TRASH or Miracle

Submitted into Contest #91 in response to: Set your story in a library, after hours.... view prompt


Friendship Inspirational Sad

Once upon a time there were four friends .The painter , paint , brush and paper. They always used to be together. They were happy because they completed each other's and as long as they were together results were always outstanding. Once painter decided to paint world's most unique and beautiful painting. And he was confident to do so because he was always successful in his work because of his friends. They four were partner in work of art who can achieve not matter how high the goal is. Painter told his friends about his plan and they all agreed happily. He started painting. Paper gave his best from ,brush have his best strokes and paint gave his best texture. Everything was going as planned. Painter painted for straight complete two days. He finished the painting at end of second day. Finally after all the hard work all of were going to rest and after that present their work to the people beyond their expectations. But when painter was standing up his hand slipped and he accidentally drew an unnecessary line . That line completely ruined the masterpiece. Painter became very sad and decided never to paint again. Paint blamed himself for the mishap . As a punish ment for his own mistake he decided to vapourise all the water content present in him and dry himself so that he can't be used for any other painting. Then brush tried to consol him and stop him for doing such stupidity. Then paint asked " don't you despise me for what I did to you guys ". Then brush said " why we should do so hm. I mean among all of us you contributed the most so don't regret what you didn't do because you did you best." But I was the one who ruined everything don't you regret pairing up with me and feel ashamed of me as your partner. 😇 No, not even little , you are best patner I could have had ; you are the one who made my worth so how can I feel so. But if all you guys used different paint then this wouldn't have happened. Then brush said no you are wrong because that line makes our painting simple and ordinary with pure skills. But what's the use of simple painting. It is useful because it will make someone other special. You know , what makes extraordinary paintings. WHAT. It's the one who are simple. Tell me if all painting are with any faults and flaws will they still be unique. No that way all will become same. And as hey will lose the main motto of expression of feelings. And on top of that if we are simple we all can be together for a long time because once we become extraordinarily famous we will be left alone and become lonely 😔. 

So you are saying that this wasn't my fault and there nothing wrong with this situation then why we are only ones left here three of us ? Why we four are not together as we were in past ? Tell me huh. Why he decided to quit painting ? 

Ofcourse I'm not saying that this situation is normal but it's not because of that line it's because we all are letting a mere line to affect us . That line we giving it unnecessary attention and importance . "But if I'm not to blame than whose fault is it?" asks paint. Then brush sighed and asked paper if he thinks everything happened was unfair to him. Then fair smiled and said no I don't think so because we all did what we ought to do I know it's unfortunate that painter decided to quit. But that doesn't mean any one of us is responsible for what happened. Instead we should be happy because after all these competitions are tiring and he is finally taking break. Why don't we consider it as relaxation because we all were so focused on winning that now we don't even know why we started all of these. We gave so much importance to destination that we forgot to enjoy the whole journey. Sometimes it's necessary to get injured while running coz only then we will realise the efforts others are putting and where we are lacking. After sometime this injury will become victory scar. And like that I'm sure painter will soon realise this. And when time comes this painting will become history and example for everyone. So don't blame yourself I'm sure painter will do the same , trust me he is not blaming you . It's just that he needs some time to think over things everything happened so suddenly that he didn't get time to digest everything. Brush and paper together tried to console the paint but he was getting more and more upset coz painter was no where to be found. After that paint wait for a long time but painter didn't return. Although everyone was trying their best but slowly losing hope and paint was the one who was hurt the most .and he decided to evaporate all water content present in him. And paper and brush were not able to stop him and as a result paint was completely dried. After a long time when everyone got separated painter went to the brush to apologise for leaving so suddenly. Then brush told everything to him and took him to paper. Paper refused to forgive him even he begged. Paper stated his reason that he should have come sooner it's no use of saying sorry now coz the one who wanted to hear it the most is not here anymore.

Sometimes we wait for right time to correct our mistakes but we forget that every minute is right for ding the right thing. We should apologise as soon as we realise our mistakes because if we wait for the right time it becomes too late to do anything.

What do you think whose fault was it ? Was paint wrong to think so or brush was only saying something spiritual that didn't have any meaning in real life?

April 25, 2021 06:25

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