the wall.

I would tape them and label them.





Instead of a scrapbook, I used a wall.

Never had I thought it would be humiliating.

Before, I thought we would be together forever.

Now, whenever someone comes over, they know.

They give me eyes of pity, eyes of compassion.

What used to be a bright house, is now a dead shed.

What used to be a young, carefree girl is now replaced with a girl who is scared of even setting foot out of her house.

What happened to me?

Why am I letting him do this?

Why, Why, Why?

On January 1st, he gave me orange orchids.

Orange orchids represent pride and boldness.

He wouldn't be proud, now would he?

To see me, his "creation" like this.

Pathetic, miserable.

I ripped the flowers up.

The last of the petals.

Just like the last of our relationship.

I ripped it up.

And now, they are on the floor.

Colorless and dark.

They used to be pretty and bright.

Like us.

They used to be together.

Like us.

But now we are both broken.

Before he left, he gave me a green orchid.

It was a pretty rare flower.

He said I was rare.

Green orchids represent good health, and a long life.

I think that he said that as a goodbye.

And soon, I was pushed out.

I kept the flower.

The green orchid, to be exact.

I kept it in a glass bowl.

Just like in the Beauty and the Beast.

That works perfectly.

I'm the beauty, he's the beast.

In more ways than others.

Last month, I got a Zeuxine rolfiana in the mail.

The hardest flower in the world to find.

Was it from him?

Does he still think of me?

Am I still his flower?

Or was it a prank?

Was someone trying to fool me?

Try to test my feelings?

Maybe, maybe not.

He is probably living his best life.

Not even thinking about me, the girl he met in high-school.

The girl he went on endless journeys with, the girl he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

The girl he barely hesitated to leave without an explanation.

We were laying in the bathtub, one day.

I laid on him, resting my head on his shoulder.

I asked him, why?

Why orchids?

He kissed me gently that night.

And left me with a simple explanation.

"Because orchids mean love, and I love you."

He didn't love me then.

On Christmas, I celebrated alone.

Who would I celebrate with anyways?

A dead mother?

A cheating bastard who slightly still cares?

A forgotten father?

I received a bouquet full of orchids that night.

It was like Santa was on my doorstep.

Orchids of all colors.

Yet he chose pink.

Pink orchids represented feminism.

Did he believe in me?

Did he send me this to let me know I can do this?

That I'm a strong independent girl?

I don't know.

I don't know if it was even him who sent it.

I don't know if this might have been his girlfriend, or wife, or jealous hooker.

But it gave me some hope.

It gave me some, slightly unusual confidence.

It's messy, I know.

But it sparked something in me that caused me to smile.

It was the realization that I've moved on.

I've accepted it.

We weren't meant to be.

Yes, he did the wrong thing.

But why am I still living in the past?

Lady Bird Johnson once said, "Where flowers bloom so does hope."

What I learned, is that Ms. Johnson, was absolute right.

March 20, 2021 00:09

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D. Owen
12:52 Mar 24, 2021

Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Take care. I have been researching flowers and their meaning for my story too.


Nora Ouardi
17:24 Mar 24, 2021

Thank you! Bringing flowers and their meanings really inspired me for this story because this story is based on relationships, and every relationship has its ups and downs, hence the meanings.


D. Owen
19:21 Mar 24, 2021

If you are feeling well enough would you give my Talking Bouquets a read? It would be appreciated.


Nora Ouardi
20:22 Mar 24, 2021

Without a doubt, of course!


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Emmie A.
12:20 Mar 23, 2021

This. Is. So. Frickin’. Amazing.


Nora Ouardi
15:22 Mar 23, 2021

thank youuuuuuuuuuuuu


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Jay DMer
12:51 Mar 22, 2021

"I am a sagittarius, which makes up for my weird personality" ...Honestly:) (I'm a Sagittarius too.) Dec. 2nd👑


Nora Ouardi
13:29 Mar 22, 2021

ayee a fellow sag! I'm a november sagittarius, november 24th. so we can all agree that all sagittarius are weird? lol


Jay DMer
13:33 Mar 22, 2021

:) And of course! I'm weird for sure:p


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Amelia Bowen
16:45 Mar 20, 2021

This is beautiful:) I love the writing style you used, and how smoothly it flows with the repitition. I also loved the quote at the end. Great story!!


Nora Ouardi
17:51 Mar 20, 2021

Thank you so much!


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Kendi Karimi
07:29 May 05, 2021

Hope you are feeling better. 🤗 Even though you wrote the story in 2 hours, it doesn't feel like it. The color definitions was really well done, especially since you tied them to the characters and the ending was wonderful. Thank you for sharing this. ❤️


Nora Ouardi
13:08 May 05, 2021

Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it ;)


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Sam Ackman
18:42 Apr 06, 2021

This is a really good story! Very easy to read and incredibly relatable as we all question everything thoroughly in a break up. Hope you keep writing and feel better soon!


Nora Ouardi
21:15 Apr 06, 2021

Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it, Sam. ;)


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Hi Nora! I loved this story! This was really amazing, how you made everything flow together to make such a beautiful and creative story! I loved the definitions of each color and what they mean to the character as well! P.S- Take care, I hope you'll get better soon. P.P.S- I read ur bio and I'm also a Twilight fan myself!!! If u ever wanna talk, let me know!


Nora Ouardi
23:32 Apr 03, 2021

Thank you so much for your feedback! I'm estatic you liked it ;) Thank you for your concern, and YAY, A TWILIGHT FAN! Finally, I've found another one of my fellow twilighters. I'm always open to your request to talk by the way!


Of course! <33 Stay safe! Yess, twilighters forever! Whos ur fav character?


Nora Ouardi
23:53 Apr 03, 2021

Hmmm that's hard but I would have to say Alice just cause shes a sweetheart (she was kinda rude in some parts of the series but oh well.) What about you? (Also, are you team edward or jacob?


Yesss Alice!!! She's my fav as well! <33 I'm team Edward all the way! u? I kinda don't like Jacob, he was always so rude to the Cullens. but I gotta admit, he was a great friend to Bella.


Nora Ouardi
14:40 Apr 04, 2021

I am also team Edward!!!!! I feel the same way, he's so babyish and is always rude to the Cullens such as you stated.


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Beth Connor
16:31 Apr 02, 2021

This is beautiful and I love the format! Take it easy and feel better.


Nora Ouardi
18:44 Apr 02, 2021

Thank you so much, i'm so happy to hear you like it! I'm honored to know your feedback, especially since you are a great writer yourself!


Beth Connor
02:24 Apr 03, 2021

You are too humble- you are very talented yourself :-) On another note- this month of April is pretty crazy for me, and I probably won't post as many stories- but I still want to read. If you post a new one and think of it, send me a comment on one of my old stories, and Ill read you new ones! (Sometimes I just need a little nudge!)


Nora Ouardi
18:47 Apr 03, 2021

Thank you so much for your kindness and compliments! I will be checking your page from time to time (just in case) and I sure will comment and let you know when I post!


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Nora Ouardi
01:08 Apr 04, 2021

Just wrote a story on down-voting if you want to check it out!


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Niyyah R. Haqq
14:32 Apr 02, 2021

This was so lovely to read. I hope you are feeling much better <3


Nora Ouardi
18:44 Apr 02, 2021

Thank you! I'm glad to hear that ;)


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21:09 Mar 31, 2021

I really enjoyed your story. I hope you get well soon.


Nora Ouardi
22:03 Apr 01, 2021

Thank you for your response! And thank you for your wishes ;)


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20:47 Mar 31, 2021

So... I just realized you put your name as “Uraraka” in my Reedsy cast.... Um... are you sure you LITERALLY just want to be uraraka?


Nora Ouardi
21:28 Apr 01, 2021

why not lmao 😭😭


21:35 Apr 01, 2021

Okay.... lol


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Mou Sur
17:03 Mar 31, 2021

Hey Nora.Wish you a speedy recovery.Get well soon :) The story is simply awesome! Loved it. Keep writing.Best Wishes :)


Nora Ouardi
22:01 Apr 01, 2021

Thank you so much! I'm glad to hear you liked it, and I'm thankful for your wishes <3


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Ananya Voss
14:36 Mar 31, 2021

Loved this, how the simple layout reflects the directness of her feelings.


Nora Ouardi
15:12 Mar 31, 2021

Thank you so much Ananya!


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Bonnie Clarkson
20:35 Mar 30, 2021

Good story for 2 hours. I found it interesting both girl and boy knew the meaning of the flowers. Glad your sickness was not too rough. If you want to see a completely different take on the prompt, read my story The Winning Arrangement.


Nora Ouardi
21:39 Mar 30, 2021

Thank you for your response! I will definitely check out The Winning Arrangement.


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Atychi Phobia
19:06 Mar 29, 2021

Woah...I really like this story! The format of it makes it much easier for me to read if I'm being honest. I really like your style of writing! I'm sorry about COVID, hope you feel better soon :)


Nora Ouardi
22:03 Mar 29, 2021

I'm glad to hear you liked it! The tip about the format really helps me for the next time I write, so thank you for that ;) Also, thank you for your concern, I'm getting better over time!


Atychi Phobia
14:29 Mar 30, 2021

Yeah, no problem! Good to know, glad you're slowly healing :)


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Atychi Phobia
14:29 Mar 30, 2021

Yeah, no problem! Good to know, glad you're slowly healing :)


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💫 Sophia 💫
15:12 Mar 29, 2021

Hey, Nora. This story was so good! I loved how you incorperated the meaning of the flowers into the story. I am late to hearing about you covid diagnosis, but I hope you are feeling better. :) xoxo, Eleanor


Nora Ouardi
15:27 Mar 29, 2021

Thank you so much! I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed this story, it was one of my favorites to write. I am feeling better, but thank you for your concern!


💫 Sophia 💫
15:34 Mar 29, 2021



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Holly Fister
18:12 Mar 28, 2021

I really liked your structure, each sentence spaced out like a chain of thoughts as she mulled through her emotions and the reasons their relationship failed. Very cool!


Nora Ouardi
19:00 Mar 28, 2021

Thank you for your feedback, I'm glad you liked it!


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15:09 Mar 28, 2021

YOU GOT COVID? Oh no, I wish you the best of luck! I don’t know how outdated this comment is, but plz don’t get too sick! Now onto the story... Okay so what do you mean “messy?” This is actually one of my favorite stories here now. Like, you clearly took two hours to write it BUT that’s because you’re inspired. You focus on your emotions and harnessing them while you have the time. And that results in the messy explosion of a heart. And as the readers, we have to put it back together, which is really interesting to me!


Nora Ouardi
15:23 Mar 28, 2021

LMAO Ima keep replying to you on so many different stories, but yea I have COVID, my whole family does, but thank you for your concern! Thankfully I didn't get it too rough, it feels just like a flu. Awh thank you, I'm glad you like it, it was one of my favorite things to write ;)


15:28 Mar 28, 2021

I mean, that’s what everyone does with me. I have threads that get so thin on my phone that I can barely even read it. If you want, just reply to this one... if you see it first.


Nora Ouardi
15:39 Mar 28, 2021

oof i'm too late ;( Oh well, I enjoy talking to people


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Philip Clayberg
01:14 Mar 20, 2021

I'm also sorry that you got sick with COVID and I hope you get well soon. Thank you for writing this story. I'm not sure I could've written anything like it. (I don't think I'm brave enough.) Breakups aren't fun to experience (unless one is a masochist). You described the ups and downs of a relationship and then what happens after it falls apart. The doubts, the sadness, the anger, and -- as you said in the second-to-last line -- the hopes. Without hope, there is no future. No matter good nostalgia might feel sometimes, it isn't good...


Nora Ouardi
14:32 Mar 20, 2021

Thank you so much! I'm so happy that you liked it and understood it. Also, thank you for wishes for me. Don't worry about the edit suggestions , they actually really help me for the next time I read! I can't believe I wrote barley instead of barely, haha!


Philip Clayberg
15:01 Mar 20, 2021

You're very welcome. I did like it, though what it reminded me of my own life wasn't so wonderful (I've had two breakups with girlfriends; might not sound like much, but they were both rather emotional (especially the first one)). Which probably explains why I've tended to avoid letting any relationship that isn't just casual/friendly get intimate. I do have a female best friend, but we don't always get along (she's much more strong-minded than I am; personality-wise, she's like a male lion and I'm more like a shy fawn). Maybe it's a goo...


Nora Ouardi
15:10 Mar 20, 2021

I totally understand where you're coming from. Relationships are always difficult, healthy or not. Your friend sounds like an absolute sweetheart, reminds me of myself! I can relate to you, I had to move to another state, leaving my best friend. We still talk though! I actually miss-wrote barely, I mean barley is a wheat grain right? It wouldn't fit in the sentence. But you are correct, the keyboard and I aren't too great of friends, saying that I'm always misspelling things. I'm glad you enjoyed it, and thanks for stopping by!


Philip Clayberg
15:53 Mar 20, 2021

First: You accidentally clicked on the REPLY button twice. I'm answering the first message (that way you can delete the duplicate). The REPLY button bug apparently is still active (and unfixed). I'm not sure I'd call her "an absolute sweetheart" when we're having an argument. But when things are going well, I'm rarely as happy with anyone else or if I'm alone. Her daughter is similar-minded (but can also be very nice when she wants to be). Watching them argue with each other is almost like watching rutting rams butting heads. I belie...


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Ellie Yu
00:49 Mar 20, 2021

I'm so sorry to hear about your Covid diagnosis. That sounds really rough. Best wishes to you and a speedy recovery. You're an amazing writer and you seem like an amazing person too! Good luck getting through the hard times - there will always be light at the end of the tunnel <3


Nora Ouardi
14:36 Mar 20, 2021

Thank you so, so much!


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