Friendship Inspirational Speculative

" What is this brother" a young child asked his older brother, who was playing a video game that helped create the Moral Society that they live in now. The young child's older sister responded " Let me see." The young child walked to his sister who was wearing her new uniform that aids her in support and protection. These new uniforms were designed by the Medical Structure and it seemed to lower the pains people use to have. " Oh, that's a sled." she said, " What's a sled for?" the young child asked. The older brother piped in and began to tell a memory of the last time he went sledding.


" Alright this is the perfect Snow Day." James proclaimed, " the powder is thick enough for us to go down dead mans turn. " Yeah well can we sled or are you going to propose?" Sarah jokingly asked " I mean its either that or your drool will freeze and we won't be able to sled." she laughed and went down the hill on the very sled in the picture the young child was holding. " Hold on, wait for me" he screamed in annoyance, " Eat powder slowpoke." she screamed back laughing.

James started to weep and begged his little brother to put back the picture. He asked " Why, are you okay?" the older sister stepped in and gave James a hug comforting him. He had lost Sarah due to an incoming truck that was in a hurry to deliver merchandise that the stores ordered. " He never speaks about it just put it away." The young child put the picture back and returned to apologize like the Educational Cartoons taught him.

Weeks later after James passed his Humanity Exam their was a knock on the door. " I'll get it" James Senior said " can I help you?" he asked. He paused and was surprised by who was on the other side of the door. " Can I come in?" the Mysterious Young Woman asked excitedly. " Oh yes, come in, come in." James Senior stuttered n a way of confusion that set before his mind. " Honey 'm home the young woman said. James dropped the box he packed to move to the extra house built for his transition into adulthood. " Well I guess we have one more thing to do now." she said. James ran to her crying in her arms everyone joined in a group hug. " Oh Sarah I thought you were..."


The Medical Officer raced into action and carried Sarah to the Medical Structure in their new and improved Hover Ship. James was not allowed to go with her. " Oh no what have I done." James sobbed reasonably since he thought that his best friend had died because of his idea. " I will never sled again." he vowed

Ten years later snow was only in certain places and sledding was a thing of the past. All that was seen in America was Green Vegetation and Rocky Exoskeleton Houses that shifted the world into Essentialism and out of Capitalism. People began to send in collected seeds from their property as a way to pay their taxes. Every time it came time to plant new seeds the seeds were sent out and James was one of the people who became apart of the Lumber Farms. Now as an adult he had to face his fears and sled one more time with his fiancee Sarah, a girl he thought was dead.

" Are you ready I have a new sled that I designed when I was healing." Sarah proclaimed " Do you want to build it with me?" James asked her. They began to work on it and it was sturdy, light weight, and built for dry hills and water use. This made it safer to use since they wanted to take it with them on their final camping trip. It took weeks for them to work out all the bugs in the device and they were talking about old times. Laughing and playing they were getting closer then ever before. They watch their ceremonial videos which helped them create a strong and trusting bond.

When it came time for them to sled down the hill Sarah said " This time we go together." she climbed on the front seat held onto the arm guards, she placed her feet into the foot holders and then James sat next to her they sled down the hill picking up speed as they moved closer to the water. As they hit the water he remembered the first time he met his fiancee. They hugged each other and went back home to eat supper. They started building more Sleds like what he just used and earned their own home. Opening the Extra Space for his Younger Sister who would have to do the same Trials that every young woman would have to do before getting her own place. She plans on Colonizing Nirvana and creating her own Lumber Farm and business like her older brother James.

James and Sarah met when James was 13 he was nervous but knew she was special. She was a bright girl who loved to draw pictures and talk of amazing ideas. She was the perfect friend for James because he loved to make things out of wood. He learned that no idea was bad only the use of that idea which made it that way. He was always in the clouds until she came around and they were inseparable after that.

James Senior was proud of the man James turned into and was enthused when he head=rd he was going to be a grandfather. His son with the mind of his wife brought back a cherished and beloved sport. Now he carries on the Family name with James the Third. A family heartbroken by the loss of a cherished friend who seemed to resurrect at the perfect moment in James Juniors life. The age where he began his own journey in life. Remember life is not always perfect, but we have to keep going. We do not know what awaits us around the corner.

January 18, 2021 06:29

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